Kurakhsky district of Dagestan: geography, population, villages and main attractions

Where is the Kurakhsky district located? How many inhabitants are there? What sights can you see here? Our article will tell about all this.

Kurakhsky district of Dagestan: geography and environmental conditions

The area is located in the southern part of Dagestan, in the foothills of the Greater Caucasus. Its southwestern border is the crest of the Samur Range. The total area of ​​the municipality is 698 square meters. km The administration of the Kurakhsky district is located in the village of Kurakh, at the address: 1a Nazaralieva street. The head of the district at the moment is Azizov Zamir Zagidinovich.

By the nature of the relief, the Kurakhsky region is typically mountainous. Most of its territory is located above 1000 meters above sea level. The climate in the region is temperate continental. Air temperatures here vary widely (from –20 ...– 15 degrees in January to +25 ... + 30 degrees in July).

Kurakhsky district

The main natural watercourse of the region is the Kurakh River. Within the region, many small streams and streams flow into it. There are practically no forests here. Quite large forests are only in the northeastern part of the region.

Interesting facts from the history of the district

The Kurakhsky district appeared on the map of Soviet Dagestan in June 1929. Earlier, on its territory for a long time there was a Lezgi state formation - the so-called Kurakh Union. It originated in the middle of the XIV century. Residents of the Kurakhsky Union were mainly engaged in terraced farming, cattle breeding, and also handicrafts. In particular, excellent carpets were woven here.

By the end of the XVIII century, the Kurakh Union finally ceased to exist, having come under the jurisdiction of the first Kazikumukh, and then the Kuryn Khanate.

Throughout the twentieth century, the inhabitants of these regions began to actively descend from the mountains to the lowlands of neighboring administrative regions. As a result, a number of abandoned villages appeared on the map of the Kurakhsky district. Among them are Titel, Kumukh, Tsiling, Aga-Maka and other settlements.

Dagestan Kurakhsky district

Kurakhsky district: villages large and small

Today, about 15 thousand people live in the municipal district (as of the beginning of 2017). Average population density: 21.3 people / sq. km Since 2011, a negative tendency towards a decrease in the number of its inhabitants has been observed in the region.

Kurakhsky district is inhabited mainly by Lezghins (over 98%). Azerbaijanis, Russians, Aguls, Tabasarans and some other peoples also live here, whose share in the total population is minuscule.

In the Kurakhsky district, there are 28 rural settlements. Only in ten of them the number of inhabitants exceeds 500 people. But in the village of Bugdatepe, according to the latest census, no one lives. The largest villages of the region are Kurakh, Caviar, Kabir and Kumuk.

All settlements of the district (except the village of Arablar) are mono-ethnic. At the same time, 22 of them live Lezgins, and five - Aguls. In Arablar, in addition to the Lezghins, Azerbaijanis live.

The main attractions of the area

The area as a whole is not rich in tourist attractions and ancient monuments. It is attractive primarily for its nature. In the Kurakhsky region, there are 8 protected natural areas and 8 objects of historical and cultural heritage (almost all of them are located in Kurakh or its environs).

Kurakhsky district administration

The main attractions of the area:

  • Kasumkent reserve.
  • Lake Chekhivir.
  • Sarfun Lake.
  • Mount Unadag is the highest point in the region (3697 meters).
  • Waterfall Mirki.
  • Mausoleum of Muhammad Usugsky (XIX century).
  • Mineral spring in the village of Kutul.
  • Low-mole stele (1356).
  • Arched bridge in the village of Kurakh.
  • Relict grove in the village of Kurakh.

Near the village of Kutul is a unique source of hydrogen sulfide water, which by its healing properties is considered the best in all of Dagestan. And between the villages of Gelhen and Ashar there is one of the most picturesque corners of the Kurakhsky region - Lake Chekhivir. A small pond a hundred meters wide comfortably hid on the slopes of the Samur Ridge. The lake is fed by cold springs, beating from the mountain slopes.

Kurakhsky district of the village

If we talk about settlements, the most interesting and ancient in the area is the village of Kukvaz. This is a high mountain Lezgi village, surrounded on all sides by incredibly beautiful green hills. In the immediate vicinity, the peaks of the Samur Range - the mountains of Yalak and Tunuga. At one time, Kukvaz was an important village within the Kurakh Union.

Another notable village in the Kurakhsky district is Mollakent. It is famous for its beautiful and well-groomed gardens, centuries-old traditions, noisy and cheerful celebrations.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G13443/

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