The structure of the course work - features, requirements and example

During training at a university or college, the student will have to write several scientific papers that will help the teacher understand whether he can think independently, pose a problem and find ways to solve it, is able to work with literature, not only quote authors, but also pass information through yourself, agree or disagree with research, give arguments.

That’s why it’s not easy to download work from the Internet, it’s important to make efforts and ensure that any work is independent. We invite you to get acquainted with the structure of the course work for a higher educational institution, which will allow you to get the desired five.

Female student with finished coursework

What it is

Coursework is one of the independent works of a modern student, which allows you to understand how well he understood the theoretical material and learned how to apply it in practical activities. Why do they write such works? They give the student the opportunity to conduct their own research on topics of interest to them, study the scientific literature and articles, publications on the topic, learn a lot of new things, and also offer something of their own.

It is clear that when writing a term paper there is no need to “discover America”, but you can always develop some kind of project, offer an interesting idea, which can later be put forward for defense and supplemented in the thesis.

Essential elements

So, we begin to study the structure of the course work, which fully complies with state educational standards. Such work includes several components:

  • The title page (most often it contains the name of the educational institution, faculty, department, in the central part the topic of the project, executor (student), course, group, scientific adviser is indicated).
  • Content.
  • Introduction
  • The first chapter, divided into 3-4 paragraphs. It contains theoretical material on the research topic - a critical analysis of what has already been written on this topic.
  • The second chapter, also divided into paragraphs. It is an analysis, an independent student work. Each proposal must be proved by calculation or justified otherwise.
  • Conclusion Summing up the research topic.
  • References listing all sources used, including Internet sites.
  • Applications These can be accounting documents used for analysis, diagrams or large tables, which are not included in the main content.

This is the general structure of the course work corresponding to GOST. Next, we analyze each of its structural parts.

Title page

This is a very important element in the design of student work, since the first impression that remains with the teacher depends on its accuracy and correctness. Each educational institution uses its own form of "title", which must be strictly adhered to. In the figure you can see an example of design.

Cover sheet sample


We continue the analysis of the structure of the course work. After the title page follows the contents, which list the names of chapters, paragraphs, parts of the “Introduction” and “Conclusion”, a bibliographic list of sources, and an appendix. Each structural element of the work has a link to the specific page on which it is located. In the figures you can see the correct and incorrect design options for this sheet. So in the first illustration there is no indication of the page numbers on which the corresponding parts of the course project are located.

Course content: with errors

In the second figure, the design is correct - each section, chapter and paragraph are located on certain pages.

Course Content: Correct Design


Consider the structure of the introduction of term paper. This is a very important element, so most often the introduction is written after the main part is ready. Initially, the student sets the goal and tasks, which he formulates in the form of a draft hypothesis; during the course of the work, they can be corrected. And only when the work itself is completely written does it bring to mind its introductory part.

The following items must be included in this section:

  • Justification of the choice of topics and determination of its relevance.
  • Goal. The goal is always one, so it should be as specific as possible.
  • Tasks. There are several of them, in the structure of the term paper, most often, a paragraph is allocated for each task; therefore, the wording of the tasks often coincides with the name of the items.
  • Subject and object of study.
  • Developed topics. Here we should mention the names of those researchers who worked on the study of this issue. Moreover, the surname must be present in the text of the work and in the list of bibliographic sources. It is unacceptable that the student in the introduction write about those scientists whose works he is not familiar with.
  • Methods used in doing the job.
  • Practical relevance, the possibility of using the results.

The total size of the introduction should not exceed 2-3 sheets.

Student writes term paper

First chapter

The next most important element in the structure of the organization of term paper is its first chapter, most often it is allocated at least three paragraphs. This part is a theoretical block of work in which the student conducts a critical analysis of the works devoted to his topic. In carrying out this chapter, it is important not only to consistently retell the content of a particular source, but also to express one’s point of view, argue or agree with the author, and give arguments.

Here is an example of the structure of the term paper, its theoretical chapter on the theme "Development of a competitive strategy of the enterprise on the example of LLC" Flower ".

Chapter 1. The theoretical basis of the competitive strategy of the enterprise

  • 1.1 the Concept and signs of competitive strategy
  • 1.2 Importance and functions of a competitive strategy
  • 1.3 Varieties of strategies and the specifics of their application

This is a concrete example of the structure of the course work, its first chapter.

Chapter One Guidelines

To the theoretical part is fully consistent with the requirements, it is desirable to include the following paragraphs:

  • Definition of the studied concept. Here, the student should consider several approaches proposed by various authors, choose the definition on which he will rely in his work, and even better - offer his own. There is nothing complicated in this - it is necessary to carefully isolate the features of the phenomenon under study proposed by various authors, choose those that are most suitable for the analyzed concept, and compose them into a coherent text of the definition.
  • The value of the phenomenon under study, the role, functions performed. In this section, the student should reveal the question - why is it necessary to study this phenomenon. Here you can briefly review the history of the study of the topic, analyze the main approaches.
  • Typology (varieties of competitive strategies in the course on strategic management), options for gaming technologies (in the teaching methodology), varieties of humor (in the course on psychology) and so on. If work is being done on economics, auditing, and FCD, paragraph 1.3 should reflect the analysis methodology on which the student will rely in the practical part.

Such is the most general organizational structure of the course work, namely its theoretical part. Next, we consider the second, practical, chapter of the project.

It’s not easy to pick up material

Second chapter

In most cases, the second chapter of the work is the student’s own research, the purpose of this element is to offer the student to apply maximum independence. Several options for the second chapter are possible:

  • Conducting an economic analysis (first a description of the enterprise is given, an analysis of its technical and economic indicators, then calculations are made in accordance with the problem, on the basis of which the student draws conclusions). This option is acceptable for work in the disciplines of the economic cycle.
  • Development of a lesson outline plan (a student, having studied the material, offers his own lesson plan on a specific topic, this form is used when teaching on pedagogical specialties).
  • Development of improvement measures (the student analyzes the specific aspect of the enterprise, identifies problems in it and offers its own solutions. The most acceptable development is for students in the specialty "Management").
  • Conducting a psychological study and interpretation of its results (the author of the course project selects a specific methodology depending on its topic, offers a certain group of people to fill out a test questionnaire, independently makes a statistical analysis of the material and summarizes).

This list does not exhaust the design options for the practical part.

Students with learning materials

Next, we give an example of the structure of the term paper (second chapter) for the topic “Development of a competitive strategy for an enterprise using the example of LLC“ Flower ”.

Chapter 2. Development of a set of measures of a competitive strategy for LLC “Flower”

  • 2.1 General characteristics and analysis of technical and economic indicators of the organization
  • 2.2 Conducting a competitive analysis of LLC “Flower”. Assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise against competitors
  • 2.3 the development of project proposals to improve the competitive strategy of the enterprise
  • 2.4 Schedule for the implementation of the developed areas
  • 2.5 calculation of the economic efficiency of the proposed activities

Such is the approximate structure of the organization of term paper, its practical part. During its implementation, it is important for the student to remain independent, to offer original events and directions that will solve the economic problems of a particular enterprise. Each proposal should be justified, therefore, it is imperative to calculate the effectiveness of the proposed methods and payback periods. This will prove that the activities are real, relevant and can be used.

Student studying material

In conclusion: bibliography, applications

Next, we consider the last three, but also very important, elements of the organizational structure of the course work management.

In conclusion, the student summarizes his research, concludes whether it was possible to solve the tasks set in the introduction, what results he came to while working on the project. It is very important not only to retype the conclusions from individual paragraphs, but once again to rethink the material, already seeing the whole picture.

The bibliographic list contains an indication of all the sources with which the author worked, each of them should have a link in the text or a mention, it is unacceptable to give out other people's thoughts, even if retold, as their own.

Finally, the application - this is accounting documentation, the analysis of which was carried out in the course of work, the Charter of a particular enterprise, job descriptions. When students of pedagogical universities work, these can be children's drawings, essays, test results, diagrams, complex volumetric calculations. These materials prove that the student worked independently, so their use is recommended. In some educational institutions, there may be a mandatory list of documents for applications.

Learning brings joy

We examined in general terms the structure of the term paper according to GOST, but it should be noted that not only each university, but also many teachers have their own requirements for the design of the project and the allocation of sections in it, so it is very important to attend consultations and carefully listen to the explanations.


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