Murinsky stream in St. Petersburg: history, description

The stream, which will be discussed in this article, is the right tributary of the Okhta River flowing in the city of St. Petersburg. This small brook starts in the Sosnovka forest park. He received his name from the name of the village of Murino located not far from him.

Further in the article we will give more detailed information about the Murinsky Creek.

Murinsky stream


Quite interesting historical facts relate to these places. Back in the 60s of the XX century, in the area of ​​the described stream, mass construction of housing began. In the 70s, this reservoir began to represent the border between two districts of new buildings: the GDR (this is the newest district, located on the left bank and named Grazhdanka beyond the stream), Germany (the right bank is the fashionable district of Grazhdanka).

In 1980, it was decided to create a green recreation area in the floodplain, but these plans for a long time remained only on paper. Only at the beginning of the two thousandth began active work on the restoration of land and the channel of the stream. As a result, the first park zones were created in the upper reaches (in the area west of Svetlanovsky Avenue).

And now there are grandiose projects to create a park in this place. Murinsky Creek should become a resting place for numerous citizens and guests of the capital. It is planned to place various attractions, a cafe, a cultural center with a cinema, a hotel, sports areas and an outdoor pool with a water heating system that operates at any time of the year.

Murinsky stream: history

Geographical location of the stream, description

Murinsky Stream (St. Petersburg) flows east and flows into the Okhta River (right tributary) near the village of Novaya. It has a length of 8.7 kilometers, a width of 5 to 30 meters, and its depth reaches an average of 1 meter (up to 2-3 meters in ponds). The total area of ​​the pool is approximately 41 square meters. kilometer.

By the way, in some of its ponds roach, perch, pike and crucian carp are found.

Ecological problems

Unfortunately, the ecology of the stream has been severely damaged due to the massive development of these places and, consequently, with an increase in the discharge of untreated sewage. For several decades the stream (especially its lower and middle course) has practically turned into a fetid duct. Environmental problems sometimes arise in its upper reaches. For example, in 2010, sewage broke through in the spring, after which an unauthorized tapping into the collector was discovered. Subsequently, this caused the death of many fish and stopped nesting on the banks of the brook of birds.

In fact, this stream is practically the only open sewage left in St. Petersburg that carries its dirty water into the Okhta River, which then flows into the Neva. Such circumstances are explained by the lack of money for the creation of modern treatment facilities.

Murinsky stream (St. Petersburg)

Other sources of pollution

Sources of pollution of the Murinsky stream are:

  • storm city drains (from the highways of transport and from container sites, in the amount of approximately 140, in the area of ​​the Parnas industrial zone);
  • switching household waste water from residential buildings to the storm sewer network (emergency situations, erroneous connections during the construction of new houses, unauthorized creation of jumpers inside residential blocks);
  • numerous wastewater discharges from emergency release during various works on the tunnel of the Vyborg collector to prevent flooding of this large part of the city.

All these factors led to a rather unsatisfactory, or rather, catastrophic sanitary and epidemiological situation that developed in the Kalininsky district of the city of St. Petersburg.

About the composition of water

The water in the middle and lower reaches of the described stream is cloudy, its transparency is 4 centimeters. The smell of fecal reaches up to 5 points. The oil content is up to 7 mg per liter, iron - 4.4 mg per liter, surfactant - 1.3 mg per liter. The sediment of the bottom of the reservoir is black, silty, with the presence of the smell of decay, the channel is swampy.

Almost all samples taken after laboratory tests showed a mismatch in the water composition with sanitary standards for bacteriological indicators (2000-2001 studies), pathogenic microflora was also detected. Thus, the degree of pollution of the stream stream is estimated as high.

And today, Murinsky Creek is experiencing intense pollution, confirmed by data from periodic laboratory studies of water.

It should be noted that at the same time above the dam (at Svetlanovsky Avenue) and at the source of the stream, where there are no the above-mentioned harmful effluents and where the floodplain is landscaped, the water is clear and clean.

Park Murinsky Creek

In conclusion, plans for the future

At the very source of the Murinsky stream there was once a Benois farm, as well as the avenue of the same name (now it is Tikhoretsky). This farm was later merged with another small farm located on the opposite side of the stream. Today, the city administration and investors are working on the restoration of this farm and the park adjacent to it.

It is planned to build a city amusement park on this site, which will be connected with the park at the top of the stream.


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