Maternity capital under a mortgage in Sberbank: registration rules, necessary documents and amount

One of the most common ways to use maternity capital is to send money to improve housing conditions. In 2019, the size of the certificate will be 453,026 rubles. This is a very impressive amount, but still it is not enough to buy a home. Therefore, families decide to issue maternity capital under a mortgage at Sberbank. It is this financial institution that is one of the leaders in issuing loans for the purchase of real estate. Therefore, many customers opt for this bank. In this article we will talk about the rules for obtaining loans, the documents that you need, the amount that you can count on.

Where to get a loan?

Mortgage terms

Most often draw up maternal capital for a mortgage in Sberbank. This financial institution is considered the leader in the number of loans issued to purchase real estate.

At the beginning of 2019, this bank can count on mortgage rates from 8.5% to 11.6%. In some cases, the final bid may be even lower. For example, if a client participates in a government mortgage subsidy program. The percentage also varies greatly depending on which housing is planned to be purchased: under construction or finished.

To apply for a mortgage for maternity capital in Sberbank, you have to apply at one of the branches of this financial organization. In this case, you will need to provide a list of certain documents that varies depending on the method of confirmation of labor income that you have chosen, as well as some other factors. We will talk about them in this article.

A prerequisite for obtaining a mortgage for maternity capital in Sberbank is the allocation of shares in the acquired housing for each family member. To do this, you should first visit the office of the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of residence in order to conclude the necessary obligation.


Bank loan

To take a mortgage under the maternity capital in Sberbank, you will need to comply with certain conditions. This assistance from the state is allowed to be used as a payment of the down payment for the purchased housing or to pay interest.

Among the conditions mat. There is also a clause in Sberbank’s capital on mortgages that you should not wait three years to use a certificate to acquire real estate by attracting credit. This can be done immediately after the birth of the child. This provision is contained in the Federal Law regulating state support for families with children.

According to the terms of the mortgage for maternity capital in Sberbank, you can submit a statement about how you plan to manage these financial resources as soon as you issue the certificate itself.

It should be borne in mind that the law prohibits the use of this money for commissions, fines, penalties and interest that a family might have incurred while using a mortgage loan taken earlier.

To transfer funds for the repayment of a mortgage, the holder of the certificate must provide an application for the distribution of shares to children and the spouse in the housing, which is purchased on mat. capital. Only after that the Pension Fund launches the use of funds.

It is worth emphasizing that, in accordance with the terms of the mortgage for maternity capital in Sberbank, it is necessary to fulfill this obligation within six months after removing the encumbrance from the apartment or house and paying off the loan debt.


It is allowed to take maternity capital under a mortgage in Sberbank for the purchase of finished or under construction housing. In this case, the borrower must meet certain requirements.

To get approval for registration of mortgages under the mat. capital in Sberbank, the client must be 21 years old. Pay with a loan should be a maximum of 75 years. If his employment and income are not confirmed, then this bar is reduced by 10 years.

You must be a citizen of the Russian Federation. According to the terms of registration of maternal capital for a mortgage, Sberbank has at least six months of employment at its last official place of work. Moreover, over the past 5 years, in total, you need to work out at least one year. Ignore the latest requirements can only customers who officially receive their salaries in an account opened with Sberbank.

An important role is played by the fact that in the process of registering maternal capital for a mortgage in Sberbank, it is allowed to attract co-borrowers. There should be no more than three individuals. In this situation, their income is taken into account when determining the maximum amount of credit available to you. At the same time, the spouse himself must be the co-borrower, with the exception of situations when he is not a citizen of Russia or a marriage contract is concluded between the husband and wife, which stipulates the conditions for the separate ownership of property.

It should be remembered that before poisoning to the Pension Fund, in order to arrange how you will manage the money, you must first conclude a loan agreement.


Maternity mortgage

You can find out all the details of registering a mortgage for maternity capital in Sberbank online. Let us dwell on them in this article. The following procedure awaits you.

  1. All necessary documents are submitted to the bank in full.
  2. If the financial institution makes a positive decision, the borrower selects the property that he plans to acquire. After that, a package of documents on it should be transferred to the bank.
  3. Sber employees must approve the facility, after which credit documentation is signed.
  4. Rights to the property are registered in Rosreestr.
  5. A home loan is issued.
  6. For the Pension Fund, you need to get a certificate from the bank stating that you received a loan. Please note that if you plan to cover part of the down payment due to the certificate, you will need a certificate from the Pension Fund indicating the balance of funds for maternity capital. True, it is not necessary to receive it before applying. The law gives three months after approval of the loan.

The client has the right to issue a mortgage under the mat. capital in Sberbank in a branch that falls under one of three conditions. It should be located at the place of registration:

  • the borrower;
  • the property for which you are applying for a mortgage;
  • employer client.

Mortgage Size

Maternal capital

Calculate a mortgage in Sberbank for maternity capital will help you in any branch of this financial institution.

When purchasing finished housing, the client can count on the amount of 300,000 rubles for up to 30 years. In this case, a minimum down payment of 15% of the value of the property should be made. If the borrower does not confirm income and employment, then the size of its down payment must be at least 50%.

It is important to note that the size of the mortgage cannot exceed 85% of the estimated or contractual value of the property. This housing is then pledged.

When purchasing housing under construction, the client can rely on the same conditions, but the final percentage on the mortgage will be an order of magnitude lower. If a loan is issued under a preferential program with the participation of the developer, the loan cannot be issued for more than 12 years.

Interest rates

Credit at sberbank

Sberbank currently has various base rates. When making a transaction for the purchase of finished housing, the client can count on 11% per annum.

With a down payment of 50%, it increases to 11.6%. The base rate for the purchase of housing under construction is considered to be a rate of 10.5%. When participating in a subsidy program for a period of 7 to 12 years, it decreases to 9%, and for a period of up to 7 years - to 8.5%.

Moreover, there is a system of lowering and raising interest rates. For example, when purchasing an apartment using the DomKlik portal, the rate is reduced by 0.3%. This is a special service designed for the sale, purchase and search of real estate.

If you have a salary card in Sberbank, then with life insurance you can reduce the rate by 1%, and if you purchase housing from certain developers for up to 12 years, reduce it by another 2%. Also, with electronic registration of property rights without visiting the multifunctional center and Rosreestr, the rate is reduced by 0.1%.

If there is no salary card, then you can confirm your income using a certificate issued by the bank or 2-NDFL, which will allow you to reduce the final percentage by another 0.3%.

For example, when buying a property for 5 million rubles, the minimum contribution will be equal to 750 thousand rubles. If you take the maximum loan for 30 years, confirming income, insuring life and using electronic registration, you can count on a rate of 11%.

To approve the loan you need a monthly income of 57,820 rubles. The monthly payment will be 40,474 rubles.

Package of documents

Certificate of maternity capital

To register a mortgage for maternity capital in Sberbank, the documents you need to provide depend on many factors. The main package includes:

  • application form;
  • passport of the borrower and all co-borrowers with a registration mark;
  • certificate for you to receive the mat. capital;
  • certificate from the branch of the Pension Fund on the generated balance of funds mat. capital;
  • confirmation of employment and income.

To confirm your income, you can use one of several methods:

  • working citizens submit an income statement for the last six months from their place of work;
  • retirees - a certificate of their pension for the previous month;
  • Entrepreneurs - tax return for the last reporting tax period.

Even more options exist to confirm employment. You can do this in the following ways:

  • if this is the main place of work, then an extract from the work book, a copy of it or a certificate from the employer with information about the length of service and the position of the borrower should be provided;
  • if this is a part-time job, then a copy of the employment contract or contract, stitched and paginated (on the last page it is signed by the employer indicating the total number of sheets);
  • for an entrepreneur - a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur (if the original is not available, it can be replaced by a copy certified by a notary), as an alternative, you can use a record sheet from the Unified Register of an individual entrepreneur or a certificate of entry of an individual entrepreneur in the Unified Register.

Additional documents

In some cases, you may need additional documents. For example, if you leave another property as collateral, then you will need documents on the collateral provided to you.

If the borrower has temporary registration, then you can’t do without a certificate of receipt of registration at the place of his actual residence.

If it is not possible to submit papers on official employment and income, additional papers will be needed to verify your identity. This can be a military ID, a passport, a driver’s license, a certificate of an employee of federal government agencies, a pension insurance certificate, that is, SNILS.

When registering a preferential mortgage at a rate of 6%, birth certificates are needed for all the children of the client. If they do not indicate citizenship, then documentary evidence that it is Russian.

If we plan to get a loan under the Young Family program, then provide a birth certificate, marriage certificate, as well as a confirmation of kinship, if you use the income of the applicant's parents in the calculations.

After approval of the application, it is recommended to submit documents for the property that you took in a mortgage. For example, an equity or sale contract. You will also need documents that confirm the payment of the down payment, if the maternity capital is used to cover the main amount of the debt.

Please note that in Sberbank you can conduct electronic registration of a transaction. In this case, the employees of the financial institution independently send the entire package of documents to the Federal Registration Service, and the client receives them already registered.

Preferential mortgage

How to get a mortgage

Many families can attract a profitable offer: get a loan for real estate when the second child in the family was born in 2019 at a rate of 6%.

This state-sponsored mortgage subsidy program is valid for those parents whose second or subsequent child is born between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2022. They can get a loan for real estate at a minimum rate. This opportunity is provided to them in the relevant government decree.

In this case, the maximum loan amount is 6 million rubles. When acquiring housing in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow or Leningrad regions, it doubles.

When a second child is born, a state subsidy is granted for three years, and when a third or subsequent child is born, for five years. It is important that the total term of the preferential mortgage cannot exceed 8 years. This means that if during the existence of the program a third child appears in the family, and after a fourth child, then the subsidy will be provided not for 10, but for 8 years. This is the maximum possible time.

When the subsidy expires, Sberbank raises the interest rate.

When registering a preferential mortgage, the down payment must be at least 20%. Moreover, the acquisition of real estate is allowed only in the primary housing market. It must be unfinished if purchased under an agreement on participation in shared construction, or already ready for operation.

Another prerequisite is that the life of the borrower in this case is insured in one of the companies accredited by Sberbank for the entire duration of the loan.


Judging by the reviews of the mortgage under the maternity capital in Sberbank, many customers successfully use this opportunity. They positively assess that more favorable conditions apply to ready-made housing. This encourages borrowers not to engage in risky equity contracts, when the client runs the risk of being left homeless due to an unscrupulous developer.

Those who have already asked for help at one of the branches of Sberbank, say that the application is approved quickly enough, in just three days.

At the same time, it is worth recognizing that there are a lot of negative reviews from customers when trying to get a mortgage in Sberbank, even when they use the funds of the parent capital. For example, the bank often does not approve the requested amount in full, even if the client has a good credit history and a salary card for the financial institution itself.

The saddest thing is that often a failure comes without explanation, which simply confuses the borrower.


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