Cities of the Kursk region: Kursk, Zheleznogorsk, Kurchatov, Lgov, Shchigry

Kursk region covers an area of ​​29.997 square meters. km and has a population of 1,120,000. Of these, more than 67% are residents of its administrative center, as well as Zheleznogorsk, Kurchatov, Lgov, Shchigrov, Rylsk and Oboyan. All these cities of the Kursk region have an interesting history, on their territory you can see many tourist attractions. That is why every year thousands of Russians come there on an excursion and leave with the best impressions of this hospitable land and the people living there.


It is believed that on the territory of a modern city, a settlement existed at least in the 8th century. Like other cities in the Kursk region, today it has a developed industry and is a major center for the production of electricity. This is not least facilitated by the developed transport infrastructure, represented by a network of highways, a railway station serving trains that run along the Voronezh-Kiev and Moscow-Kharkov lines, as well as an airport, from where flights to St. Petersburg and the capital are regularly made.

cities of Kursk region

Sights of Kursk

Over its long history, the city has repeatedly been destroyed and ruined, but has always risen from the ruins. Despite this, quite a few architectural monuments of the 19th century have been preserved there, as well as several interesting modern sights. Of particular note are:

  • Znamensky Cathedral.

This magnificent building was conceived as a kind of monument created in honor of the victory of Russian troops in the Patriotic War of 1812. Its appearance traces the features of classicism that prevailed in architecture during the construction of this building in 1816-1826. At the beginning of the new millennium, the Znamensky Church, which was used as a cinema for most of the 20th century, was restored, during which its interior was restored with the utmost precision.

  • Church of the Virgin Mary.

A neo-Gothic Catholic church appeared in Kursk in 1896 and immediately became one of its decorations. He is notable for the fact that the famous artist Kazimir Malevich married and baptized his daughter there. For many years the church building was used as an anti-religious museum, but at the end of the 20th century it was returned to the Catholic community.

  • Complex "Kursk Bulge".

The city went down in history thanks to the famous battle that took place in the region during the Second World War. In memory of him, in the post-war period, many structures and monuments were erected in Kursk: the Arc de Triomphe, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the monument to G. Zhukov, the stela "City of Military Glory", the alley of military equipment and the Church of St. George the Victorious.

  • Resurrection Church.

The church, built in the second half of the 19th century, has an original architectural appearance, making it look more like a small palace. It is richly decorated on the outside, but, unfortunately, nothing remains of the ancient interior at the moment, since the temple was in ruins for a long time.

Zheleznogorsk city Kursk region

City of Zheleznogorsk (Kursk region)

This relatively young settlement was founded in 1957 as a workers' village. The city-forming enterprise is the Mikhailovsky GOK OJSC, which employs more than 30% of the local population. Zheleznogorsk cannot boast of ancient sights, like other cities of the Kursk region, which are not one hundred years old. However, there is a rather interesting Museum of Local Lore located at ul. Lenin, 56.

The city of Zheleznogorsk (Kursk region) is also known for the memorial complex "Big Oak", which is located in its vicinity. Going to the village of Zolotoy, you can visit the Museum of Partisan Glory and see a monument erected in memory of the victims of the Nazi punishers who destroyed on October 17, 1942 the population of the whole village, including infants.

Rylsk city, Kursk region


The city was founded in 1968 and has been repeatedly recognized as the most comfortable settlement of the region. The city-forming enterprise is the Kursk NPP, and the whole history of Kurchatov is inextricably linked with the development of nuclear energy in the Russian Federation. You can learn more about it by visiting the local museum of local lore located at the following address: ul. Youth, 12.

Although Kurchatov is a city where there are no numerous attractions and ancient architectural monuments, tourists often come there who want to relax in the summer heat on the banks of the Kursk reservoir. This artificial pond has an area of ​​22 square meters. km and does not freeze even in the coldest winters.

Lgov city of Kursk region


The village of Olgov was founded in 1152 and was repeatedly ruined by the Polovtsy. In the 17th century, a famous Orthodox monastery was founded next to it, where pilgrims flocked from all over Russia.

Today, the city of Lgov in the Kursk region is a great place for educational excursions, as you can see attractions such as:

  • residential and household buildings in the former estate of Prince A.I. Baryatinsky;
  • Shamil Tower;
  • House of Chamberlain P. Stremoukhov;
  • buildings of the former Zemsky and City administrations;
  • prison castle ;
  • winery complex, which is a monument of industrial architecture, etc.

Shchigry city, Kursk region


A settlement with that name, in which only 15,000 people live, has existed for almost 300 years and is ranked among the historical cities of Russia. Its main attraction is the Holy Trinity Cathedral. This temple in the style of classicism was built in 1801. The city of Shchigry in the Kursk region is also known for its museum of local lore, which is located at: st. Bolshevikov, d.18.


This is one of the oldest cities in the Kursk region, in which many buildings of the 18-19th centuries have been preserved, including the complex of structures of the Nikolaev monastery and shopping arcades. The main decoration of the city is the Assumption Cathedral (7 Sverdlova St.), the construction of which was begun in 1797. Fortunately, he practically did not suffer during the war, although, from the 30s to the beginning of the 90s, his building was used for household purposes. At the beginning of the new millennium, the temple began to be restored, and in 2011, a clock was installed on its tower.

The city of Rylsk, Kursk region is also famous for the fact that several monuments of civil architecture, known as the Shemyaki House, have been preserved there. Two of these three buildings are interconnected by an underground passage and belong to the years 1740-1760. It is believed that the Rylsky voivode lived in them and housed his office.

Kurchatov city

Now you know what the cities of the Kursk region are remarkable for, so you will probably want to take an excursion there, during which you will have the opportunity to learn the history of this heroic corner of our vast Motherland.


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