Spot Painting Circles: Work Stages and Useful Tips

The dot painting of the circle is called point-to-point. This is a very exciting activity, which after the first samples of the pen turns into a hobby. You can give a mug with a beautiful bitmap to a loved one, sell it to a handmade goods store, or keep it for yourself. No need to be an artist or have special skills. Absolutely everyone can do this art.

Necessary materials

To paint a mug, you need a desire to create something beautiful and some tools. You will need:

  • contour paints intended for glass or ceramics;
  • thin brush acrylics;
  • marker for ceramic products;
  • degreaser for the surface of the mug;
  • sponges for applying a degreaser;
dot painting
  • cotton buds to correct drawing errors;
  • outline (drawn or printed);
  • templates (if necessary).

Work Stages

The work of applying the drawing is carried out in the following order:

  1. The first step is to degrease the surface of ceramic or glassware. Pour a little acetone onto the sponge and wipe the mug at the place of drawing.
  2. Attach the outline or picture that you will transfer to the cup. If the dishes are transparent and made of glass, then they put it inside and strengthen it with tape. If the cup is ceramic, then you can cut out patterns of large parts of the picture from paper and fix them in the right places with double-sided tape. Then go around the template with dots along the contour, and remove the paper.
  3. Check all the tubes with the selected colors on the cardboard palette, so that accidentally you do not get too liquid paint and the picture does not drip. Practice dots of different sizes there.
spot painting mugs

Now start painting the mug. After its completion, the drawing will need to be fixed at high temperatures in the oven.

Useful Tips

They begin to apply the drawing, departing from the edge of the cup at least 2 cm so that the lips do not touch the toxic paint.

The first step is to draw large elements, and then fill in the voids and add small details.

beautiful dotted mug

Large dots can be made with a cotton swab or an eraser attached to the end of a simple pencil.

A symmetrical pattern with the same distance between points looks beautiful. If you accidentally put the point in the wrong place, then wipe off the paint with a cotton swab and apply it again.

A bitmap looks interesting if it is supplemented by thin lines and areas painted with a brush.

If you draw with contours, then try to adhere to the line principle, that is, in the same row use points of the same diameter.

A painted mug is baked in the oven, heated to a temperature of 150 ° C to 170 ° C. It is enough to hold the craft in the heat for half an hour to paint fixed on the surface for a long time.

Try your hand at a new kind of needlework. Have a good start!


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