Kherson, Azure. Rest in Azure. Kherson-Lazurnoe bus

This summer, in particular, the already popular resorts of the Northern Black Sea Region, Nikolaev and Kherson, became very popular . Iron Port, Skadovsk, Bolshevik, Golaya Pristan - these names have always been associated with the average Ukrainian with cheap holidays by the sea. This article is dedicated to only one of the named resorts - the urban-type village of Lazurny. What is the situation there now, in the hot summer of 2014? Have prices gone up? Those who are going to come to Lazurnoe for the first time will probably be interested to know how to get there, where to stay and what to see.

Kherson azure

Short historical background

The mysterious land of the Scythians was described by ancient travelers. The Greek colony, the city of Olbia, was also located nearby. But later, in the Middle Ages, these once-undeveloped lands became abandoned. "Wild Field" - such a name was the steppe of the Northern Black Sea Region until the XVIII century. Empress Catherine, by her royal decree, ordered the construction of towns and villages here. So Nikolaev and Kherson appeared. Azure, which originally bore the name Sofiyivka, was founded a little later, in 1803. But since the houses of the village were adobe, short-lived, you will not find at least one ancient monument in the present resort. But the memory is still alive that only 20-30 years ago it was a real South Ukrainian village. Many residents still keep cows, chickens and other animals. The name Azure was given to the village for the amazing color of sea water off its coast.

Kherson bus azure

How to get there

The most convenient way to get to the resort is from the regional center. How to overcome the hundred-kilometer distance Kherson – Lazurnoe? There is no railway station in the village. So the only four-wheeled vehicle remains. If you travel by your own car, leave the city, guided by road signs to Skadovsk. Lazurnoe is located 30 km west of this district center. The road is almost good along its entire length, but the broken concrete stretches for the last kilometers.

From public transport buses and minibuses are available. The latter are even preferable, since they go directly from the Kherson railway station. Minibuses depart as filling. The Kherson-Lazurnoe bus travels for about two hours. The final stop is located opposite the market. Minibuses are also good because, by agreement with the driver, you can be picked up in Kherson directly from your place of residence in the village. Regular buses run from Lazurny to Skadovsk, Krivoy Rog, Kakhovka. At the peak of the season, convenient minibus charters to various cities of Ukraine appear on the carrier market.

Distance Kherson Azure

When to go

Azure is located in the steppe natural zone. There are quite cold windy winters and very hot, arid summers. Be sure that no prolonged rains will overshadow your vacation in Kherson (Azure). Precipitation is possible once or twice a month, and even then they are very short-lived. That is why the Kherson region has won the glory of the center of the chestnut cultures of Ukraine. It also grows tomatoes on a massive scale. But we must remember that not far from the Cote d'Azur they flow into the Black Sea from the north of the Dnieper River and the Southern Bug. These main water arteries somewhat cool the water off the coast. The most comfortable for swimming are the second half of July and August. Then the water in the sea warms up to +24 ... + 26 degrees. But at the same time, it was at this time that a large influx of people was observed. The crush on the beaches is aggravated at the weekend, when residents of Kherson come to relax on the sea.

Rest in the azure

Where to settle

Twenty years ago, Lazurnoe was a quiet village, where Soviet recreation centers and boarding houses stood on the shore, and a little far away the land of the state farm. Now everything has changed radically. True, the first line is still occupied by dilapidated buildings, whose soviet life shocking discerning tourists. But at the same time, every year new pensions and mini-hotels appear with suites, apartments and, of course, with hot water in taps.

An example of such a comfortable stay is for vacationers who have chosen Kherson, recreation center "Lazurnoe". It is located on the second line. Wooden houses with a veranda have their own bathrooms, equipped with a refrigerator. There is a common kitchen with gas stoves and the necessary set of dishes. And you can arrange an organized meal at the neighboring Boarding House. On the territory of "Lazurnoye" there is a guarded parking lot and a children's playground.

Rest in Kherson azure

Private sector. Prices

But in the boarding houses there are numerous attendants who need to pay a salary, and with it taxes. All these expenses are included in the room rate. Thus, rest in Lazurny in the private sector will be a cheaper alternative to the "organized". In addition, and much better in amenities. Indeed, the range of housing offers in Lazurny is very wide: from rooms in former chicken coops to chic new apartments. Prices also range from twenty-five hryvnia to one hundred and fifty. The only minus of the private sector may be the distance from the sea. But in homes and mini-hotels there are boilers that provide hot water around the clock.


It is because of them, and even because of the turquoise sea and the healing mud of the estuary that tourists travel to Kherson (Azure). We can say that there are two water areas at once. Firstly, the open waters of the Black Sea. And secondly, the Dzharylgach Bay, formed by a sand spit that is outstanding for 27 kilometers from the coast. The name of the island in translation from Turkic means "The place of charred trees." And the Genoese, floating in the XV-XVI centuries along the coast of the Dzharylgach, on their maps designated it as "Isolde Rosso" - "Pink Island".

The estuary is very shallow, and local residents will advise wading it to get to the end of the spit, on a nudist beach. But be careful: during high tides, water begins to arrive rapidly. In addition, the bottom of the estuary is replete with pits, as residents and vacationers take healing mud from there. Every year, accidents with drowned people are recorded in this shallow water area.

Kherson recreation center azure

Tourist infrastructure

Local residents quickly orientated themselves in the situation and realized that taking a spa was a much more profitable venture than growing tomatoes. And therefore Kherson (including Azure) is rapidly turning into one large resort. The beaches are refined, regularly cleared of debris. There are shaded canopies, you can rent deck chairs, sun loungers, umbrellas. No less developed entertainment infrastructure. You can ride a banana, a tablet, water scooters and catamarans. They ride on yachts, and even on parachutes.

Summer bars and cafes open on the beaches. In addition, there are distributors of ice cream, boiled corn, baklava, salted fish and shrimp. There is a rescue service at the central beach. The entire coastal region has now turned into a busy, forever seething promenade. In the evening, the daytime amusement park is replaced by numerous discos, karaoke bars and restaurants.


To rest in Lazurne was more intense, do not sit still. Many private guides and travel agencies offer day trips. Among them, the most interesting trip to the reserve "Askania-Nova." This is the largest steppe in Europe, which is protected by the state. Of the natural attractions, a hot geyser located 15 km from the Iron Port can be noted. There is also a swimming pool. Regular dipping in a thermal spring plus sludge wraps treat diseases of the joints, respiratory tract, central and peripheral nervous system.


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