How to make wedding bonbonnieres with your own hands?

Everyone loves to receive gifts. Present gifts for your wedding guests. Small souvenirs, sweets and other sweets can be invested in bonbonnieres. With your own hands to assemble such boxes will be easy. You can find tips and ideas for manufacturing below.


paper pyramid

What is the easiest way to make do-it-yourself bonbonnieres? Make them out of paper. To create small boxes you will need thick cardboard. You can make multi-colored bonbonnieres, or you can make boxes in the colors of the holiday. To prevent guests from confusing their gifts, you can create personalized labels. But if you make the same presentations for everyone, you can skip this step. How to make a bonbonniere out of paper with your own hands? Print the pattern attached above. Then cut it out and transfer it onto a thick cardboard of your chosen color. Along all internal lines, make incisions with a clerical knife. Assemble the pyramid and fasten it at the top with a ribbon. In addition to the label, such a bonbonniere can be decorated with beautiful handwritten inscriptions. Guests will enjoy the fact that you personally signed the gifts.


paper bag

Such a miniature bonbonniere is suitable for storing small sweets. For example, you can fill up a colored dragee. Large and wide sweets are better to pack in some other way. How to assemble a do-it-yourself bonbonniere handbag? Pick up the material. It is advisable to use some interesting cardboard. It can be dense embossed paper, for example, velvet or with perforated texture. Print the pattern and scale it. Now you need to transfer the stencil to cardboard. Cut the contour, and then make cuts along the internal lines with an office knife. But don't overdo it. Slots are needed to make it easier to bend the workpiece. Assemble the mold and glue it. Now put a piece of velvet or satin fabric in the resulting handbag and cover it with sweets. On top of these gifts can be decorated with a ribbon.


donut box

Such gift wrapping will be appropriate at the wedding of creative young people. The sweet-tooth guests will enjoy the bonbonniere. To enhance the effect of the gift, you really can pack donuts in a similar box. How to make a bonbonniere with your own hands? The package will consist of two parts: the first is the base, and the second is the color overlay. To start, we will make the basis. Print the pattern, cut it out and transfer to cardboard. Now cut the workpiece. Decor will be made of colored paper. Find a suitable material and cut out a semblance of chamomile from it. In the inner part of the workpiece, give the shape of an octagon in accordance with the main shape. Now proceed to the decor. From colored paper, cut small bright rectangles and glue them in a chaotic manner on the daisy. Now assemble the base and glue a bright overlay to it.


paper heart

Such bonbonnieres at a wedding look very appropriate. With your own hands you can create one product in 5 minutes. So it won't take a lot of time to make gifts. Print out the shape and cut it out. Find the right material. If you want to make bonbonnieres with a print, but you don’t have the cardboard you need in the store, you can create it yourself, paste over thick paper with a cloth. The material on the sheet must be glued not tight, so that it is possible to deform the shape. Cut out the heart and draw the lines of the folds with a knife. Assemble the workpiece. A similar heart decorated with fabric can be decorated with ribbon. If the product was plain, tie a colored bow on it, and if you made a multi-color bonbonniere, you should give preference to a plain matte bow.

Round box

round box

What should be the size of the bonbonniere? With your own hands you can make a box of any size. But still keep in mind that for a wedding they don’t make bonbonnieres larger than 10 cm. Of course, there are exceptions everywhere. How to create a round box? From paper you need to cut two identical circles. It is advisable to use dense sheets of cardboard, and not smooth, but textured. Cut two rectangles that are equal in length to the diameter of the circles. One of these blanks should be narrow and the other wide. We glue round and rectangular parts. The result should be two halves of the box. The inside can be left paper, or you can fill the box with a satin or silk cut. How to decorate the cap? For this purpose, you can also use cardboard. Make two strips from it and loop them. Now fasten the blanks in the middle crosswise. It remains to glue the resulting element on the cover.


gift basket

How to make do-it-yourself bonbonnieres out of paper? You can make packaging for a miniature gift from any material at hand. For example, take a thick thread. From it you can make a basket. For this you need some kind of round shape. For convenience, take a rubber ball. Cover the mold with a napkin, and then take the thread and PVA glue. Pierce the glue bubble and pull the tip of the rope through it. Now evenly, starting from the middle, we wind a thread on a napkin. We twist the spiral exactly to the middle of the form. Then leave the workpiece to dry. When the product dries, remove it from the ball and cut the napkin in shape. We form a handle from the thread and glue it to the sides of the resulting basket. You can fix the rope with clothespins. You can fill such a bonbonniere with sweets or small flowers.


decorative nut

What else can you make a wedding bonbonniere with your own hands? From walnut shells. Such packaging will be interesting to look at the festive table and will surely make all guests remember the fairy tale. At a young age, everyone read the famous poems of A.S. Pushkin about a squirrel gnawing golden nuts. You have to create a vase with such gifts. Take the nuts and gently open them. Remove all contents and paint the shell from the inside. Put a cotton pad inside and lay a pendant, ring or chain on it. Glue “Moment” to connect the shells. You can put a unique gift in each nut. Then the guests will have something like a lottery. The top of the shells needs to be painted. You can do this both with acrylic paint and using a spray can. To make it easy for guests to determine in which nut for whom the gift is, wrap the shells with ribbons. Tie pink ones for presentations for women, and blue ones for men.


paper candy

Such a bonbonniere from paper with their own hands was made more than once by many newlyweds. The classic version of miniature packaging for sweets should be made in the form of candy. Take colored paper in a suitable shade. Cut a rectangle out of it. Now the edges of this geometric figure need to be decorated with rhombuses. Cut three integers and two halves of a rhombus from each edge. Connect the geometric shapes with slots. On the central part of the candy you need to come up with packaging. You can create a special label or cut a rectangle from printed paper. Glue a picture on the wrapper, and then wrap the candy. We fill the bonbonniere with sweets and tie the edges of the packaging with ribbons.


gift from tulle

Do you want to create a bonbonniere with your own hands from tulle? This will be even easier than building complex paper structures. Create an airfist. To do this, you will need to cut a square from tulle. If you want, you can cut out two squares of different colors and lay them on top of each other. You can use different materials, for example, tulle, silk or guipure. Put a gift in the middle of the square. It can be sweets, trinkets, pendants, etc. Now collect the corners at the top and pull them with a ribbon. The resulting fist can be supplemented with a name label. In this way, you can present guests with not only sweets, but also neck scarves. In this case, wrap the candies in a bag, and create a bag from handkerchiefs.


box decor

Have you created a simple bonbonniere and don’t know how to decorate it? For this purpose, you can use everything that you have at hand. For example, stick confetti on transparent plates and glue them to the boxes. You do not have colorful circles? It will be easy to create them using a hole punch. You can cut flowers of different sizes from paper. It can be complex voluminous buds or flat silhouette elements. You can decorate gifts using ribbons. For example, take a glossy strip and tie a present around it.

Want to do something more complicated? Create from kanzashi tapes. Such flowers can be attached to a pin, and then to a gift. Then each guest will receive not only a small gift, but also a beautiful brooch in addition. Beads and beads can be used as decor. From them you can create various shapes, such as flowers. Also, you can simply braid a gift with turns of wire with glass balls typed on it . Alternating beads and beads, make original pendants.

And of course, you can decorate the packaging with the help of a drawing. If you are not deprived of artistic talent, then you can create a complex image using paints. Well, if you do not know how to draw, it is better to use stencils. With the help of paper blanks, you can create complex drawings without applying any effort.


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