How to play the mafia? Rules and recommendations

Having gathered with friends you can not only talk, enjoy dinner or have a drink, but also have fun. There are many different exciting games in which certain skills are not needed, but only activity and a good mood.

Mafia - what kind of game is this?

How to play the "Mafia"? Mafia is a popular modern game for a group of friends. It is useful for training strategic thinking and the ability to build actions based on logic, provided that you know the rules. Of particular interest to the game is its psychological component - participants learn the intricacies of communication between individuals and begin to feel each other deeper.

Many are interested in the question - is it possible to play "Mafia" for teenagers? The answer will definitely be positive. The fact is that this entertainment socializes and adapts the guys as part of the team. For this reason, it is often practiced in schools, summer camps and other children's institutions.

Such fun is available to everyone. You can purchase a special set consisting of special cards and masks or even go to a thematic institution. For many novice players, at first it’s difficult to get the rules of the game “Mafia” with cards. However, understanding the rules of the game is not so difficult.

card mafia

The essence of the game

All existing games are divided into two classes: the option of competition (struggle) and performance (masquerade). The Mafia combines in its process the characteristics of these two species. The peculiarity of the game is that it is not interconnected with cash expenses, in comparison with cards, and with the presence of a sports physique (basketball and other sports). In addition, she pleases with intellectual pleasure. In the disinterested carelessness of the game, its possibilities lurk.

This game is exceptional. Its basis is live communication of the participants, saturated with lies, meanness and treachery, and this, by the way, is the norm. During the game, her condition is discussed - opinions are clashed in a vehement dispute, and someone prefers to sit silently, while others are actively trying to convince others of their words. Thanks to this structure, the game differs from the calm fights of the minds that are characteristic of chess, which makes it look like real life. The goal of the mafia is to defeat a group of citizens, the goal of the latter is the exact opposite.

Game aspects

Before playing the "Mafia", it is important to note that it includes two main components: psychological and mathematical.

The first means that players must note in their head - against whom the participants vote, and who they actually are. If necessary, it will simply be concluded that the mafia usually speaks against an honest person.

The second component means the presence of minimal acting data, as it will be necessary to convincingly lie or, on the contrary, to convince participants of the veracity of their words. In addition, it is important to have the ability to persuade people to their side (helps in choosing a dishonest player).

sets for the mafia game

Basic concepts

What are the rules of the game and how to play the "Mafia"? The game has the ability to stipulate and adjust the rules depending on the situation, but there are fundamentals that never undergo changes. So, for example, each action is performed using a common vote. The game is divided into 3 groups: the mafia, civilians and the third category - with power. The organizer determines the number of people playing. The smallest number of participants: host, 5 civilians, two people from the mafia. The best composition: the leader, 5 civilians, two from the mafia and the commissar. It is permissible to play with any size of the assembled company.

Existing roles:

  • A civilian (sleeping at night, during the day - looking for the mafia; if he was killed, he has the right to say the last word - who, in his opinion, is the mafia).
  • Mafia (at night they decide who to kill, inform the host about this).
  • Doctor (treatment of any character the mafia shot at).
  • Mistress (plays for the side of the townspeople, comes to any player at night, after which he does not participate in the discussion for one day and defends himself against voting against him).
  • Commissioner (disclosure of identity - the mafia or not?).
  • Maniac (located not on the side of the mafia and not on the side of civilians, so his goal is to kill any player).
cards for the mafia

Without which the game will not take place

Before playing the game "Mafia", you must make sure that there are:

  • Special cards "Mafia" (you can play with regular playing cards, specifying the meaning of the pictures).
  • The right number of players.
  • The leader who keeps order.
  • A piece of paper and a pen for the host to record key moments of the game.
  • Good mood.

All of these conditions are important for the company to be able to play this exciting game. In addition, it is worth creating comfortable conditions for participants, namely: check in advance the number of available chairs so that there is enough space for everyone, remove excess objects from the table. To give your meeting coziness, you can stock up on delicious treats or quietly turn on background music.

mafia rules

How to play?

How to play the "Mafia"? The rules are as follows:

  1. Initially, the presenter gives the participants the card face down. From this moment it is clear to whom what role is assigned. The deck must consist of the number of cards equal to the number of players. The presenter is chosen using a card or appointed by voting.
  2. The first night - the leader reveals all the players (who are mafiosi and who are civilians).
  3. Day - Mafia members are discussed and searched. Meanwhile, the mafia is also participating in the discussion and decides who to shoot at. Their task is to substitute the townsman, convincing everyone that he is the bandit. During the voting, the alleged victim is determined and killed.
  4. The second night - the mafia wakes up and chooses a victim. They do this in silence so as not to give themselves away. Then the turn comes to wake up the commissioner, doctor, mistress and maniac. All of them fulfill their mission. With a large number of people, it is desirable for the leader to mark everything on a piece of paper. Before the new day, he says who was killed.
  5. The following days and nights repeat their acts until their logical end - a group of mafia or townspeople killed opponents.
the city is falling asleep waking up the mafia

Forbidden during the game.

Above, we talked about how to play Mafia. What you should not do during the game so as not to break the rules is:

  • Express your opinion out of turn or during the night.
  • In every possible way to contact (in particular to touch) with other participants.
  • Use the word "honestly."
  • Use foul language and allow insults towards the players / leader.
  • Use gestures at night or when voting.
  • Talk to the host.

It is also not recommended to knock on the table and make any noise. These actions can not only interfere with other participants, but also disrupt the calm atmosphere of the evening. If you do not want anyone to distract you, you can put the phone in silent mode. How to play the game "Mafia" with the above violations. Anyone who violates these rules is limited to a remark. With the accumulation of three such comments, a person does not have the right to participate in the discussion. He only gives the name of the person against whom he wants to vote. Four points mean removing a player from the game.

discussion in the mafia game


How to play “Mafia” on the cards and win at the same time? The most successful patterns of behavior are presented to your attention:

  1. Choose observational tactics. If you are observing others well, then keep the situation under control. It is important to monitor the players - how and what they say, pay attention to their behavior and manifestation of emotions. Fix the details of the game, even those that seem unremarkable at first glance.
  2. When you see a card, it’s better not to express any emotions. A person who has a Mafia card can easily be found. It is advisable to quickly look at your card and remove it from other eyes.
  3. If you are sure that some players are ordinary citizens, team up with them. Thanks to this, your decision will be more significant than the opinion of a single participant.
  4. Do not be passive and silent during the discussion. Firstly, you may be suspected. Secondly, activity can earn credibility in the game, which means that you may have like-minded people.
  5. Take note - vote for a silent person. As a rule, it is not significant for the game, since it is inactive. In addition, the mafia is often disguised as a silent one, so as not to betray itself.
  6. Watch a player who seems suspicious to you. Assess his emotions and reaction to different situations. You can morally put pressure on this character with your “peaceful” team.
  7. Remember who the players vote against. Use this data during the game.
  8. How to play the “Mafia”, if you are a gangster, vote for the killing of active people, as they can gain like-minded people. Avert suspicions from a person who also had a mafia card. Do not be too active so as not to attract too much attention.
  9. Use any arguments to set up a peaceful player, saying that he is a bandit. Pretend to be a simple city dweller and unite with them against others.
how to play the mafia with cards

Game occurrence

The psychological game was invented by a student at Moscow State University (Faculty of Psychology) Dmitry Davydov in 1986. Initially, it spread throughout the university and dormitories. The youth looked after others how to play the “Mafia” with cards. Camps for students accepting students from educational institutions all over the country began to contribute to the distribution of the game further.

After graduating in 1989, the author of the game began to conduct a psychology course for foreign students at his university. The latter, returning home, and talked about the "Mafia" to others. So, tabletop fun turned out to be in Europe (Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Belgium, Great Britain, Norway), and then in the USA they started playing the card “Mafia”.

"Mafia" - a modern popular psychological game, loved by many. This is a great way to have fun in a company of about 8-13 people. This game is unique in the development of team skills, artistry, memory, attention, logic, as well as the lack of difficult orders and great physical strength. The company will certainly have a fun meeting with this interesting fun. We hope our article was useful, and now you know how to play the Mafia according to the rules of the game.


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