Tow - what is it? Advantages and disadvantages of yarn

For many centuries, knitting has been a favorite craft of every woman. Previously, knowledge of this art was transferred from grandmother to mother, and from her to her daughter. Let's figure out what a tow is.

Tow. What it is?

When a woman comes to the store, she is lost among the whole variety of threads, knitting needles and hooks. A sensible seller will explain everything, show, tell. For example, tow - what is it and what is it used for.

tow what is

This type of yarn is considered natural, since it consists of 40% flax and 60% cotton. The thickness of the thread requires the presence of needles No. 1-1.5. You can use the hook. As a rule, tow yarn is used to create summer things that will look great and be worn with a bang. They provide a comfortable temperature regime (do not accumulate heat) and do not absorb the smell of sweat.

Tow fiber properties

So tow. What is a mixture of cotton and flax? What are the properties of yarn? Flax flax and cotton are used for the needs of the textile industry.

The fibers of the first plant after repeated processing become very strong. The silica content in the threads does not allow the canvas to rot. In addition, it has been observed that linen fabric has healing properties: relieving inflammation, lowering temperature, and inhibiting the development of bacteria. The natural colors of the processed fiber fibers are cream, gray-beige, gray-steel, light brown, bluish green. Now the industry has “learned” to paint linen in all colors of the rainbow, although this was previously impossible.

Cotton yarn is obtained from cotton wool contained in boxes of the same plant. Already in the VII century. BC e. in India they knew about her. It took the cotton fiber 24 centuries to reach Europe. The strength of the thread is higher than that of wool, but lower than that of silk or linen. As a rule, most often needlewomen choose cotton mixed with some other “component”, since natural yarn from this plant is not so elastic.

Tow qualities

We propose to study the tow in more detail: what is interesting and useful she took from both plants, the fibers of which consists?

yarn for knitting tow

Indisputable advantages:

  • strength;
  • the ability to wash in hot water;
  • the presence of antibacterial properties;
  • lack of shrinkage and stretching after washing;
  • heat transfer regulation;
  • quick drying;
  • moisture absorption;
  • hygiene;
  • abrasion resistance;
  • ease in leaving;
  • dirt repulsion;
  • lack of electrification;
  • hypoallergenicity.

Minor flaws:

  • heavy dyeing of flax fiber;
  • difficult whitening;
  • loss of strength in direct sunlight.

As you can see, the scales alter in favor of virtues. That is why this type of yarn won the hearts of millions of girls who are fond of knitting.

More needlewomen should not be tormented by the question, tow - what is it, why it should be chosen and how to use it. Such threads are perfect for knitting on a typewriter and by hand. Craftswomen will create not only clothes, but also jewelry and toys.

It would seem that only yarn. But how much interesting tow conceals in itself.


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