How to paint roses at home

Do you think roses come in such unusual colors as blue, black, or in general - all the colors of the rainbow? It turns out there are!

Not in nature, of course, but you can create roses from a fairy tale yourself. Flowers of this color are not just unusual. They are fantastic! You can colorize along with the children, and hand the magic bouquet to your girlfriend for a birthday, grandmother, teacher, etc. The delightful color of the petals will bring joy and will long remain in the memory of the one to whom this bouquet will be presented!

How to paint a rose at home?

It is quite possible to give the rose an unusual shade at home. Get roses of white or very light color (cream, for example). A prerequisite here is that the flower should not be open. Choose a bud - it is preferable because it can stand for a long time in the water with paint and have time to paint over qualitatively. Dissolving a little and sucking paint, the rose will change its original color to the intended one. For coloring purposes, food colors are optimal. You will also need a tall narrow vase.

By painting roses, you can not only make an original craft with a child, but conduct an interesting experiment in which he will observe how the paint enters the leaves through the capillaries.

process of coloring roses

At home, you can experiment with combinations of shades of paint and the original color of the plant to decide how to color the roses and which is better to take the dye. It is clear that whites are perfect, but try working with color ones as well.

Create a blue rose - a dream come true ...

The blue rose always causes enthusiastic emotions in women of any age! In flower shops, the edges of the petal are sometimes sprinkled with a fine shimmer, getting a magical plant from the Snow Queen's garden. We will tell you how to paint a rose in a cold blue color and create a fairy tale at home.

blue roses

At the very beginning you need to purchase paint. Take food coloring - they will not harm the flowers. Also buy roses of white or light cream color.

Take a tall vase and put in it 2 teaspoons of paint, pour cold water. You can replace food paint with ink or blue. It is important to prevent sediment from appearing at the bottom of the vase.

Prepare the mixture - the darker it is, the more roses will brighten.

The next step is to prepare the plants. Closed white buds must always be fresh - otherwise the flower may wither, even before it is painted! Take a garden pruner or a very sharp knife and make an oblique cut at the end of the stem. The larger it is, the stronger the process will go. Sometimes the stems can even be split so that the suction surface is larger.

Dip the prepared flowers in a dye solution and leave for 3-4 days.

Well, here's how to color the rose for the Snow Queen, we figured out.

Flower - Rainbow

Have you seen a rainbow rose? In principle, nature itself could not create a flower painted with all the colors of the rainbow. They were invented by an enterprising man, the Dutchman Peter van de Werken, who had such a hobby - coloring flowers. It was with his light hand that a rose of insane beauty appeared. The transformation of a simple rose into a fantastic flower is made artificially.

Today, rainbow roses have appeared on flower showcases, which have received their extraordinary color in the process of growth. A procedure resembling a vaccination is carried out, during which rods with paint are specially attached to the stem. So it turns out an absolutely unique rose, because not one flower grows like another!

But there are such craftsmen who figured out how to paint a rose in different colors at home. This is done as follows: the stem is very neatly split into several parts and each of them is placed in containers filled with dyes of various colors.

creating a rainbow rose

Color Tricks

We will give you some tips on how to paint a rose at home:

  1. You will get a brighter color if the concentration of the coloring solution is higher.
  2. After preparing the dark solution, add 2-3 teaspoons of granulated sugar to it. Glucose is a catalyst for action, and the flowers will color faster.
  3. For an even and beautiful color of the petals, do not allow the temperature difference in the room. The best option is to place the vase in the refrigerator.

Or maybe you can’t wait and you urgently need to color the roses? And such a technique has been invented! In flower boutiques, spray cans of any color for plants are always sold.


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