LCD "Tatyanin Park": customer reviews, location, infrastructure, advantages and disadvantages

"The house in which the dream settled." Under such a striking and original slogan, today they offer to purchase apartments in the residential complex "Tatyanin Park". Reviews about this residential complex are different, sometimes diametrically opposed. Therefore, it is important to understand what the developer promises, whether he keeps his word, and what is the first impression of those who have already moved to this place or organized repairs.

Project Features

ZhK Tatyanin Park in Moscow

In the reviews of the residential complex "Tatyana Park", many note that the project of the residential complex was known in advance. What is planned to be built on this site was known long before it was implemented.

This residential complex is located in a picturesque corner in the south-west of New Moscow. It is approximately 500 meters from the Moscow Ring Road, near the village of Govorovo. In the north and northeast, the Tatyanin Park residential complex is bounded by the Setunka River, which is a tributary of the larger Setun reservoir.

The total built-up area is about 34.5 hectares. Only 270 thousand square meters of living space will appear on them. The entire LCD "Tatyanin Park" in Govorovo will consist of 25 brick and monolithic houses of various floors (from six to 24). However, most of them are made on an individual project, so there should definitely not be a feeling of uniformity and despondency.


Infrastructure LCD Tatyanin Park

During the construction of the residential complex "Tatyanin Park" special attention was paid to infrastructure. There will be built a secondary school for one thousand one hundred students, two kindergartens, each of which is ready to accept 215 kids, a medical center with a clinic. A healthcare institution should occupy an area of ​​five thousand square meters.

It is planned to open convenience stores, pharmacies, hairdressers, extra-curricular sections and mugs on the first floors of most houses in the Tatyanin Park residential complex.

A distinctive feature of this residential complex should be a reduced building density compared to the rest of Moscow. In the residential complex "Tatyanin Park" it is planned at a rather low level, which will contribute to the creation of additional recreation areas.

It is noteworthy that special attention is paid to the concept of improvement. Throughout the complex there is a pedestrian boulevard with a total length of about 850 meters; for outdoor enthusiasts, a bicycle path is laid in parallel. There is also a treadmill with a width of more than two meters, which can easily accommodate all residents of neighboring houses who prefer to keep themselves in good physical shape all year round.

The developer also took care of parking spaces, there should not be a problem with this. The residential complex provides underground parking for 580 places; several multi-level underground-underground parking lots are also under construction. They will be able, in total, to accommodate more than three thousand cars.

Construction Line

Reviews from real estate investors about ZhK Tatyanin Park

Apartments in the residential complex "Tatyanin Park" are rented in two stages, provided by the project. When building the first one, it is planned to develop about 22 hectares of the allocated territory. These works are at the final stage. Six residential buildings were built.

The houses in the first stage were from 10 to 15 floors. Moreover, they are all architecturally expressive, as the locals say, each with its own face. The buildings are distinguished by bright facades of three colors of facing bricks - dark beige, dark brown and light beige. One of the expressive elements of the facade is panoramic glazing, which immediately gives a sense of space. It is interesting that for each apartment on the outside of the facade the project provides a fenced console, which is designed to install an air conditioner.

Transport accessibility

When living in the modern capital, the issue of transport accessibility becomes important. New buildings in this residential complex are located in close proximity to the main highways, which allow you to travel in any direction, wherever you work.

In the immediate vicinity is the Moscow Ring Road and the Borovskoye Highway, just two kilometers away is the high-speed Kiev Highway.

You can get to Moscow using the services of public transport. Buses and minibuses go to the nearest metro stations. The easiest way to get from the Tatyanin Park residential complex to the Belyaevo and Teply Stan stations on the Kaluga-Riga line, Prospect Vernadsky and Yugo-Zapadnaya on the Sokolnicheskaya line. The closest station is Yugo-Zapadnaya - about six kilometers to it, that is, the bus travels this distance in about a quarter of an hour.

Nearby is the Skolkovo railway platform in the Kiev direction. It is approximately two kilometers from the residential complex. It can be reached by buses number 32 or 809.

Govorovo metro station

This situation remained until recently. But in August 2018, a significant event took place for all local residents: the new Govorovo metro station on the Solntsevskaya line began work. It got its name from the village nearby, located on the Ramenki site - Rassokazovka.

The station is decorated in a modern style and design, in it the main role is given to the original lighting concept. Interestingly, the base color has become black, also used white, yellow and purple shades. Black columns glow dotted - glass inserts are hidden in the slots. As a result of the fact that the columns are illuminated from the inside, passengers see a pattern in the form of amazing luminous drops on their surface.

The platform is finished in gray granite. On it is a mirrored black ceiling with a pattern in the form of a maze, composed of fluorescent lamps.

Layout options

The developer offers various layout options. Some of the apartments in the residential complex are one-room, with their area varying from 30 to 58 meters. There are two-room apartments ranging from 71 to 85 square meters, as well as three-room apartments from 104 to 136 square meters.

It is worth noting another important point for those who are going to buy apartments here. In mid-2012, the territory on which the residential complex is located was annexed to Moscow. So, the interest holders will have a capital registration with all the relevant benefits and preferences.


ZhK Tatyanin Park in Govorovo

One of the defining points when choosing a particular new building is the reputation of the developer who is engaged in its construction. In this case, it is the MITC group of companies. This is a full-cycle development company, which is considered one of the leaders in the real estate market of Moscow and the Moscow region.

The company is actively developing, using advanced technologies in construction, modernizing the management system, using new investment tools.

The group of companies has many departments that ensure the implementation of all stages of the construction of multi-apartment residential buildings - from the development of the initial development concept to the construction and commissioning of facilities with future operation.

Completed objects

At the moment, the development of the residential complex "Tatyanin Park" was marked by the fact that it has already commissioned five million square meters of housing, including multi-story residential buildings and suburban real estate. For example, his merit is the construction of the Kommunarka residential complex, the Zelenye Allei and Novoe Pavlino residential areas, the Novaya Dacha and Subbotino cottage villages.

It is noteworthy that among the company's property there are agricultural and industrial lands on which construction is underway. The company emphasizes that it always stands for quality, provides the best services and facilities for its customers, tries to constantly improve in order to achieve new successes, considers the involvement of employees in the process a lifestyle.

Realizing that only qualified personnel can provide long-term success, they form a team of professionals, whose professional development is constantly monitored, provide social security, motivation, devotion to corporate values.

Ready to move?

Responses of residents about ZhK Tatyanin Park

After the house has been built and put into operation, and the keys and all necessary documents have been received from the developer, you can proceed with the repair of apartments in the Tatyanin Park residential complex.

Some people prefer to do it on their own, attracting workers only to the most critical and difficult areas, for example, laying tiles. At the same time, in recent years, the turnkey apartment repair service has been gaining popularity, which is offered by various companies with extensive experience in construction.

Repair in the residential complex "Tatyana Park", as well as at another object of this developer in the residential complex "Kommunarka", is carried out by the construction company "New Moscow". Recently, about a hundred owners have entrusted her with repairs in their apartments.

The advantages of this proposal are that an individual design project is created for each apartment, it is prepared in full accordance with your requirements and wishes. The company is ready to carry out work in apartments of any complexity, including with rough finish and non-standard layout. Properly prepared documentation and drawings will allow you to significantly reduce repair time and reduce the cost of it.

Impressions of the inhabitants

Reviews about LCD Tatyanin Park

Among the residents' opinions about the Tatyanin Park residential complex, which were satisfied with their purchase, there are even impressions of those who purchased an apartment in the farthest new building from the Moscow Ring Road (it is about 900 meters away). But from there a beautiful view of the forest opens. The cost of housing is quite affordable, especially by Moscow standards: for example, a three-room apartment with an area of ​​82.5 meters cost its owners ten million rubles.

In the reviews of the Tatyanin Park residential complex in Moscow, some tenants note that if the new owner does not need to urgently move, then there is no point in buying an apartment in a finished house. It will be much cheaper to pay for a house at the pit stage, and in this case it’s not worth worrying that the developer will burn through without building anything. As you can already see, the company is quite large and well-known, in the long-term plans it has many more objects in this territory.

In addition, only in 2018 did the infrastructure of the named residential complex begin to truly develop. This is emphasized in many customer reviews from the residential complex Tatyanin Park. Only at the end of summer, the metro was finally launched, although it was promised to be done a year earlier.

You can make a full impression of this residential complex on an excursion organized by the representatives of the developer free of charge for all potential buyers. During this time, you can get an answer to any question, find out the whole history of construction, visit several finished apartments.

Judging by the reviews of residents of the residential complex "Tatyanin Park", those who have already managed to move are satisfied with the conditions. They note that the developer did not delay the commissioning of the facility, providing keys and all necessary documents on time. The house was built with high quality; during the repair period, it was not possible to identify any significant shortcomings. Nearby is a picturesque pond, sports fields, a kindergarten, a school. It is noteworthy that, despite the proximity of the Moscow Ring Road, the area is quiet and calm.

Negative opinions

True, there are enough negative reviews about the residential complex Tatyanin Park. Residents complain that the water in the whole microdistrict is of very poor quality. Constantly from the tap flows a dirty and yellow liquid. Moreover, this situation persists for a fairly long time.

The yards are empty and bare, which also cannot be liked when you get home from work. This is often noted in reviews of the residential complex "Tatyana Park".

Some are faced with a situation where the quality of the completed houses turned out to be far from ideal and from what was originally promised. They argue that the developer of the residential complex "Tatyana Park" did not use monolithic brick, but the cheapest and unreliable material. Moreover, the company itself has already been fined for this by Mosstroynadzor and the prosecutor's office.

The complex reviews of mystery shoppers about the Tatyanin Park residential complex claim that one of the main problems of this microdistrict is transport accessibility. Although major highways and main roads are really nearby, it is not so easy to get on them. The main problem is that regular traffic jams form at the exits from the residential complex itself, as well as on nearby roads. For example, Borovka costs almost around the clock, so getting to the Moscow Ring Road, although it is very close, is a difficult task.

In addition, residents who themselves are familiar with the construction and application of new technologies in the construction of multi-apartment buildings acknowledge that prices here are inadequately high. Especially when you consider the quality of the material that was used during construction.

Although the place here is really quiet, the Moscow Ring Road located nearby, where traffic is observed almost round-the-clock, significantly spoils the ecological situation in the district. The only way out, thanks to which it is possible to somehow minimize the consequences of this, is to take apartments whose windows will face the other side of the highway. Otherwise, you will remember about smog and exhaust every time you open the window.

In addition, airplanes interfere with a calm and measured life. Recently, in the immediate vicinity of the residential complex, a new runway has been opened, which runs over the field where mass development is underway. Now, many residents fear that there will be no salvation from the noise of aircraft engines day or night. Huge passenger planes fly at an altitude of only three hundred and four hundred meters from the ground. Local residents are outraged that at these moments even by telephone it becomes impossible to talk, not to live in peace.

Another problem of this microdistrict is the nearby dump of radioactive waste, of which, of course, neither the developer, nor his agents and representatives tell anything. In contrast, authorities say that landfills should not be feared, since no one has been using it for a long time, and full-scale restoration has been carried out there in accordance with all norms and rules. But these assurances do not convince everyone, some still refuse to buy apartments here, making the final choice in favor of other areas of Moscow and the Moscow region.

Others are confused by the presence in the immediate vicinity of the residential complex of a large enterprise for the production of building materials. All these factors make one seriously doubt that the environment in this place will indeed be safe and favorable. In addition, the price, as many admit, is significantly higher than in most similar residential complexes, which are built at approximately the same distance from the Moscow Ring Road. So these factors at once cross out all the advantages that the developer of this territory promises.

Moreover, real estate investors, as in most other apartment buildings throughout the country, complain that the developer is delaying the construction time. Almost no house or building is rented out on time, unless with rare exceptions. As a result, moving ahead of time becomes extremely problematic.


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