NPF Magnit and its structure

Today we’ll talk about NPF Magnit. Reliability rating, reviews and features are described below. The project is an alternative to the formation of pension savings. A license to carry out activities was issued by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia.

History of NPF "Magnet"

So, more details. NPF Magnit was founded in 1995 by a decision of the founders. Then the organization received the name "Virtue." From this moment on, the project has been carrying out non-state pension provision for citizens.

npf magnet

Since 2006, the organization has been engaged in compulsory insurance. In 2010, the project received the name "Magnet". In 2014, the Fund Council decided to reorganize the company into a Closed Joint-Stock Company. The conversion was completed in 2015.


The General Meeting of Shareholders is the highest body in the hierarchy of NPF Magnit. The Board of Directors is a collegial management structure. He carries out general management of activities. The exceptions are issues under the authority of the General Meeting of Shareholders. Operational management is carried out by the sole executive body - the General Director.

npf magnet reviews

The activity of the latter is regulated by the Charter and a separate Regulation. The company office is located in the city of Krasnodar. The fund has no representative offices and branches.

The company's activities are controlled by the Bank of Russia. The project interacts with NAPF. Internal audit bodies include the Revision Commission and the Board of Trustees. Cooperation is ongoing with VTB Specialized Depository. The auditor is Faber Lex.


NPF Magnit provides compulsory pension insurance. The country has a two-tier pension system. It consists of accumulative and insurance parts. Consider the first level. The insurance part of the pension provides the basic income of a person. It is a joint payment system. Contributions to it are paid by all employers for the people they hire.

npf magnet customer reviews

Revenues are recorded in the accounts of citizens, but are immediately spent on payments to current pensioners. Each employee on a separate account displays the commitment of the FIU to make accruals based on the amount of contributions, as well as indexation. You should also be aware of the formation of the second level. The funded part of the pension is also generated by contributions from employers.

The amount of payment in this case depends on the amount of contributions, as well as on the effective management of funds. We are talking about the annual calculation of interest on the amount. The FIU transfers funds to Vnesheconombank by default. Each employee has the opportunity to increase the size of the funded part of the pension by transferring funds to the management of a private pension fund.

At the same time, the citizen continues to participate in the state system of payments. In addition, such a transfer does not require additional costs. Due to the funds received, several types of payments are made.

First of all, we are talking about a one-time transfer of funds. An urgent pension payment is also made. The funded part of the old-age pension is formed. In addition, the assignee of the deceased insured person may receive funds.

NPF “Magnit” implements “Non-state pension provision” as a separate program. An NGO contract allows you to create personal reserves. Thus, it is possible to increase the amount of pension provision. The client of NPF concludes an agreement with the fund. According to its conditions, the investor is obliged to pay contributions. The fund accumulates them, invests funds and pays an additional pension to the client.

The contributor can be an organization, the participants are employees of the enterprise. Collaboration of this kind is also carried out with individual individuals. The latter can pay contributions in their favor, or at the expense of relatives.

In the case of non-state pension provision, the size of payments depends on the amount of funds in a private account. The payment term and their frequency are also taken into account. In the NGO system, the contributor directly decides how long the participants will receive a non-state pension. The minimum indicator is 5 years.


The total profitability of NPF Magnit is kept within 11%. The reliability of investments is guaranteed by a strategy that focuses on exceeding inflation indicators and is based on the use of the safest financial instruments. The fund is invested in Sberbank Asset Management, Premier League and Kapital.


The activity of NPF Magnit is highly mixed. Reviews indicate that the company obliges its employees to become its customers. At the same time, a number of users note that after some time in the organization, you can transfer your savings to another company. It should also be said about the official website of NPF Magnit.

npf magnet reliability rating

Customer reviews indicate that this resource is periodically unavailable. There are complaints that representatives of the organization ignore the requests sent. As for the positive aspects of interaction with NPF Magnit, user reviews are silent about this.


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