Radar detector Inspector RD X3 Tau: setting modes, reviews

Radar Inspector RD X3 Tau is a smart and reliable assistant for every car enthusiast, capable of detecting radar signals in advance in all ranges currently in use in Russia. Pulse modes, X, K, Ka modes are also taken into account, including the latest version of the Strelka radar of both versions M and CT. Laser emitters are fixed in the range of 360 about thanks to the built-in laser receiver. The frequency of false alarms is minimized through the use of an intelligent false alarm filter, which eliminates signals from motion sensors, garage automatic gates and similar equipment operating in the same range as the high-speed radars used by traffic police.

inspector rd x3 tau

Antiradar features

The Inspector RD X3 Tau radar detector has the following features and capabilities that distinguish it from similar devices:

  • Base of coordinates uniting the whole country. Self-updating the database, fixing automatic high-speed systems such as "Arrow ST", "Stream", "Cordon", low-power radars, video recording systems that are not equipped with radars and many others.
  • Several high-speed operating modes - "City 1", "City 2", "City 3", "Track" and IQ with the ability to change the speed threshold below which sound alerts are turned off.
  • The coordinates of the new radar systems can be marked by the user independently for premature notification.
  • Choice of alert range , time zone and time format.
  • Contrast bright display.
  • Intuitive gadget menu.
  • Frequency ranges can be individually turned on and off.
  • Support for two languages ​​- Russian and English.
  • Ability to turn off voice alerts.
  • Display on the display of the radar detector Inspector compass.
  • Displays the current speed and time on the screen.

Display Features:

  • Three levels of brightness.
  • Organic OLED LEDs .
  • Resolution - 255x32 pixels.

radar detector inspector

Main functions

The capabilities of the device include:

  • The signal strength of the radar is indicated on the display.
  • Protection against false positives.
  • Several speed modes - "City 1", "City 2", "City 3", IQ and "Track".
  • Ability to change the volume of voice alerts.
  • Auto Volume Mute
  • Remembering the settings.
  • Ability to select ranges to disable.
  • The software is updated via USB.

Functions of the GPS module of the radar detector

Module Features:

  • The base of coordinates of low-noise, stationary and radar-free video recording systems of the type "Avtodory" can be automatically updated.
  • Ability to selectively disable database objects.
  • Ability to save additional objects in the database.
  • The exact distance to the notification object is indicated.
  • You can adjust the range of alerts.
  • Built-in electronic compass.
  • Ability to configure the speed threshold.
  • Priority alerts.

radar test

The GPS of the detecting type integrated in the Inspector RD X3 Tau has the power sufficient to fix radio waves at a distance of one kilometer. The radar detector is also equipped with an additional protection system - GPS-module. He compares his own base of geographical points with the coordinates of the car.

The database of the GPS module of the Inspector RD X3 Tau radar detector can be updated by the user through a personal computer. The gadget is connected to the PC using a USB cable. DPS posts, optical speed meters, stationary radars and other devices used by traffic police officers and not detected by conventional radar detectors, that is, not emitting any signals, are noted in the own database of geographic points of the radar detector.

Radar detection function

The main purpose of such a gadget is to help the driver in adjusting the speed limit and timely fixing of radars and similar devices used by traffic police. Users in their reviews of the radar detector note its ability to detect radars broadcasting the corresponding signals in a timely manner and warn the driver about the need to reduce speed on a particular section of the track. A radar detector operates in standard radio frequency ranges: K, X, Ka and laser. It can also fix the Strelka complex, which is quite popular on Russian roads.

radar detector reviews

Installed database and radar

The GPS module integrated in the Inspector RD X3 Tau allows you to significantly expand the number of functions supported by the gadget. This addition makes it possible to receive timely alerts about approaching stationary points that control the speed of movement, which do not broadcast signals in the specified ranges. Such complexes include, for example, the Avtodoriya system.

In the reviews on the radar detector, it is noted that all points whose coordinates correspond to similar speed measuring devices are included in the pre-installed database. Updating and replenishment of information occurs every month. Any point can be marked on the map, upon approaching which, sound and voice alerts will be heard.

radar inspector rd x3 tau

Elimination of false positives

Previous detector models during anti-radar tests often failed users who encountered false alarms. The main reason for this was that the signals in the ranges detected by gadgets are emitted not only by the radars themselves, but also by many other devices.

Modern anti-radar models are equipped with various interference filtering systems, due to which the number of false alerts is reduced to zero. In the case of the Inspector RD X3 Tau, such systems mean the ability to turn off certain ranges and four sensitivity modes - City 1, City 2, City 3, and Track. Used in conjunction with the GPS module, IQ mode allows you to adjust the sensitivity based on the radar test.

inspector rd x3 tau gps

Convenient operation

A wide range of settings Inspector RD X3 Tau allows you to adjust the brightness of the OLED display, the volume of voice and sound alerts, save all entered and changed settings after turning off the gadget. The radar detector is equipped with various accessories that allow you to install the detector in the car: on the dashboard is mounted using an anti-slip mat, and on the windshield using special suction cups.

Options radar

The kit includes:

  • Detector.
  • Power adapter.
  • Warranty from the manufacturer.
  • Special fasteners and suction cups.
  • Manual.

speed mode


The Radar Detector Inspector RD X3 Tau detects radars operating at different frequency ranges:

  1. Range X. Short range, frequency - 1025 MHz. Almost not used due to the short range.
  2. Range K. It operates at a frequency of 24150 MHz, on which almost all the radars used by the traffic police are functioning. The range of this range is 1.5 times longer than range X.
  3. Range Ka. It operates at a frequency of 34700 MHz. Recognizes complexes and radars used by traffic police at a distance of 1.5 km.
  4. Laser range. A short pulse range that captures the speed of vehicles. This is accomplished by sending signals at programmed time intervals. It is an additional mode to the ranges described above.

Radar Inspector RD X3 Tau belongs to the elite category of equipment. The wide functionality of the gadget, which includes the ability to fix traffic police posts equipped with devices that determine the speed of vehicles at a distance of up to 1 km at any frequency ranges, allows drivers to avoid problems with traffic police and reduce the speed of movement in time. The anti-radar is equipped with an intelligent false alarm filter that operates in a specific mode. When radars and similar complexes are detected, the device notifies the driver with a voice and sound signal, and then displays the corresponding message with the necessary data on the display.

To date, the average cost of the Inspector RD X3 Tau is 4 thousand rubles. The manufacturer gives a guarantee for the equipment and provides after-sales service in many cities of Russia.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G1325/

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