Smartphone Tele2 Mini: reviews, manufacturer, user manual

A budget gadget for two SIM cards with a more than acceptable price tag (2190 rubles) will surely find its buyer. The main purpose of the device is to provide an inexpensive smartphone to potential Tele2 subscribers who do not want or simply cannot pay five or more thousand rubles for a 3G phone.

smartphone tele2 mini reviews

Smartphone Tele2 Mini (specifications, performance, autonomy, etc.) does not shine with technical indicators, but, nevertheless, for its price the gadget is quite good. In any case, the cost of the device will attract its client, therefore we will consider the gadget in more detail in order to decide on the eternal question: “To take or not to take?”

So, the hero of today's review is the Tele2 Mini smartphone: the details of working with it, the main technical characteristics, design, ergonomics and whether it is worth buying at all. The opinions of experts and reviews of ordinary gadget owners will be taken into account.

Price policy

In some regions, the 2G network is not supported by the Tele2 operator, so part of the audience, alas, will be lost. Nevertheless, the ratio of price and characteristics of the device can be designated as the standard of the "state employee". The operator takes the lion's share of the cost of the gadget, the other part is drawn up by the client as a monthly fee, and we can see the rest of the amount already in the store window.

smartphone tele2 mini black

If we take into account the “bare” price, it turns out that for 4-4.5 thousand rubles you buy a Tele2 Mini smartphone. Who is the manufacturer of the gadget, the company refuses to specify, citing brand policy, but with careful analysis of the device, it turned out that 80% of all components belong to the Chinese company Haier.


The key task of the device is to provide Tele2 subscribers with access to a 3G type cellular network for very modest money. It can be said that the Tele2 Mini smartphone coped with this task. Reviews about the price and technical characteristics of the gadget vary widely on specific forums. Someone would prefer to spend this money on a high-quality 3G dialer with buttons or a folding bed, while someone was quite happy with this option.

Otherwise, if you look at the Tele2 Mini smartphone from all sides (reviews, technical specifications, etc.), we will see that the range of the target audience of the gadget is extremely wide. This includes children who can use the device as a shovel in the sandbox, and respectable gentlemen who want an inexpensive dialer with a smartphone function for two SIM cards. In general, this phone will suit many as an entry-level gadget, and the deficit in official points of sale confirms this once again.


Opening the box, in it you will see a complete set of components for this kind of gadgets: the Tele2 Mini smartphone itself, a cover (optional), a connecting cable, a 0.7 A charger. Also included is a detailed manual and a mediocre headset. It is immediately worth noting that with a standard charger the phone charges for almost three hours, so it is better to look for some analogue of an ampere for 2, which will energize the Tele2 Mini smartphone in half an hour.

smartphone tele2 mini specifications

The characteristics of the headset are very modest: the sound quality is lousy, but the interlocutor is more or less audible - thanks to this, you do not need to run around the markets / salons in search of headphones and spend obviously not extra money and time. Wires and plugs look surprisingly solid, and the plug of the charger does not go on a swing, as is usually the case with Chinese state employees.

Also, competently localized and more than detailed instruction manual was pleased. The Tele2 Mini smartphone as a whole is 100% fully equipped, so after the purchase there is no need to buy anything else - pay and use it.


As for weight, there are no surprises here. For a 4-inch model, the phone weighs quite normally - 111 grams. The corners of the device have straight outlines, and the case resembles a classic “boat” - all this looks more or less modern, in contrast to the “soap dishes” rounded on all sides.

user manual smartphone tele2 mini

The only thing that surprised me a little was the protruding window of the camera: a 2-megapixel peephole without autofocus could be made flush. The rest is quite an ordinary Tele2 Mini smartphone. Reviews about the design are very different: someone doesn’t care what the “dialer” looks like at such a ridiculous price, but someone makes clear demands on the money spent.


The design as a whole without complaints - everything is boring and nothing interesting. There are no backlashes, cracks are not visually visible, parts are firmly in place, no crunches or punching has been noticed. The back of the smartphone “rustles” a little under the fingers, which most likely not everyone will like, but the device does not slip out of the hands and okay.

The body layout is standard - a tray with a candy bar. An amateur detailed showdown showed that the Tele2 Mini smartphone (, pdalife, etc.) is equipped with branded (albeit Chinese) components that are signed and numbered, that is, in case of repair, they can be replaced without any problems.

smartphone tele2 mini

The battery for the device is a removable type. The speaker and multimedia grille turned out right: the hole does not overlap with the other components and the sounds are not muffled. On the upper edge you can see the headphone jack, there is also a micro-USB connector.

In the lower part of the device there is only a microphone hole, and it is strongly shifted to the left. As for the right-handed people, this is an ideal option for them, but left-handed people will feel some discomfort by buying a Tele2 Mini smartphone. Reviews are full of indignation about this and "infringement of rights" of almost 20% of all customers. But in any case, during a conversation, the palm does not block the microphone hole, so this moment cannot be called critical.

The location of the mechanical buttons is standard: the multi-function power button is on the right, and the volume rocker is on the port side. No backlash or creaking was noticed, but some owners sometimes complain about the buttons being too tight. Nevertheless, it is better than accidental clicking in a purse or jeans pocket. The rocker and the power button are easily grope and act, as they say, just right.

The Tele2 Mini smartphone (black) has marked white buttons without backlighting - the manufacturer does not understand why he saved on this point. There is also no LED indicator of events, to which the owners reacted with a large number of minuses in the reviews.


Despite the outdated TFT-matrix, the Tele2 Mini smartphone (black) produces a more or less decent picture, and with small turns of the device, the colors on the display are practically not distorted. With a strong change in the viewing angle, gamma, of course, completely loses its original saturation. Moreover, the darker the image, the stronger the inversion, so you can work with text information (black on a white background) quite comfortably.

The display gives a certain blueness, and the “branded” wallpapers of the Tele2 operator further exacerbate this effect. The lack of MiraVision technology, which greatly simplifies the work with adjusting the color gamut of the screen, was disappointing, it would be perfectly out of place on this device.

smartphone tele2 mini case

The pixel density per inch is 233 ppi, which is pretty good for a budget gadget (mid-range devices have 300 ppi or more). There is also a protective oleophobic coating, although ineffective: the finger does not slide well on the screen while working with the gadget.

Owners of a fly in the ointment believe that the text is “blurred” during quick scrolling, such as turning over VKontakte or Odnoklassniki tapes. Also, users noticed some inhibition when rendering the picture.


The owners did not notice any problems with data transfer, and sometimes a thoroughbred smartphone in some basement refused to catch the network, unlike the Tele2 Mini, which, albeit with pauses, slowly but continued to work. The manufacturer promises a theoretical maximum data transfer rate of 21.6 Mbit / s., But in fact it was not possible to squeeze more than 13 Mbit even near the tower.

As for Wi-Fi, there are no complaints - the network works without problems and losses: the sensitivity is average, as well as range.

Secondary characteristics

The owners have no complaints about the sound: the voice speaker was very good, even surpassed similar Chinese mid-range models. Some complain of color distortion when watching videos on YouTube, but the total mass of owners did not see a critical difference. In any case, you should not expect any miracles from an explicit state employee.

smartphone tele2 mini who is the manufacturer

If you use smartphone functions occasionally, then the battery will last for a very decent time, although for such a device it would be possible to make a battery and more - the thickness of the device is not so important here.


By the combination of capabilities, qualities and functionality, the device is more than working out its money. Take the same 4-inch screen, which these days is simply doomed to popularity. If something doesn’t suit you at Tele2 Mini for 2000 rubles, you can always change it to some iPhone with a “small” surcharge.

A practically identical analogue in our market is a smartphone from MTS Smart Start 2, but it costs one thousand rubles more. So if you do not have serious requirements for your phone and you need an ordinary “dialer” with the basic capabilities of smart gadgets, then “Tele2 Mini” is a very good option.


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