When did Tokhtamysh march to Moscow?

The bloody campaign to Moscow Tokhtamysh occurred in 1382. It took place shortly after the Battle of Kulikovo, in which Russian troops defeated the Tatars. The success of Dmitry Donskoy instilled hope in the inhabitants of the Moscow principality, which is now over with khan dependence. However, the war weakened the state, and when two years later Tokhtamysh appeared under the walls of Moscow, the inhabitants of the Slavic lands failed to organize worthy resistance.

Campaign Background

In the second half of the 14th century, the Golden Horde ceased to be a centralized state. Khan's power has become nominal. Numerous temniks and military leaders owned their own troops, with the help of which they periodically tried to subjugate the whole Horde. On the eve of the Battle of Kulikovo, two political centers formed in the Tatar steppe. On the one hand was Khan Tokhtamysh, who shortly before that had taken possession of the capital of the whole Horde. His opponent was Mamai, a gray cardinal who had a great influence among the troops. It was he who led the Tatar army during the famous battle with Dmitry Donskoy.

Having been defeated, Mamai first fled to the Crimea, where he collected the remains of faithful nomads. With this small army, he tried to defend himself against the attack of Tokhtamysh, who wanted to finally get rid of his main opponent. The battle took place on the banks of the Kalki River, where Mamai was once again defeated. He again fled to Crimea, where he was killed. Now Tokhtamysh became the sole ruler of the Golden Horde.

trip to Moscow tohtamysh

Refusal of Dmitry Donskoy to pay tribute

After his victory, the new khan sent an embassy to Moscow. He ordered the Prince of Moscow to be transferred that now that power was restored in the Horde, the Russian ruler must renew the tribute. Tokhtamysh also thanked Donskoy for his victory over Mamai - usurper and adventurer. Dmitry greeted the ambassadors with honors, but refused to pay tribute and to recognize himself as a vassal of the khan.

This news infuriated Tokhtamysh. He did not want to abandon the previous orders that were established after the Batu campaign in the 13th century. For more than a century, Russian princes not only paid tribute to the steppes, but also received labels from them to reign, that is , they recognized themselves as submitted by the khan. When the Mongol yoke was just established, numerous Slavic political centers were at enmity with each other and could not provide organized resistance. Now, most of the Russian lands were united around Moscow. It was her prince who led the resistance to the steppes. Therefore, the campaign against Moscow Tokhtamysh became the measure that was necessary to restore the rule of the khan. Nevertheless, he waited some time, while at the same time collecting troops and all the necessary resources.

Tokhtamysh campaign in Moscow

Secret campaign

Before the campaign to Tokhtamysh began in Moscow, all Russian merchants and travelers were killed in Kazan. This was done in order to prevent the Slavs from learning about the approaching army. In addition, merchant ships were useful to the army of the khan. On these ships, the soldiers quickly and without unnecessary interference crossed the Volga and ended up on the right bank. In the future, the army’s route was constantly changing and avoiding busy roads. Everything was done so that the invasion was stunning and unexpected.

The Principality of Nizhny Novgorod and Ryazan were on the eastern borders of Russia and could be the first to be hit. They were independent of Moscow. When at the last moment it became known about the approach of the khan at the head of a huge army, the rulers of these cities sent their embassies to meet the aggressor. Nizhny Novgorod parliamentarians missed Tokhtamysh, constantly changing their route.

Khan Tokhtamysh’s campaign in Moscow

Betrayal of the Ryazan Prince

Prince Ryazan Oleg Ivanovich decided to personally meet the khan. He found the Tatar army very close to his own lands. The prince expressed his humility and admitted himself a subject of the khan. In addition, the Ryazanians prompted the steppes safe and comfortable fords across the Oka. Tatars took advantage of these prompts and bypassed the princedom of Oleg Ivanovich from the east.

Only these days, Dmitry Donskoy learned that Tokhtamysh’s campaign against Moscow was already in full swing, and that the enemy army was approaching the borders of the state. These terrible news took the whole Kremlin by surprise. It became clear that in order to show serious resistance, the Tatars would have to gather all the soldiers, including those living in northern cities, under the same banner. Therefore, Dmitry Donskoy went to organize a militia (first in Pereyaslavl, and then in Kostroma). His cousin and closest comrade-in-arms, Prince Vladimir Andreevich, hurried to Volok Lamsky for the same purpose.

Khan Tokhtamysh’s campaign in Moscow year

Refugees in Moscow

Meanwhile, Tokhtamysh’s campaign in Moscow continued. Khan finally crossed the Oka and captured Serpukhov. However, his main goal was precisely Moscow. Christians who came across the Tatars along the road were mercilessly killed. Residents of villages, villages and small towns fled en masse to Moscow, hoping to find shelter inside the Kremlin walls.

In 1367, when Dmitry Donskoy was still a young man, he initiated the replacement of old wooden fortifications, which could no longer save the capital in the event of a war. The builders used a new material - white stone, which was delivered to the city both in summer and winter from the surrounding quarries. A new Kremlin was built from it. Tokhtamysh’s campaign in Moscow could have ended in failure precisely because of the wide walls of the new fortress.

Muscovites collect veche

A large influx of newcomers to the capital led to riots. Residents were divided into two parts. One wanted to lock herself in the city and defend herself to the last. Others panicked and decided to leave the fortress. Khan Tokhtamysh’s campaign in Moscow frightened many. In addition, life in the city was paralyzed due to the lack of legitimate authority. Dmitry Donskoy and Vladimir Andreevich were still in the northern regions, collecting troops.

The campaign of Khan Tokhtamysh to Moscow forced residents to gather veche. Finally, at the vote, it was decided to close all exits from the city and wait for the enemy with weapons in their hands. However, many boyars still left the capital. There were rumors among the aristocracy that the prince had simply fled the city, leaving him to plunder the enemy.

Against this background, an open uprising began, which was directed against the remaining boyars. Since the power finally passed to the veche, the population actually began to rule in the city. When Tokhtamysh made a trip to Moscow (1382), many in the capital were not ready for an emergency. However, in the days of the siege, a man was found who declared himself as a leader. It was the Lithuanian prince Ostei, who was the grandson of the famous Olgerd. By his decision, all nearby villages were burned. This was done in order to deprive the Tatars of shelter and food during the siege.

Tohtamysh’s trip to Moscow

The beginning of the siege

Such measures proved to be a necessary victim, which led the campaign of Khan Tokhtamysh to Moscow. The year of the Tatars' attack remained a mournful date in Russian history. Finally, on August 23, the khan with an army approached Moscow. By this time, the inhabitants of the city had prepared stones, boiling water and tar to repel the attacks of the enemy. In addition, the annals of the siege contain a mention of the first use of guns by Russian artillerymen. All this was done in order to stop Tokhtamysh’s campaign in Moscow. The year of the invasion was remembered by the most various tricks of the Russian inhabitants, with the help of which they fought against unexpected opponents.

when there was a trip tohtamysh moscow

Tricking the Tatars

The assault on the city lasted three days. During this time, the Tatars lost a lot of people due to shelling from the walls. However, the Khan’s army remained a formidable force. On August 26, parliamentarians went to Moscow, among whom were the children of the Nizhny Novgorod prince. They invited the residents of the city to open the gates. At the same time, the ambassadors promised not to spill the blood of Muscovites. The besieged, not seeing support from their own prince, who was far away, believed these persuasions.

The gates were open. A delegation led by Ostei came out to meet the Tatars. The entire embassy was immediately cut down. The Tatars broke into the open gate and inflicted merciless reprisals against the inhabitants. Thus ended the campaign of Tokhtamysh to Moscow. The date of this event was described in the annals as one of the most mourning in the history of Russia.

Tokhtamysh campaign in Moscow year

The consequences of the campaign

After Moscow was captured and burned, the Tatar army was divided into several detachments. They headed to the unprotected neighboring cities. So Vladimir, Mozhaysk, Zvenigorod and Yuryev were busted. One of the Tatar armies was defeated by Vladimir Andreevich after she was next to Volok Lamsky. Then Tokhtamysh learned about the approach of Dmitry Donskoy, who led fresh regiments from Kostroma. Khan decided not to give a general battle. He safely left the borders of Russia, plundering Kolomna on the road, taking with him a huge booty and many prisoners.

In the future, Dmitry had to temporarily recognize himself as a tributary of the Horde. The struggle for independence was yet to come. The burned Moscow was quickly rebuilt, but the memory of the Tatar massacre still lived in the memory of the townspeople for a long time. In total, the Horde killed 24 thousand inhabitants.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G13282/

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