Movladi Baysarov: biography and photo of the major

Movladi Zaipullaevich Baysarov is a Chechen military leader, commander of the Highlander detachment, and former guard of Akhmat Kadyrov. According to some reports, in the early 90s he was an agent of the FSB and worked undercover in the Islamic Special Purpose Regiment of the CRI. Related to the abduction of citizens of the Russian Federation and European countries. As he himself said, he led an armed group that was created to protect the Kadyrov family. For many years he lived in the capital of Russia.

movladi baysarov

Ruslan Baysarov

Before proceeding directly to the biography of Movladi Baysarov, we will deviate a little from the topic and try to answer a question that interests many Russians. What does Ruslan Baysarov have to do with Movladi and are they brothers?

A few words about Ruslan

A businessman of Chechen origin, widely known for his civil marriage with Kristina Orbakaite. Ruslan was born in the south of Chechnya, in the village of Veduchi. Father - Sulim Baysarov, mother - Kashirat Baysarova. Ruslan moved to Moscow in the early 90s and took up entrepreneurial activity, which brought him the first millions. At the moment, he is considered one of the richest Chechens.

Despite the fact that both have the same homeland, Movladi Baysarov and Ruslan Baysarov are not brothers at all, but simply namesakes. Well, now let's move on to the immediate hero of our article.

Movladi Baysarov and Ruslan Baysarov

Free nineties

Movladi Baysarov was born in 1966 in the village of Pobedinskoe (northwestern suburb of Grozny). In 1998, he left for Kazakhstan, where he lived until 1998. Then he guarded the family of Akhmat Kadyrov while in Moscow.

According to other sources, in the early 90s he was in the detachment of the famous Chechen felon Ruslan Labazanov (liquidated in 1996 in the village of Tolstoy-Yurt). There is an opinion that Movladi participated in the first Chechen war, and then claimed the rank of brigadier general of the Republic of Ichkeria and the awarding of the orders "For his merits." He was on friendly terms with the vice-president of Chechnya V. Arsanov (they were both born in the Shatoi region).

After the end of the first Chechen war in 1996, Baysarov’s detachment was part of the so-called Islamic Special Purpose Regiment (IPON). Arbi Baraev, a well-known radical Islamist and kidnapper in Chechnya, commanded him. True, some believed that he worked for the FSB. Baysarov’s people guarded Vakha Arsanov and Zelimkhan Yandarbiev.

According to some reports, at the beginning of the second Chechen campaign, Movladi Baysarov, whose photo can be viewed in this article, took part in military operations against federal troops. According to one version, he fought under the village of Dolinskoye, according to others - in the first months he sided with the government.

movladi zaypullaevich baysarov

Highlander squad

In 1999, Movladi Baysarov participated in a skirmish with Wahhabis. Two of his relatives died in the battle. At the same time, he joined the detachment of the Mufti of Chechnya, Akhmat Kadyrov, who led an active struggle against the Islamists. After Kadyrov was appointed head of the administration of the Chechen Republic, a special unit “Highlander” was organized. He was a personal guard of the mufti and was assigned to the coordination department of the FSB.


On July 25, 2004, Movladi Baysarov, whose biography is described in this article, was seriously wounded during the attempt on Kadyrov. After the latter passed away, the security service was disbanded. However, Baisarov transformed his people into a separate battle group, known in Chechnya as the "death squad". Officially, they continued to be called the Highlander detachment. Human rights activists claimed that the group was involved in the killing and abduction of people. For example, from the third to the fourth of January 2004, Movladi abducted and liquidated the Musaev family (about thirty people). This was done out of revenge for the brutal murder of brother Baysarov Shirvani, who was a police major.

Other “exploits” of the Highlander squad

Movladi was considered guilty of the abductions of Nina Davidovich (head of the Friendship organization) in 2002, FSB colonel S. Ushakov in 2003, Rosneft’s representative in Chechnya I. Magomedov in 2005. However, there were no official charges.

In addition, the Highlander detachment controlled the illegal production, processing and marketing of petroleum products that were extracted in the Grozny district of the Chechen Republic. Local residents claimed that against the background of the redistribution of spheres of influence between the Baisarovites and the battalion of the West special forces GRU, commanded by Side-Magomed Kakiev, there were regular armed clashes. There were casualties on both sides.

After the death of Kadyrov, Baysarov’s group moved to a semi-legal position. Nominally, she was listed in the Security Service of the Anti-Terrorist Center, but was outside the republic’s power structures. After some time, the Highlander detachment came under the control of the FSB of the Russian Federation.

movladi baysarov death

What happened before the presidential election

On August 21, 2004, a week before the election of the President of the Chechen Republic, Baysarov’s detachment carried out a well-planned operation in Grozny. On this day, approximately 150 militants, divided into several small groups, entered the capital of the republic. They disguised themselves as special forces and put up posts on the roadway. Cars braked, looked at documents of drivers and killed officials. In addition, they attacked several police departments and the commandant’s office.

After a while, most of the militants were surrounded and destroyed. It turned out that Baysarov managed to introduce his agents to them, which significantly helped to carry out the anti-terrorist operation. Unfortunately, there were many casualties among the civilian population, but the Chechen FSB considered the operation a success.

In total, during its existence, the Highlander detachment lost more than 50 personnel, and the total number of units by 2006 was one hundred.

Conflict with R. Kadyrov

In the spring of 2006, Movladi Baysarov quarreled with the Prime Minister of the Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov. The Highlander detachment detained a relative of the latter, who was trying to take stolen pipes for an oil pipeline to Ingushetia and sell them there. Kadyrov personally intervened in this matter and tried to hush him, but Movladi publicly insulted him. Several days passed, and federal troops blocked the Highlander detachment at the base in Pobedinsky.

Old files from the archives of the Staropromyslovsky Prosecutor’s Office, which again began to investigate the “long-forgotten” murder of the Musaev family, rose immediately. Earlier Movladi Zaipullaevich Baysarov appeared in this case as a witness. However, here they hinted to him that he might end up behind bars.

Movladi Baysarov death

Trip to Moscow

Movladi went to the capital to attempt to engage with the FSB. In Moscow, he gave several interviews to the press, where he accused Ramzan Kadyrov of numerous murders and kidnappings. He also tried to offer the then president of Chechnya, Al Alkhanov, incriminating evidence against Kadyrov. On November 13, he stated that the Prime Minister of Chechnya sent a task force armed with machine guns and grenade launchers to Moscow to detain him by any means and take him to the republic.

He also said on the pages of the Vremya Novostei newspaper that the prosecutor general’s office was interested in him in connection with the death of A. Politkovskaya. He expressed readiness to give answers to all questions. And on November 8, Moscow police were already looking for him, but this did not stop Baysarov from openly living in the capital.

movladi baysarov family

End of Highlander

On the 14th, the Highlander detachment was finally disarmed, and on the 15th of November the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic put its head on the wanted list. Some media outlets claimed that the capture group was sent to the capital of Russia precisely these days, and the deputy chairman of the Chechen government Adam Demilkhanov oversaw the killing of Baysarov.

At the same time, the FSB stopped all activities to protect this person. According to journalists, Movladi Baysarov, whose death was to take place soon, was actively calling up with his former curators in the FSB. He clearly understood that they could no longer cover him, and volunteered to testify about Kadyrov’s crimes. It was the "last card" that Baisarov tried to play.


Movladi Baysarov was killed on November 18 in Moscow. This event occurred on Leninsky Prospekt. According to the official version, he was wanted to be detained jointly by employees of the Moscow power agencies and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic. During the arrest, he took out a grenade and threatened to blow up everyone, for this reason they decided to shoot him on the spot.

The eyewitnesses said that the operation went like this: Movladi Baysarov, whose death was predicted by many, arrived by car to the place where he had an appointment. I got out of the car and headed for the Chechens who were standing nearby, next to their vehicle. They shouted something not in Russian, pulled out pistols and started firing.

Almost all the bullets hit Baysarov’s head. The killers calmly got into their car and drove away. Employees of Moscow special forces and riot police, standing on the other side of the avenue, silently watched what was happening.

movladi baysarov biography

Before death

A few days before the death of Movladi in an interview with the newspaper "New time" shared the scenario of his murder. He suggested that he would be shot by the Chechen police "while trying to escape." Some data claim that he managed to rise to the rank of major, others say that he was a colonel in the FSB.

Simonov’s prosecutor’s office in the capital instituted criminal proceedings on this fact. It was quickly closed. Baysarov's supporters claimed the killing was well planned. In their opinion, it was not beneficial for some people to investigate the murder of the Musaevs in Grozny.

Why did they kill Movladi Baysarov? There are many versions: from the official (an attempt to resist the arrest) to intentional murder for political reasons.

Supporters of Movladi say that they could have killed him at any time, since he was not hiding. But no one tried to do this, therefore, they killed him by order. Why they did not try to take him alive - it is not clear. It is assumed that he was offered a deal to which he did not agree, and they decided to liquidate him.

It is likely that if the then president of Chechnya, Alu Alkhanov, tried to hush up this conflict between his wards, then Baysarov would not have been shot. The police would not even intervene in this matter. The federal government does not care about the fate of the Chechens. It is important for her that there was silence inside the republic, and it was well controlled by local authorities.

Baysarov family

Movladi Baysarov, whose family is small enough, was married, but he did not have children. In the village of Pobedinskoye (Grozny district), his mother and brother, Ortsa, live. Close relatives say that he did not have children because he killed a lot of Chechens (a great sin). Movladi did not want his children to be responsible for the blood spilled by him.

However, the absence of offspring in the Caucasus does not alleviate the problem of blood feud. According to Caucasian laws, if the bloodsucker has no children, revenge is transferred to the above. But Baysarov could no longer influence this.


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