Planetarium of Yekaterinburg. How to organize leisure time?

For a child, a visit to the planetarium can be one of the brightest childhood events. That is why, as adults, most people come here again.

Today in Yekaterinburg there are several planetariums. Some of them are stationary, others are equipped with mobile equipment. Programs offered to visitors differ in their focus. They can be entertaining or educational.

Planetarium at the Museum of Radio

The most famous planetarium in Yekaterinburg is located in a building that belongs to the Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore and is connected with the historical events of the city. There is also the Radio Museum dedicated to its inventor A.S. Popov.

Yekaterinburg Planetarium

Planetarium employees offer visitors a two-part program. In the first part, students will receive interesting information about the solar system, nearby and distant stars, existing galaxies, and a vast universe.

The second part of the time allocated to stay in the planetarium is organized at the discretion of the visitors themselves. They can choose to view the theme of the multimedia program. Her choice depends on the age of visitors, cognitive needs.

The Yekaterinburg Planetarium in the Museum of Radio is waiting for its guests daily from 11 to 18 hours, except Sunday and Monday. The ticket price is from 100 to 250 rubles (depending on the age category of visitors).

Center for Popular Science at the Salyut Cinema

Another Yekaterinburg planetarium is located in the building of the Salyut cinema. The main goal that its employees set for themselves is to popularize scientific knowledge.

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The latest planetarium equipment helps to solve this serious problem. The unique projection system provided by the Japanese company makes it possible to reproduce the highest quality image.

Visitors are offered programs of a scientific, scientific, educational, entertaining nature. The hall can accommodate up to 30 spectators at a time. The schedule of the planetarium before visiting it is necessary to clarify by contacting the information service of the city. The ticket cost is about 250-300 rubles.

Spherical Cinema

Get a maximum of pleasure and an unforgettable experience will help visitors to the new planetarium in Yekaterinburg. It is located in "Greenwich" - the largest shopping center of the city.

The planetarium is a spherical cinema equipped with multi-projector digital equipment. Modern technology allows you to reproduce the image and sound of excellent quality. With great interest, viewers get acquainted with programs about space, learn about the evolution of the Earth, about the life of the inhabitants of the seas and oceans.

Special studies have established that in an ordinary cinema, a person is able to perceive on average up to 45% of what he hears and sees, and with a 360-degree view, 80% of the incoming information becomes available for perception. A planetarium with such equipment is the only one in Yekaterinburg and the Urals region.

Mobile planetarium

Recently, the Ekaterinburg planetarium, which has a mobile version, has gained great popularity. In order for residents of remote villages and small cities to enjoy travel to the planets of the solar system or in the Universe, it is not necessary to visit planetariums located in the city. You can invite a mobile planetarium to any community in the region or neighboring areas.

new planetarium in Yekaterinburg

It is an inflatable dome, which can be put in minutes using special equipment. The image is displayed on the entire inner surface of the dome. This creates the effect of the presence of the viewer in the setting, his complete immersion in the events of the film.

The requirements for the premises where the planetarium can be installed are minimal. Its width and length should be at least six meters, and a height of about three meters. For example, at school it can be an assembly hall or a sports hall. In the house of culture - lobby, lobby.

The programs featured by the mobile planetarium are provided by researchers from the Radio Museum. Therefore, the quality and reliability of the information received during the session, no doubt.

planetarium schedule

Heads of educational bodies welcome this practice and recommend using the services of a mobile planetarium for schools, kindergartens and cultural institutions.

star way

This is the name that the company engaged in promoting equipment that a mobile planetarium needs to have on the market has chosen it for itself.

Yekaterinburg (rental prices, installation and dismantling of the necessary equipment can be found by contacting the company directly) in this regard has become an innovator: today Star Trek LLC is the only company in the Urals region that is ready to offer this kind of service.


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