Limitrophs are ... (definition). Limitrophic States

Limitrophs is a term that initially denoted states that formed on the territory of the former Russian Empire after 1917. In the 90s, this definition began to be called countries that took shape after the collapse of the Soviet Union. After the victory in the Great Patriotic War, this term began to be used in a historical context, since at that time some lands that were formerly part of the empire returned to the Soviet state.

Term history

Limitrophs are a definition that has deep historical roots. In ancient times, the so-called border regions of the Roman Empire were called, which were required to contain imperial troops. The word means “bordering on”, which emphasizes the obligation of the local population to maintain state military entities at their own expense. Officially, the concept was fixed in 1763. Subsequently, this term came to mean new countries on the western borders of the Russian Empire: Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian states. Sometimes Finland and Poland are added to this list.

limitrophs this

Use in the twentieth century and in our time

Limitrophs is a concept that in the 20s of the last century denoted border states neighboring Soviet Russia (primarily Baltic lands and Finland were meant). At the end of the century, Tsymbursky introduced the practice of using this word in the geopolitical sense . From now on, this word began to be applied to countries that belong to one common center, and are connected with it by economic ties, the similarity of culture, language, traditions. Nowadays, with the accelerated process of globalization, this word refers to those states that are not only geographically adjacent to one center, but also are associated with any power by information, economic relations. In the latter case, the limitrophs are states that can be geographically separated from the center, but maintain cultural ties with it.

state limitroph

The concept of tutoring

Many modern political scientists have proposed a geopolitical interpretation of the concept in question. They believe that major powers purposefully establish their influence in smaller states in order to maintain their position in a particular region. Some scientists believe that Cuba was once in the zone of influence of the USSR, although it was removed from it, and Vietnam was under the influence of the United States. Thus, the state-limitroph is a country that is the ideological, economic support of a large center. Historians note that both authoritarian and liberal democratic regimes seek to create their own spheres of influence.


The problem of borders with other states

These countries sometimes have artificial borders that are formed as a result of an agreement between neighbors. Therefore, the concept under consideration is closely related to the definition of “buffer state”. Under this term, it is customary to understand a state formation that arose between two others that could not determine the boundaries between themselves. They are the scene of the hidden geopolitical struggle of the larger powers. This situation was observed in the twentieth century, especially after the end of the First World War. Limitrophic regions were often formed as a result of the confrontation of various blocs of countries belonging to different camps. This is very well traced on the example of the events of the Cold War, when the Soviet leadership adopted the doctrine according to which it had a certain area of ​​influence outside its borders in which actions of other states are unacceptable. In political science, this situation is referred to as critical boundaries.

limitrophy russia

Ways of interaction

An integral part of the modern geopolitical space are the limitrophs. Russia is surrounded by a number of states, the former Soviet republics, which today still maintain fairly close economic, political and cultural contacts with our country. Communications are diverse: the exchange of resources, professional staff, the creation of a single information space, financing and lending. Nowadays, trade, investment, bank investments has gained great importance. All this reduces the distance between states and contributes to their integration. The Baltic Limitrophs are countries that were formerly part of the Soviet Union, and are currently the western neighbors of our country. Relations with them are rather complicated and ambiguous due to a whole complex of contradictions that have accumulated over the past several decades.

Baltic Limitrophs


In the twentieth century, limitrophes often became the object of armed confrontation between powers for economic and ideological influence. During the Cold War, it was in their territories that local conflicts often broke out between representatives of two opposing camps. Often, the goal of confrontation is the struggle for natural resources, so necessary to maintain the power, prestige and authority of a particular power. Often, the territory of the state of the limitrophe became an arena for counteraction of large powers. Often these countries provide their allies with space for economic enterprises or military bases. History shows that countries became limitrophies both voluntarily and under duress.

Types of modern states

Modern political scientists conditionally divide states according to their geopolitical influence into superpowers, regional powers and small countries. The latter, as a rule, become limitrophs. Due to weak economic development, they adjoin a larger and stronger state and fall under its influence. However, economically developed states can become limitrophies, which, due to economic interests or practical benefits, are included in the orbit of influence of any power. Such public entities pursue an independent policy and retain the ability to change course.


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