Punishment for the lack of compulsory motor third-party liability insurance: the size of the fine, legal norms

In the article, we consider what punishment is supposed for the absence of compulsory motor liability insurance.

In accordance with paragraph 2.1.1 of the Rules of the Road at the time of driving a driver must have a compulsory insurance policy. When a car driver does not have an insurance policy, it is a violation almost as serious as driving a car without a license. The article contains information about what fines / penalties for driving without insurance in 2018 are applied under the new rules to a driver who does not have a policy.

punishment for the lack of an insurance policy

So, what is the punishment for the lack of compulsory motor third-party liability insurance?

Legal regulations

Legislatively, for various cases, a monetary fine is provided in a special amount. Punishment for the absence of compulsory motor third-party liability insurance may be imposed in the following cases:

  • lack of a policy when it was not issued;
  • if the driver was not allowed to drive vehicles;
  • Riding with an expired insurance policy
  • driving outside the time of use of insurance.

Lack of insurance for a person and a fine

The lowest penalty awaits those who have insured the car, but they don’t have a policy with them: they lost it, they forgot it at home, they left it somewhere, etc. In this case, the driver will be forced to pay a fine to the state, prescribed by law, in the amount of 500 rubles, excluding other offenses that are an occasion for a conversation with the inspector (for example, driving while intoxicated). In other words, traffic violations are considered separately, regardless of whether there is or is no policy.

In the absence of OSAGO insurance, many are interested in punishment.

The inspector also needs to provide evidence that the policy exists in principle: provide information to the insurance company, contact information of the manager, contract number, etc. In practice, it happens that it is difficult to provide evidence of the existence of a policy that you simply forgot to take with you. In this case, the representative of the traffic police will most likely draw up an administrative protocol on non-compliance with the requirements for the compulsory civil liability insurance policy of the vehicle owner (that is, indicate that there is no document on the fact).

What is the punishment for the lack of an insurance policy in 2018?

Subsequently, such a decision can be challenged if you submit an application to the head of the traffic police, explaining the situation and enclosing a copy of your policy. In this case, the person will pay 500 rubles, not 800. At present, almost every traffic police officer can check the driver’s policy for a special program. It began to function in 2015. To avoid problems, it is advisable to always have at least a photocopy of OSAGO in the car. Sometimes transport owners draw up an insurance policy in electronic form, then you need to have a printout with you, since a single database of electronic policies is still being improved and continues to be developed.

what is the punishment for the lack of liability

The punishment for the lack of an insurance policy may be more serious.

Fine if a person has not bought a policy

If the driver, in principle, did not take out insurance, then the fine for driving a car without a motor third-party liability insurance policy rises to 800 rubles. For such a situation, penalties are determined by part 2 of article 12.37.

What punishment for the absence of compulsory motor third-party liability insurance is provided, each driver should know.

Penalty for driving with expired insurance

Many drivers still believe that after the expiration of the policy it continues to operate for another 30 days. This rule has not been working for quite some time (since 2009), and therefore the penalty issued for compulsory motor third-party liability insurance with a delay for such car owners becomes an absolute surprise. The CTP policy, therefore, loses its legal force from the day after the expiration. When the driver is in a situation with insurance that is at least one day overdue, he faces a fine of 800 rubles. The delay of the policy in essence is equal to the fact that there is no compulsory motor liability insurance. Insurance is sometimes done not for the whole year, as it usually happens, but for a specific period (for example, for summer residents for six months, indicating months - from March to October, etc.). If the driver is driving a vehicle when the policy has already ceased to operate, he will have to pay 500 rubles in fine.

The punishment for the lack of an insurance policy is often frustrating.

Penalty for a driver who is not included in the insurance

If the car is driven by a person who has not been included in the insurance policy, the owner of this vehicle will be forced to administratively be responsible for this and must pay a fine of 500 rubles. When other people may occasionally drive a car from time to time for certain reasons or by type of activity, it is better to change the insurance by indicating there an unlimited number of people who can drive a vehicle (“without restrictions” is indicated in the policy). Then you can safely avoid the penalty for driving without insurance. In any case, a person who gets behind the wheel of someone else's transport must be issued a power of attorney in simple written form, indicating the period of documents, date and specific rights (registration, management, etc.).

fine for driving without insurance for legal entities

Out-of-time driving penalty

Driving motor vehicles outside the period of using the CTP insurance policy will entail penalties. For example, insurance is valid for one year, the time of use of the car is from April to October, and when the driver gets behind the wheel in November, he violates the contractual terms. The fine for driving outside the time of use is 500 rubles, its size is determined by part 1 of article 12.37.

How much is allowed to ride without a policy

When buying a new car, its owner receives ten days for technical inspection and compulsory insurance policy. After this period, the driver cannot drive without insurance, otherwise he will face a certain fine.

When purchasing a vehicle in the cabin, the driver has the opportunity to issue a compulsory insurance policy right on the spot, bypassing the technical inspection procedure.

Ten days are also given for issuing an insurance policy upon receipt of a power of attorney, since the law on compulsory insurance of a car equals it with the appearance of the right to own a vehicle.

How can I be punished for the lack of insurance for compulsory motor third-party liability insurance?

Payment Methods

When a person has been fined for driving without an insurance policy, he must pay it as soon as possible. The most convenient payment methods: through the official traffic police website, the State Services portal, payment systems (for example, Yandex.Money), a bank branch (for example, Sberbank), Internet banking.

what is the punishment for the lack of compulsory motor liability insurance

Other types of punishment

In 2018, a fine is applied for driving without insurance. In the past, traffic police officers could make car operation limited only because the driver does not have an insurance policy. Inspectors have no right to remove state numbers from a car, to dispose of its evacuation. It is worth noting that if a person is not included in the insurance or has forgotten the policy, the amount of the penalty is not so high compared to other articles. But you need to be aware that there may be several administrative penalties, and the total amount that needs to be paid can be quite significant. At the same time, changes in administrative legislation on the right to pay half of the amount within twenty days also apply to the article on violation of compulsory insurance (CAO RF 12.37). It is quite possible that the penalties for the absence of a policy will soon be raised to 2500 rubles, as amendments to this Code of Administrative Offenses have been made.

penalty for driving without liability for legal entities

Penalty for driving without insurance for legal entities

MTPL policy is required not only for individuals. Not a single corporate car can go on the road without insurance. The limits set by the state are rather modest, but you need to know what each of us pays for. Legal entities have the opportunity to issue CTP for corporate vehicles and then include DSAGO. Thanks to voluntary liability insurance, citizens can be protected from a fairly large number of risks.

What is the penalty for driving without compulsory motor third-party liability insurance for legal entities? We will tell below.

In order to arrange and calculate insurance, you just need to apply to the insurer with a certificate of state registration of the car. Legislative discounts are not provided for legal entities. The cost of the policy does not depend on the number of vehicles in the park. Each car is separately insured. The only discount is for a ride without loss. In short, if possible, you can force the insurer to give a certificate stating that there were no accidents over the past year. A large car park is always a favorite place for scammers. To prevent various troubles, you need to come to the insurance company personally, and it must work under license.

The penalty for the lack of compulsory motor third-party liability insurance for legal entities is imposed on the driver.

Possible misconceptions

To get rid of misconceptions about what is the policy of compulsory motor liability insurance, you need to know the costs that are covered by it. Insurance protects:

  • the driver and passengers of the vehicle into which the owner of the motor third-party liability insurance policy crashed;
  • beneficiaries of the victim who received severe injuries during the accident or died;
  • when the insured person damages other vehicles;
  • if damage has been caused to one or another injured party.

The CTP policy is primarily a guarantee for affected citizens. They have the right to apply to the insurer for compensation in the event of an insured event.

The insurance company provides guaranteed payments from 120 to 400 rubles. Larger amounts are collected through the court. Conclusion DSAGO greatly simplifies the receipt of cash. The supplementary contract only provides insurance for 1,000 rubles, but he has compensation in the amount of one million rubles. The following are not insured events:

penalty for the lack of liability for legal entities
  • damage when using another vehicle that is not indicated in the policy;
  • contributing to lost profit, causing moral damage;
  • causing harm in the process of using the vehicle during training, training or at competitions;
  • damage caused by the cargo when the risk of such liability should be insured under compulsory motor liability insurance;
  • environmental pollution;
  • causing harm to the health and life of workers when compensation is provided for by an insurance contract;
  • causing damage to the car, trailer or other property by the driver;
  • obligations to compensate the employer for losses in case of harm to the health of the employee;
  • causing harm during loading and unloading of goods;
  • destruction and damage to antique and valuable items.

Compensation is not paid if a clear intent is discovered in certain actions of the victim. Insurance does not cover insurmountable circumstances, nuclear explosion, civil war, radiation, public unrest. If you want to protect vehicles from theft, additional insurance according to CASCO is recommended. The penalty for the absence of compulsory motor third-party liability insurance is the only guarantee in case of an accident for the perpetrator and the victim. In this case, the savings are unjustified: when applying for a policy, the insurer helps to save a tangible amount and protect yourself financially and morally in case of an accident. It is a fine, whose maximum size is 800 rubles, that can become the motivation for car owners to draw up DSAGO and MTPL policies.

punishment for the absence of an insurance policy

Fines from cameras for the lack of compulsory motor third-party liability insurance

Starting in November, Moscow authorities will begin to identify car owners through cameras, who do not have an insurance policy. It was about this that Vedomosti was informed by a representative of the data center, which is also involved in servicing the capital's video and photo recordings. According to him, the databases are currently being combined, due to which motorists without insurance will be determined.

Repeatedly the project was postponed. Its launch was planned at the beginning of 2016. Then it was said in a PCA report that in the absence of information on the policy of compulsory motor liability insurance in the database, a fine will be automatically issued and sent to the owner as many times as he drove past the cameras without insurance. However, the launch was postponed. It was assumed that the verification of the cameras will begin in September 2018, but now it is postponed to November.

E. Ufimtsev, executive director of RSA, said that in the capital in the summer in test mode they tested the system of checking insurance with cameras. About 4.5 million motorists were checked in one day, and only 6% did not find information in the database on the existence of an insurance policy. In Moscow, over a period of 7 months, 58,411 people were identified without insurance.

Currently, the penalty for the absence of a policy is 800 rubles. When the camera verification system is launched, all Moscow drivers will have compulsory insurance, according to the representative of the RSA. After the system is tested in Moscow, it will be extended to regions where it is expected to obtain similar indicators.

What punishment for the lack of insurance for OSAGO awaits the motorist, now it is clear. What are the conclusions?

what is the penalty for the lack of insurance


Although the penalties for driving a car without insurance are not so high, such penalties are applied to the driver every time the traffic police inspector checks the documents. Thus, the amount of fines in general for the absence of a policy can grow to impressive numbers. To prevent this from happening, you need to insure your car on time and carefully monitor that the document is not expired. Only in this case, the driver will be reliably protected from possible road risks and from penalties in the form of punishment for the absence of compulsory motor third-party liability insurance.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G13317/

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