The Raven Matrix: what is it, and where does it apply?

This test was developed in the UK in the twentieth century to assess the intelligence of the subject. The ability to build logical connections and perceive graphic non-verbal signals was tested.

matrix is ​​equal
Since then, the test has been used as one of the most valid and reliable methods in psychoanalysis. In addition, it allows even a group examination and monitoring. Despite the fact that the technique is called the "Raven Matrix", another person took part in its creation - Pentrose. In total, three matrix options were created. The first, black and white, is the most commonly used. With its help, children from 5 to 11 years and people from 20 years are examined. The second option, color, is much simpler. It allows you to diagnose babies from 5 years old and people over 65. In addition, the test is useful for examining individuals with impaired verbal communication. The third type of matrix is designed to test highly intelligent personalities.

progressive matrix test equals

Despite significant differences, all tests are built according to one pattern, where geometric figures organized according to a certain principle are used as an incentive. Characteristically, the first two options, progressive Raven matrices in black and white and color, have only a non-verbal part. The third species also contains this part, which is not surprising.

The Raven Matrix: the principle of organization and construction

The test is built on the following principle: the subject is given pictures with geometric figures that are arranged in a specific order and are closely interdependent with each other. One element is always missing. The subject’s task is to find and choose from the 8 proposed options exactly the one that fits into an empty place. The quality of performance is affected by both accuracy of perception, inductive thinking and the degree of development of spatial thinking in a person , as well as other parameters. Among them are the ability to operate with images, concentration of attention, logical thinking and the level of development of mental operations in general. The color test to test the abilities of the elderly and children consists of 3 series of 12 matrices. As in the black and white version, the complexity of the tasks increases.

Matrixes for adults

The Raven progressive matrix test for adults includes 5 series. Each series has 12 matrices. Thus, the total number of matrices is 60, and their complexity increases from series to series, from matrix to matrix.

matrix test is equal
Even the name and methodology of "Raven's Progressive Matrices" indicate that some progress must be present in the test. Initially, it was thought that the person performs the first 5 matrices with the help of an observer, and then works on the task independently. Thus, each subsequent task, each new Raven matrix is ​​based on the experience that a person received while performing the previous task.

The principle of building series

A person, performing the task, must do the following: make an analysis of the structure of the sample, determine the type and nature of the connections between the objects, find the missing link or element and from the proposed options choose the most suitable. Despite all this, the series are built in different ways. For example, in the first series (series A), you need to find the relationship in the structure of the matrix itself. To do this, an analysis of the structure of the main image is carried out, it is differentiated and the same features are found in one of the matrix fragments proposed below.

progressive matrix technique is equal

In the second series (series B), it is necessary to find analogies and a connection between paired figures with excellent elements. The subject is required to determine the principle by which the figure is built, and to select the necessary element from those proposed below.

In the third series (series C), the figures progressively change not only horizontally, but also vertically. As the figures become more and more complicated from matrix to matrix, and new elements appear in them, the task of the person passing the test is to find the pattern of appearance of these elements.

When performing a test in series D, a person must discover the principle of rearrangement of figures within the matrix. Rearrangement occurs both horizontally and vertically.

Series E is the most difficult. Most subjects experience the biggest problems with it.

Calculation of results

The test can be performed as much as you like, but most often the time allotted is about 20 minutes. You can conduct both group and individual testing. In the first case, it is very important that all people finish and start the Raven test at the same time. The analysis is carried out as standard - in the table by series the results are entered, and 1 point is awarded for the correct answer. Then the percentage value of the level of intelligence is calculated.

95% and higher - high intelligence, 94-75% - higher than average intelligence, 74-25% - average level of intelligence, 24-5% - low mental abilities. If a person gains less than 5%, then it makes sense to talk about mental underdevelopment.

Is it possible to use the test for all people without exception?

The Raven matrix is ​​based on non-verbal signals, that is, it is not necessary to read and write to perform the test. Therefore, with its help you can test almost anyone. In practice, it turned out that the data obtained in the course of research in the UK and the relevant standards can be used in European countries. Meanwhile, their use for testing people who live in radically different conditions is impossible. The factor of the availability of education still affects the result. In addition, those who have already passed the “Raven Matrix” test will solve it better the second time.


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