Republic of Ghana: attractions, photos

The Republic of Ghana in Africa has long attracted tourists. The savanna fauna, mangroves, lagoons and sand dunes challenged the brave travelers. But ordinary tourists who prefer a comfortable beach holiday, alternating with excursions far from extreme, have discovered Ghana for themselves relatively recently. In this article we will give a brief outline of this African country. Can a European rest there? Is a visa required? Where to stay and what to see? What season is preferable to visit Ghana? Are there organized tours to this state? We will analyze these and other nuances of travel in our article.

Ghana republic

Where is the Republic of Ghana located?

This state gained independence in 1957. The country is located in West Africa. From the south, it is washed by the Gulf of Guinea, which is part of the Atlantic Ocean. The country’s neighbors are Côte d'Ivoire (in the west), Burkina Faso (in the north) and Togo (in the east).

The path of tourists from Moscow to Ghana is long. There are no direct flights to the main airport of Kotoka International in Accra. Therefore, you have to fly with a change. The point of intersection of connecting flights depends on the chosen carrier company. It can be Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Lisbon, Istanbul or Dubai. The Republic of Ghana is located around the famous Greenwich Meridian. Therefore, she lives on the time of Great Britain. Its only difference is that the country does not switch to summer time. Yes, and why? Ghana is located at the fifth degree of northern latitude. Therefore, the daylight there is twelve hours all year round.

Republic of Ghana Attractions

When to go to Ghana?

The state, given its geographical coordinates, lies in the zone of the subequatorial climate. The south of the country is covered by a jungle with mangroves. In this part of Ghana, the climate is close to equatorial. In the central and northern regions of the country savannahs with light forest prevail. Climate close to equatorial causes two seasons a year - arid and "wet".

If you are interested in beach holidays, then the Republic of Ghana is more attractive in winter. The warmest month is March. The temperature reaches +32 degrees in the shade. But Ghana is hot all year round. In the coldest month, August, the thermometer does not fall below +23 degrees. Overcast and overcast are just knocking down the heat. In November and throughout the winter, a strong northerly wind called Harmatan blows in Ghana. It brings drought and dust. But in the coastal areas, the gusts of the trade winds are practically not felt.

Capital of the Republic of Ghana

Tours to Ghana

The road to this exotic country is just being "felt" by domestic operators. Ghana is usually visited in the same package with Togo and Benin. Tourists are shown African exotics, they are involved in a voodoo ceremony, given to participate in a savannah safari. But the Republic of Ghana, whose natural attractions are fascinated by its beauty, is beginning to collect its own followers. In 2010, tourism in the country's economy took third place after the export of gold and cocoa beans.

At this time, there is a very interesting eight-day tour from Moscow. Within its framework, travelers will visit the capital of Accra, the cities of Kumasi and Obuasi, drive along the Volta River, descend into the gold mines, and visit the Aquasidai festival. And, of course, a trip provides for a beach holiday on the Atlantic coast in Axim, near the old fort. Tours are quite expensive (about 1,500 euros per person). Travelers need to get yellow fever vaccination. Opening a visa takes on a travel agency.

Republic of Ghana photo


It is not true to think that before the arrival of Europeans in the territory of modern Ghana, there was no civilization. In the thirteenth century, there were even city-states. One of the largest was Bejo. And in the seventeenth century, a federation (state association of tribes) Ashanti was formed. The Portuguese first landed on the "Gold Coast" - as they called the local land - in 1482. They built the fortress of Elmina, Shama, Aksim and others. Gold mining and the slave trade attracted other colonizers to Ghana - Sweden, the Netherlands, Prussia. In the end, Britain crowded out its competitors, enlisting the support of the coastal Fanti tribes.

But the recognition of the protectorate of England did not accept Ashanti. They stubbornly resisted the advance of the British deeper into the mainland, but were brutally crushed by the force of arms. The Republic of Ghana gained independence in March 1957. First, she took as a model the state structure of the USSR. But the authoritarian style of government and centralized management of the economy caused local discontent. Since 1990, the government has embarked on a democratic transition.

Republic of Ghana Accra

Ghana Natural Attractions

The equatorial jungle, the green sea of ​​savannahs and the cleanest waters of the Atlantic are the main wealth of the country. In Ghana, there are several reserves in which species of animals and plants have been preserved, completely exterminated in other places. Tourists enjoy visiting the Aburi Botanical Garden, thirty kilometers from the capital of Ghana, the city of Accra. It was defeated back in 1890. Elephants, leopards, many species of birds, snakes, insects, plants found refuge in Kakum National Park.

Shy Hill Nature Reserve is also located near Accra. In it you can see the inhabitants of the savannah. These are all kinds of antelopes, baboons, huge monitor lizards. The most courageous tourists are taken to a cave full of various types of bats. And this is not all the natural attractions of Ghana. You can also mention the Kintampo Falls, the Mole National Park, and the wonderful Volta River.

Republic of Ghana: Attractions of Culture and History

I must say that the patriarchal way of life of the local population is exotic for tourists. No wonder foreigners are transported to small villages where they can observe shamanistic rites and even strange ashanti funeral processions.

Ancient castles erected by the Portuguese in the sixteenth century are perfectly preserved on the Atlantic coast. One of them, Elmina, according to legend, was laid down by Christopher Columbus himself and his associate Bartolomeu Dias. Subsequently, the castle was rebuilt and expanded repeatedly by the Dutch and British. Now Elmina is included in the honorary list of the cultural heritage of mankind, compiled by UNESCO. The Portuguese fort Axim is proudly towering on top of a cliff. This is the second oldest building of the Portuguese (after Elmina). Tourists are also attracted by the mosque in Larabang, the original village of Pag, the museum of the royal court in Manhiye.

Republic of Ghana in Africa


The capital of the Republic of Ghana is the largest city in the country. It is an important economic, cultural center and port. Accra is located in the south of Ghana, on the coast. Even before the Europeans arrived, there was a tribe settlement called ha. The British built Fort Asher near it, and the Danes built Christianborg (now Osu Castle). Between these two fortresses, the city began to develop rapidly with its trading districts and slave markets.

In 1877, Accra became the capital of the British colony. With independence, the city received a new impetus to development. The naive Stalinist Empire was added to the colonial pomp of mansions and government offices . The main square of the country is copying Moscow Red. Accra is one of Africa 's richest cities with high living standards.

What to try in Ghana

The cuisine of this country is quite exotic. The menu is dominated by soups on meat or fish broth with the addition of vegetables, herbs and starch. The ingredients of national dishes in the south of the country are seafood. Fresh fruit is usually served for dessert. Bananas fried with pepper and ginger are also popular.

Arab sweets here have their own national characteristics. The Republic of Ghana is famous for palm wine. And beer is brewed from millet or corn. Of non-alcoholic drinks, residents use cocoa, whose export is the backbone of the country's economy. But guests will also be served tea, coffee, seasoned with spices, juices from exotic fruits.

Where is the Republic of Ghana

What to bring from Ghana

By African standards, this is a rather expensive country. But the prices here are still lower than in Europe. Lunch in a cafe (without alcohol) will cost you ten US dollars. From souvenirs you can and should carry everything that is rich in the Republic of Ghana.

Accra is a great shopping center. In stores, prices are fixed, but in small shops you can bargain. All travelers are advised to visit the metropolitan Makola Market. Here you can buy national instruments, African masks, batik, homespun clothes with embroidery, figurines of ebony or mahogany, glassware, souvenir knives and spears, medicinal shamanistic drugs. Tourists also recommend bringing spices, the cost of which starts at one dollar per kilogram, as well as cocoa ($ 3.5). In addition, as a souvenir, you can buy coal-black soap.


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