Soft toys patterns and step-by-step photo instructions

Who did not like soft toys in childhood? Yes, and many adults like these lovely beauties. It is only a pity that quite an impressive amount is spent on the purchase of this charms. But there is a great way: you can sew toys yourself!

Of course, for making them you will definitely need patterns of soft toys. Without them, the most painstaking work can have a deplorable result. But if patterns of soft toys are found, and also in addition to them there is a step-by-step instruction - the process is simply doomed to success!

soft toy patterns
A variety of pieces of fabric left over from sewing any products are suitable for work. Children's toys can include details from chintz to a small pattern, and striped woolen or checkered pieces, and fleece, and flannel, and even silk.

The main condition when working with fabric is to carefully transfer the patterns of soft toys to carefully ironed material, cut out the parts at least accurately, and connect them according to the proposed instructions.

You should also take care of the filler for products. It can be a synthetic winterizer cut into pieces of foam rubber, cotton wool. And some use the usual well-dried buckwheat as a stuffing. Then the stuffing of the toy is carried out using a kitchen funnel for liquids.

do-it-yourself soft toy patterns
By the way, you can make functional toys, for example, a turtle-pillow. Patterns of soft toys can often be done on their own, in accordance with their own preferences.

For a turtle, for example, it is enough to cut two circles: one should be slightly smaller than the second. Empirically, on a larger circle, symmetrical tucks are made - so that the back of the turtle is slightly elevated. When both parts have the same circumference, you should cut out the legs, tail and head of the product from a fabric of contrasting color.

This is extremely simple. The paws have the shape of a truncated ellipse, they are covered the same (8 pieces). The tail is sewn from the triangle with one seam, like folding a pound bag. The head can be tailored in the shape of the letter "P", you will need two details. As everyone can see, making patterns of soft toys with their own hands is not so difficult.

After stitching the legs, head and tail, the parts should be turned out, stuffed and laid on the front of the abdomen with open seams to the edge of the circle, and the entire main part to the center. The head can not be used yet.

Now you need to cover the circle of the abdomen with a circle-shell, "face to face", and stitch the product along the edge - circles - leaving a hole where the head will be. Through this "hole" the product is turned and stuffed. Then the head is sewn into the hole.

Here is a pillow and a head - a wonderful, kind turtle will whisper fascinating tales at the time of rest. But it will be fine if the pattern of soft toys after completion of work remains saved.

soft toy pattern
After all, no matter how simple it may be, there will certainly be those who may need help. Therefore, step-by-step instructions for making toys are best offered to Internet users or their close friends - even if other people experience themselves in the role of creators, they will receive joy from creation.


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