How to get to Evpatoria? Several variants

The time has come for a vacation. Where to spend warm summer days with benefit for yourself and without huge losses in your wallet? The choice falls on the Crimean resorts. Domestic cities that take tourists on holiday sometimes even have better places than foreign ones. One of the beautiful resorts in Crimea is Yevpatoriya. A wonderful city is located on the Black Sea coast in the Gulf of Kalamits. And how to get to Evpatoria from anywhere in the world?

A bit of history

Archaeological excavations claim that people lived on the territory of the modern city in the III millennium BC. e. IV century BC e. became the period when a wonderful Greek city-state called Kerkentida was erected on the shore of the Kalamitsky Gulf. Later this territory became part of the Kherson state. In the 15th century, the Crimean Tatars captured the state and renamed Kerkentida into Gezlev.

how to get to yevpatoriya

Very little time passed, and according to the Kuchuk-Kainardzhsky treaty, the city was ceded to the Russian Empire. Catherine II, who ruled at that time, signed a decree on renaming Gezlev to Yevpatoria and on getting the city a county status. The beginning of the XIX century was the time of the opening of a large seaport in this part of the Black Sea. After several decades, the resort "industry" began to develop here. This was facilitated by a mild climate, unique healing mud, an incredible amount of sandy beaches, healing springs with mineral waters. It is from the end of the 19th century that the history of Yevpatoria as a resort city begins.

Evpatoria: resort of dreams

This city is considered one of the most famous in the post-Soviet space and the most visited by tourists in the season. If there are about 140 thousand local residents, then in the summer there are 5-8 times more vacationers. Here you can not only relax, and the costs will not be too large (it all depends on the traveler’s capabilities and appetites), but also improve your health thanks to numerous healing springs and mud clinics.

Simferopol Evpatoria

The only issues to be resolved are:

  • how to get to Evpatoria;
  • how much money to prepare for the trip;
  • what to bring with you in luggage;
  • what are the costs of living.

The city rebuilt many resorts and hotels, hotels and pensions, private apartments and cottages. The latter, by the way, are very popular. Of course, you need to consider that the closer the house or apartment is to the sea, the more expensive they will cost. And in addition to relaxing on the beach, tourists will be interested in visiting architectural, cultural and natural monuments. So the vacation will be useful both for the soul and for the body.

How to come to Evpatoria?

It was decided to relax in this wonderful resort. How to get to Evpatoria? Of course, you can come, arrive and fly by any means of transport. But it’s best to buy a train ticket to Yevpatoriya. In this case, Simferopol will become a transit point. The resort town is about 76 km from here. Some cities of the post-Soviet space established a railway connection with Yevpatoria directly. So, from Brest, Minsk, Kharkov, Vitebsk, St. Petersburg, Dnipropetrovsk, Moscow, you can get to the desired resort. With another option, you will have to go to Evpatoria with transfers.

However, if rail transport is a burden for a traveler, then you can use the “services” of a bus, train, taxi or your own car. I am glad that the traffic intersection here is very well developed, so travelers will not have time to get bored at the station.

As such, the plane does not arrive in Yevpatoria. On this type of transport you can again reach Simferopol. An unpleasant surprise for tourists may be the fact that the liners arrive in this city only from Tashkent, Moscow, Kiev, Tbilisi. That is, the number of cities sending travelers to Simferopol is limited.

plane to Evpatoria

Some useful tips for tourists

The most budgetary way to get to the coveted resort is considered to be an electric train on the route Simferopol - Yevpatoriya. There are not many flights during the day, but the schedule is well-composed. Departure time: morning, afternoon, evening. The duration of the trip is about 2 hours.

train to Evpatoria

Buses and minibuses leave every 10-20 minutes from the Kurortnaya bus station. I am glad that this type of transport runs on the route Simferopol - Yevpatoriya year-round. Travel time is approximately 1.5 hours.

If someone does not dare to use public transport, then he is faced with an acute question of how to get to Yevpatoriya, if not by rail or by bus. The right way out is to order a taxi. Moreover, the service operator’s fare will be fixed, and private drivers can request at least 1000 rubles, if not more.


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