Wexler Book T7205 e-book: features and reviews

E-books are a type of device that, like other mobile gadgets - smartphones, tablets, is becoming increasingly popular among Russian users.

Wexler Book T7205 Specifications

Among the most popular brands of manufacturers of “readers” in Russia is WEXLER. This company has released the e-book Wexler Book T7205, which is praised by many users and market experts. What are its features?

What is the WEXLER brand known for?

Before exploring the specifics of the marked device, it will be useful to consider some noteworthy facts about the brand-manufacturer of the electronic book. WEXLER is a Russian brand. It appeared on the market in 2008. The company is known as a developer of not only mobile solutions - the company has created a lineup of PCs, servers, has established partnerships with leading global manufacturers in the electronics market. WEXLER products are manufactured at factories located in the Moscow region and the countries of Southeast Asia.

The brand is one of the most famous on the Russian market. E-books are one of the leading products manufactured by the company. As managers of the company noted in an interview with the media, a competitive “reader” should not be limited to functionality adapted only for reading texts, but also include options that allow you to use the device as a multimedia tool. As many experts note, e-books produced by the Russian brand are among the most energy-efficient.

WEXLER is also known as a manufacturer of all-in-one PCs - brand managers consider this technology area to be the most promising. Now WEXLER is one of the most popular brands on the smartphone and tablet market. But now we are talking about a product from a Russian brand that belongs to the category of electronic books. How competitive can the corresponding solution be?


Consider the key features of the Wexler Book T7205 e-book.

Wexler Book T7205 how to connect to a computer

The device is equipped with a resistive touch screen with a diagonal of 7 inches and a resolution of 480 by 800 pixels. Screen color depth is 133 ppi. There is a backlight.

The Wexler Book T7205 e-book recognizes the main popular text and image file formats. It supports audio formats - MP3, ACC, as well as various types of video files - for example, AVI, MP4. The Wexler Book T7205 can also read HTML pages.

The device is equipped with a processor operating at a frequency of 600 MHz, RAM with a capacity of 256 MB. Has a built-in flash memory of 4 GB.

Supports external cards in microSD formats. You can connect to other devices via a USB cable. Using an OTG wire, you can connect external hard drives and other useful accessories to the device.

E-book Wexler Book T7205 reviews

The device is equipped with a 3.5 mAh battery.

The length of the electronic book is 127 mm, the width of the device is 197 mm, and the thickness is 13 mm. The reading room weighs 330 g.

The operating system installed on the e-book is Android in version 2.2.1.

In general, this set of characteristics is consistent with current trends in the reader market in 2012. The device can be called sufficiently productive and universal. There is no Wi-Fi support - however, compatibility with OTG technology somewhat compensates for this feature. If necessary, you can download via a USB flash drive or an external hard drive connected via OTG, the required files - texts, music, photos, videos.

Characteristics: reviews

What do users and experts say about the listed hardware capabilities of the Wexler Book T7205? The reviews of specialists and owners of the device characterize it as fully complying with the current trends of the market of “readers” gadget. First of all, in terms of equipment of the Android OS and the ability to use its useful functions. At the time the “reader” entered the market in December 2012, the presence of a mobile OS on a device of the appropriate type was considered as the most progressive solution. User reviews are very positive, reflecting the opinion that the device is equipped with a sufficiently efficient processor and the optimal amount of RAM.

Wexler Book T7205 software

Some users believe that it would be nice for the manufacturer brand to implement Wi-Fi support in the device. However, this communication technology cannot be used by the owner of the Wexler Book T7205. How to turn on Wi-Fi in a device in which there are no necessary modules, modern mobile electronics lovers have not yet come up with. However, the lack of Wi-Fi, as many experts believe, is generally not critical due to the fact that the reader supports OGT technology. This standard allows you to connect any device compatible with USB-connectors to the device, such as, for example, flash drives. As a rule, an e-book does not have any problems with recognizing external accessories.


The appearance of the device is characterized by experts as very original. So, many experts note the presence of angles cut off at 90 degrees on the case - while on many competing devices, the corresponding elements are rounded. The back cover of the Wexler Book T7205, as many users note, is made of material that is pleasant to the touch and makes using the e-book very comfortable. If necessary, the user can put on the case of the e-book case, which is included in the package.

Features of managing the reader

Experts note the excellent ergonomics of the device - in particular, the presence of a smooth transition between the back of the case and the end elements. Such a design solution is useful for several reasons. Firstly, the case, made in the marked concept, is especially convenient to hold. Secondly, in the process of using the device, the probability of closing the speaker with your hand located exactly in the area corresponding to the smooth transition between the back cover and side elements of the electronic book case is minimized.

Wexler Book T7205

On the right side of the device is a key with which you can turn pages. On the left side of the case there is a button with which you can open the context menu, next to which is the return key. Under the screen is the Home button. In the lower part of the case there are slots, through which other devices can be connected to the electronic book. There is also a power button, a headphone jack, a reset button, and an LED indicator.

Ebook Design: Reviews

The Wexler Book T7205 e-book, as noted by device owners and experts, has a progressive design and the most convenient controls. The keys work without failures, have a stable course. Specialists and users note the highest build quality of the device.


Let's consider what functionality an electronic book has, as well as how their experts in the field of relevant solutions and the owners of the device evaluate them. The main purpose of the “reader” is to work with file formats traditionally used to optimize the reading of text and graphic data. The capabilities of these technologies allow, in particular, to display to the user the text of the book in the form that is as close as possible to the structure of the original literary work.

Apart from the main function, the Wexler Book T7205 e-book - the feedback from users and experts regarding the respective capabilities is extremely positive - can also recognize audio formats and video files. As we noted above - MP3 and ACC. There is also support for common video formats. The programs installed in the Wexler Book T7205 also allow you to edit the text. Using the device, you can view photos in popular formats - such as, for example, JPEG. Support for appropriate formats allows you to turn the "reader" into a convenient multimedia tool. You can listen to music through the speakers, or by connecting headphones to the “reader”.

Functionality: reviews

What do users say about the features of the Wexler Book T7205 e-book? The characteristics of the device, as well as the design, as we noted above, receive the highest ratings from lovers of devices of the corresponding type. The trend of positive points of view is also the functionality of the electronic book. As users note, the device copes well with both the main tasks - reading files in formats such as DJVU, FB2, PDB, DOC, and with their complement, which involve launching various multimedia files using the device.

E-Book Wexler Book T7205

Download additional programs

If necessary, you can download applications adapted to the Android OS to the device. Despite the fact that the device does not support Wi-Fi, this can be done through the cable that is included with the Wexler Book T7205. How to connect a device to a computer? Very simple - you need to connect it to a PC using a wire and wait until Windows recognizes the reader as an external medium. After that, it will be possible to download files in formats that the device supports. Another option - we said about it above, involves the use of wires with the OTG module. Both file upload schemes to the e-book function stably.


What conclusions can we draw by exploring the main features of the WEXLER device? First of all, it is worth noting the innovativeness of the device - at the time of entering the market, the presence of the Android OS on devices of the corresponding type was not a steady trend.

Wexler Book T7205 reviews

The e-book has an elegant design, characterized by comfortable management. The functionality of the device is at the highest level. At the time of entering the market, the device could be purchased very inexpensively - the selling price of the “reader” was about $ 45. Now this book can be bought even cheaper - in the catalogs of retailers, on ads online or at online auctions. Thus, the “reader” at the time of entering the market could well be considered as one of the most competitive products in the corresponding segment. Even now, for many users, those functions that are supported by the device are quite enough for solving basic tasks.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G13149/

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