Origami. How to make katana from paper?

Not only boys, but also adults are interested in weapons. And if you buy a steel blade as a gift - itโ€™s a very expensive pleasure, then you can please a person with an expensive paper workshop. Creating an origami katana is quite simple, but how to do it specifically will be described later.

do-it-yourself katana from paper

What you need for work

For the manufacture of paper weapons and in order to understand how to make katana out of paper, you will need to acquire the necessary materials and have the following items on hand:

  • four sheets of white paper;
  • colored paper - 2 sheets;
  • adhesive tape.


The first step is to fold the sheet of paper in half. Then each half is folded half more so that the corner of the paper does not reach the middle line by about 1 cm. Then each side is turned so that small strips are inside, the operation is carried out until the middle is reached. The joints are fixed with adhesive tape. They are leveled so that the connection is on the central part of the future katana.

At the second stage, it will be necessary to prepare another element of the weapon by the method already described. Here you need to take into account the dimensions of the part, it is made 0.5 cm narrower than the first. After the work is completed, it is necessary to connect both parts of the sword, inserting one half into the other.

To give katana density, the core of the blade is strengthened with a thin stick or curled paper sheet.

Here you will need colored paper, which will be used to make the handle. The sheet is folded into a square, the core of which is provided with a cutout corresponding to the blade of the blade. Another multi-colored sheet is folded into a tube so that the "tip" of the katana enters the handle. The main thing is not to forget to fix the necessary parts of the product with adhesive tape. Do-it-yourself katana made of paper

origami katana

Another version of katana

How to make katana from paper? Here you need to have at hand the following materials:

  • yellow sheet of paper - 1 piece;
  • brown paper - 1 sheet;
  • glue.

Yellow paper will be used to make the blade, and ยฝ sheet will be needed for work. It folds in half in length. Then both sides are folded three times to the line that was obtained during the first bend. The final action is to fold the workpiece in half.

The handle and scabbard are best made from brown paper, so the craft will look more original. The sheet is divided into two unequal parts 2: 1. Most of the paper will be used to make the sheath. One strip on the left bends to the inside of the craft, and the right to the outside.

Paper is wrapped around the blade and secured with glue. In the same way, you need to make a handle for katana, for this you need to use the remaining sheet. So, the weapon is ready.

The third version of the manufacture of katana

How to make katana from paper? Here you will need to have a few more materials within walking distance than in the options already described. Have to get:

  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • paper;
  • a newspaper;
  • knitting needle;
  • paints.

For the manufacture of katana in the chosen way, you will need paper in large quantities, while it can be absolutely any.

The principle of work

The paper is cut into strips of the same width, which is 6 cm. Then they are glued together to get a blade with the required length. The more layers the future katana will have, the more effective it will look.

The workpiece is laid aside for drying, and as soon as everything dries, you can start cutting the blade.

The newspaper goes to the manufacture of tubes that will strengthen the katana. The sheet needs to be cut 4 strips of equal length and width. A knitting needle is applied from one end of the strip, which will be twisted into a tube by rotation. Then the needle is removed, and the paper edges fastened with glue.

The resulting blanks are glued to the katana on both sides, by the way, you can not bother with the tubes and replace them with popsicle sticks.

The handle is cut out of paper. In this case, the part should have a width slightly exceeding the blade of the sword. It is necessary to make 2 blanks that will have several layers of glued paper.

how to make katana from paper

At the last stage, the weapon is glued with paper, painted in the desired colors. The blade is made silver and the hilt is black. There is nothing complicated about how to make katana out of paper.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G132/

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