Volumetric goat from beads: mosaic weaving

Due to the presence of various methods of weaving from beads, masters can try to weave something interesting and voluminous. How about weaving a goat from beads? This is a very cute little toy that can complement your needlework collection, decorate it with other handicrafts from beads or use as a keychain.

Such a keychain is a great little present. After all, a do-it-yourself gift is so cute, so warm and nice to have something dear, reminiscent of a loved one on a shelf or on a bunch of keys.

We have prepared for you a wonderful, simple master class of goats from beads, which any beginner can handle.

How to weave a realistic goat from beads?

Material needed

To weave a goat from beads, you will need several colors of beads:

  • white beads or any other in accordance with the color of your future craft;
  • gold color beads for ears and ponytails;
  • black beads for nose and eyes;
  • white thread;
  • wire, thin, light;
  • cotton wool or foam rubber.

Before you start weaving, familiarize yourself with the weaving pattern and methods.

The whole weaving process can be divided into several stages: the body, head, legs and weaving of additional details.

Mosaic weaving in a circle

Body weaving

To make it easier for you to weave a goat, carefully inspect this weaving pattern. For a volume goat from beads, this is the most successful scheme, it will make it voluminous, strong and stable.

On a piece of thread, collect six white beads and, to get a circle, pull the end of the thread into the last bead. String the following beads in a circle with mosaic weaving, as shown in the diagram. In the third and fifth rows add one more bead to the circle.

Pull the finished woven circle tightly, so you get a cylindrical part. After that, you can stuff the part with cotton and foam to maintain volume and stability.

Bright white goat from beads


The head is braided by the same mosaic method as the body. On the thread, dial six beads and also pull in a circle. From the second to the fourth row add one bead, and rows from the seventeenth to the twenty-third weave (head) in a circle. Mosaic weaving weave twelve rows, do not forget to leave room for the eyes, two black beads.

On the last, thirteenth row, use two-way weaving, complement the goat’s head with two black beads that mimic the eyes.

Further work on the head consists of weaving five rows, in which there is filling with beads in two directions. To make the head voluminous, weave around the braid, including side beads.

After six rows, begin to decrease by the already known method.

Neck and legs

The neck for the goat is made from beads in the same way as the head. It gathers six beads and weaves fifteen rows according to the mosaic technique. It is pulled together in a cylinder and stuffed with cotton. The neck can be set aside for other details and tackled with legs.

When weaving legs, we need to imitate a hoof. It is very easy to do. We will use the same weaving method as with the neck, but the first two circles must be woven in black.

Next, use white beads. Weave 18 rows for each leg. Legs, of course, we need four.

Bright, voluminous mountain goats.

Ears, horns, tail

The weaving of decorative details for the goat from beads is woven with parallel technique. To weave these parts of the goat, use a thin wire of light color. Weaving from the wire can be given any shape that suits our hand.

So, put three beads on a piece of wire. Pull one end through the last two beads in the opposite direction. Next, put three beads on one end and also pull the wire through the beads in the opposite direction with the opposite end.

To weave two ears, follow this pattern:

  • 1-4 row - + 1 bead each row;
  • 5 row - 6 beads;
  • 6 row - 4 beads;
  • 7-9 row - -1 bead each row.

Having finished weaving the ears, do not cut the remainder of the wire, we will attach the ears to the head with them.

Horns are also woven in a simple pattern:

  • 1 row - 1 bead;
  • 2-3 row - 2 beads;
  • 4-5 row - 3 beads;
  • 6-11 row - 4 beads;
  • 12 row - 3 beads.

Weave two parts. This way you get neat cute horns.

The tail of the goat is small, round with a sharp end, and we will try to weave it, following the pattern:

  • 1 row - 1 bead;
  • 2-4 row - +2 beads;
  • 5-6 row - 9 beads;
  • 7-9 row - -2 beads.
Beads Goats

Goat assembly

When all the details of the bead goat are ready, it can be collected. Sew the head to the neck with white thread first. Then, at the crown, install and fix the horns, fix the ears and give them a shape.

Sew the legs at the same distance to the body. Attach a ponytail.

It remains only to sew the body and neck together, and your little volume goat from beads is ready!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G13383/

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