Brest region. Cities of the Brest region

Too many people in the post-Soviet space and the whole world admire the unprecedented heroism of the defenders of the Brest Fortress during the Nazi invasion of the territory of the Soviet Union. However, the Brest region is famous not only for the memorial complex dedicated to heroes. There are a lot of unique nature reserves and reserves, historical, architectural and cultural monuments, many other interesting tourist sites.


The Brest region is located in the southwestern part of the state of Belarus. In the south, it shares the border with Ukraine, and in the west - with Poland.

Brest region
The region is considered one of the most environmentally friendly in the country. About 36% of its territory is occupied by forests, there are also marshy lowlands, which is typical for Polesie. Hydro resources of the Brest region are the rivers Pripyat, Shchara, Mukhovets, Western Bug, many of their tributaries, large and small lakes. The climate here is quite mild, in winter it is rarely colder -6 ...- 8 degrees. Summer in the south-east of Belarus is non-hot and long, which makes it possible to grow even grapes, apricots and peaches. Brest region is a major transport hub. International routes to Moscow, Warsaw, Vilnius, Kovel and motorways to Minsk and Grodno pass through its territory. Air, river and rail transport are well developed. The region consists of 16 districts, 3 regional and 18 district cities.

A small digression into history

The Brest region was once called Berestey, presumably from the word "birch bark". In the X century, it was part of the Old Russian Principality of Turov, ruled by the descendants of Vladimir the Baptist of Russia.

Brest district Brest region
The proximity of Poland and Lithuania, as well as its location on an important trade route, made Berestenia a welcome prey. He was conquered by the Poles, Lithuania and Prince Galitsky, who managed to capture these lands for a short time, fought for him. The prince built a stone church of St. Peter and a defensive fortress here. This building opened the bill of heroic resilience of the inhabitants in the fight against the invaders, many times helping to withstand sieges and assaults. Since the XIV century, the Berestey lands became part of Lithuania. Subsequently, they repeatedly passed from hand to hand, belonging either to the Poles, then to the Russians, or to the Ukrainians, until finally in 1939 they became part of the Belarusian Soviet Republic. Over 1200 historical, about 300 archaeological and as many architectural monuments as evidence of tragic events and the unprecedented flowering of this unique region have been preserved on its territory.

Brest district, Brest region

Ivanovo Brest region

The administrative center and the most visited tourist attraction of the region is the heroic Brest. By area, Brest district takes 12th place in the region. The main part of its territory is located in Polesie, on the Pribugsky plain. Brest district (Brest region) includes many villages, several urban-type villages and farms. Some of them are objects of health, fishing and ecological tourism, others attract with their monuments. So, in the village of White Lake, located on the shores of the lake of the same name, there are several recreation centers, a health center, built according to European standards, Greenwood Chalet. Nearby is another lake - Rogoznyanskoe. On its shore operates the sanatorium "Berestye". There is an excellent recreation center near the village of Znamenka, located on the Western Bug. And in the village of Medno an ethnographic museum is open. Tourists are also interested in the village of Chernavchitsy, where the Trinity Church is located, a unique architectural monument, the village of Terebun with the Grabowski estate and the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord of the early 17th century.


Settlements with this name are in Germany, Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, even in France. Brest (Brest region) in Belarus is located at the confluence of the Mukhavets river in the Western Bug.

Cities of the Brest region
This is a large regional center with a population of about 330 thousand people. Its main attraction is the complex of the Brest Fortress, which remained a free island when the Nazis were atrocities on many thousands of kilometers around. For the first time about Brest (then Berestye) is mentioned in the "Tale of Bygone Years". This city many times became the scene of hostilities, was plundered, destroyed, and fires burned in flames. Nevertheless, its favorable location ensured economic prosperity. Unfortunately, endless wars and natural disasters destroyed many unique buildings built in the XIII-XVII centuries. Now the Museum of Berestye, created on the site of the excavated ancient fortification, the Museum of Salvaged Values, railway station, is of interest. Station built in the 19th century, the ruins of the Bernardine monastery, existing temples, churches, cathedrals.


Many cities of the Brest region are famous for their history. The large regional center of Pinsk is one of them. It is located on the banks of the beautiful Pina River. For the first time about Pinsk says "The Tale of Bygone Years." This city is the second in Belarus and the first in the Brest region in terms of the number of architectural monuments available here. Unfortunately, most of them were destroyed during the long history of Pinsk. Of the remaining, the most popular are the Jesuit Collegium, the churches of St. Stanislav, Our Lady and Karl Baramay, Butrimovich Palace, many other buildings built in the XVII-XIX centuries, an old cemetery on Spokoynaya street. Of the modern ones, one can name pillbox embrasures, the BK-92 ship, memorials and monuments to Soviet soldiers, the beautiful embankment on the Pina River.

Regions of the Brest region


This city, which is the administrative center of the Baranavichy district, also preserves its glorious history. In the 17th century, the Jesuit Mission was located here. The location on a straight stretch between Brest and Minsk served as the railway station appeared here already in the 70s of the XIX century. station and its locomotive depot. In Baranavichy there is even a Railway Museum, in which about 400 exhibits. Like other areas of the Brest region, Baranavichy has many historical and architectural monuments and unique natural sites. The settlement Gorodishche, founded at the beginning of the 15th century, stands out especially. Forests occupy 33% of the region’s territory, there are two picturesque lakes - Domashevichskoe and Koldashevskoye - the large Gat reservoir. To protect natural resources, two nature reserves have been created: Baranavichy and Strong.

Brest Brest region

City of Ivanovo (Brest region)

For many tourists it will be interesting to visit this small town, which locals call Yanovo. He began his existence as the village of Porkhovo. But at the beginning of the 15th century, it was presented to the Lutsk Church, in which Jan Laskovich was a bishop. In honor of him, and renamed the village. It is famous for the fact that Andrei Bobol, the patron saint of all Belarusian lands, preached here. He, who was already in years, was captured by Ukrainian Cossacks in Yanovo and executed after inhuman torture. In the city at the place of execution a memorial sign is installed, and in the place where the saint was captured - two memorial crosses. Bobol was buried in Pinsk, and after about forty years they exhumed. The body of the priest was incorruptible. In 1938 he was canonized. Ivanovo (Brest region) is the administrative center of the Ivanovo district.

Brest region

Reserved places

In the Brest region is the most famous reserve in the world - Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Almost all of its territory is covered by ancient forests, in which more than a thousand relict trees grow. By the number of animals, birds and plants, the reserve has no equal in Europe. Many representatives of flora and fauna, including famous bison, are listed in the Red Book. But not only our smaller brothers are interested in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. There are also historical monuments here, such as the Tyszkiewicz manor, the Viskuli residence, the Belaya Vezha watchtower, and even the residence of Santa Claus. The Brest region takes care of its nature carefully, therefore several reserves have been created on its territory: Pribuzhskoye Polesye, Brestsky, Bugsky and Barbastella, in which the largest colony of bats was taken under protection.


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