What is the difference between lower and higher needs? What does a person need?

We can say that need is a state that is inherent in almost all living organisms in one way or another. Their dependence on existence, development, various active forms and actions is precisely expressed in this concept. This is a feeling of need for something or someone: both functional and psychological (for a person).

baby needs
In human society, it manifests itself depending on the situation in various ways. Of course, the needs of the child are quite different from the needs of an adult, and the needs of one individual - from the needs of another. But let's start with the lower life forms.

Microorganisms, plants and fungi

The needs for these life forms are minimal. As a rule, for normal functioning and reproduction, they need good lighting, the presence of water, a substrate for food - an optimal environment, a certain temperature regime.


They have more difficult living conditions. However, even in higher animals, needs and instincts practically coincide. Therefore, they can be reduced to a common denominator: sleep and nutrition, reproduction, a sense of danger, and some others.

what is the difference between lower and higher needs

What does a person need?

But human needs are a very vast and controversial plane for study. They, in addition to a system of signals and functions similar to animals, are caused by the presence of a subtle psychic component called the soul among the people, and are presented, in addition to everything, by secondary signaling systems expressed by the thought process and verbal - speech. Therefore, it is not so simple to determine what a person needs in a given context. Although it seems so, everything is simple: food, sleep, family and offspring. But there are needs of a higher order, which vary greatly depending on the circumstances of the existence of a particular individual in a particular socio-political environment. However, even through the efforts of scientists, they nevertheless undergo some classification and can be investigated and generalized.

what does a person need

What are the differences?

But first, a few words about how the lower and higher needs are distinguished and how you can try to classify them. Without further ado, let us turn to the hierarchy of the system of human needs, the so-called pyramid, which was proposed by the American psychologist Abraham Maslow. Here you can clearly see how the lower and higher needs are distinguished and what types of steps exist. At the base of the imaginary pyramid are physiological (the so-called lower). Then - the need for security, love, respect. After - the needs associated with knowledge. Aesthetic, artistic. And finally, on an imaginary peak - self-actualization, that is, personal development and realization of abilities and goals set for oneself, finding meaning in life and a place in a society of people. What is the difference between lower and higher human needs? Let's consider in more detail.

Lower platform

Physiological needs can be satisfied all my life and never be able to satisfy. Pathology and the shift of value guidelines, as a rule, arise in many members of modern society (regardless of wealth and social significance). And all these problems are due to exalting and highlighting lower needs. So comes dissatisfaction with oneself and one's life, destiny, the place occupied in society. Lack of understanding of their role in life. As a result - a low social role, the feeling that you are a cog of the mechanism, a piece of gray mass, causing oppression and a feeling of hopelessness.

needs and instincts

Food and water needs, sex drive

How excessive hypertrophy of food needs is the cultivation of a table full of foods. Vivid examples: the New Year's table of the Soviet, for example, era. The main goal is to have a lot to be presented: both scarce foods and goodies, they say, they could still get it! The next goal is to overeat with all this in the presence of relatives and friends, to the delight of ourselves and others. Inflating nutritional needs leads to dissatisfaction. No matter how much you eat, you’ll still be hungry the next morning! In addition, the shift of landmarks will invariably lead to the problem of excess weight and loss of health. It is not for nothing that the wise people of this world in different eras advised to eat modestly and without excesses, without loading the stomach and consuming only the amount of calories, vitamins, trace elements that is necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

The need for the required amount of water (and the feeling of thirst) is manifested in a person more organically. But still, do not forget that a day for normal life, you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water. All sorts of β€œliquid candies” - soft drinks, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, overloaded with a huge amount of sugar, causing obesity - does not count!

Sex drive and the need for sex are manifested in a person on an instinctive level, as part of the program of procreation and procreation.

higher order needs

Existential and social needs

The next steps in ascending to higher modulations are the needs of security and comfort of existence (existential), as well as the need for communication, affection, care, interpersonal relationships (social). All of them occupy a middle position in the hierarchy and are more likely psychological and mental than physical, thus moving away from the most primitive instincts, but not too far away.

Prestige and Spirituality
higher order needs

The concept of recognition in society, of course, can be considered as an ancient and base instinct of fear of expulsion from the pack, but in our classification it occupies one of the upper stages of an imaginary pyramid. Self-esteem and respect by others, success and career, high appreciation are direct paths to the realization of one's own place in society and the world.

The highest step in the hierarchy is occupied by spiritual needs as the highest manifestation of human nature, available to few on this planet. Cognition and self-knowledge, creative self-expression and disclosure of talents, self-actualization - these peaks in our needs, sadly, can reach only a few of us, truly understanding how the lower and higher needs are distinguished.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G13272/

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