Novosmolenskaya embankment of St. Petersburg: photos, history, attractions

Novosmolenskaya embankment in St. Petersburg is located in the Vasileostrovsky district. It passes from the street. Cash to st. Shipbuilders.

In the near future, there is a concept of a more modern improvement of the Novosmolenskaya embankment of St. Petersburg, however, the existing 860 meters of the area concreted along the water today represent a typical, slightly dull landscape of Soviet times. Therefore, the desire of local residents to see a comfortable modern recreation area on this place is quite justified.

History of Novosmolenskaya embankment

Since June 1976 this place was called Oktyabrsky Avenue, which was associated with the construction on the Esplanade of a monument in honor of the October Revolution, in honor of the labor and military victories of Leningrad residents. The laying of this magnificent monument took place in January 1974, when the city celebrated the 30th anniversary of the liberation from the blockade. The new avenue stretches from Morskaya embankment to the street. Bering.

In 1980 - 1982, a two-story embankment with a banquet made of granite was built. The lower tier was a walking zone, connected to the upper path (runs along the edge of the slope, landscaped with grassy vegetation), ramps and stairs.

Since May 1987, the avenue began to be part of the embankment of the river. Smolenka. Its modern name (Novosmolenskaya embankment) street received in February 1989.

Night promenade

"Chicken legs"

In the 1980s, 4 skyscrapers of an unusual appearance were built on Vasilievsky Island along the embankment. They are located near the metro station "Primorskaya", on the banks of Smolenka. A distinctive feature of these structures is unusual supports, which are called “chicken legs” among the local population.

Unlike ordinary high-rises, architect Sokhin V. designed houses on peculiar supports consisting of a central pillar and several "legs" made of concrete. Subsequently, all 4 buildings of Novosmolenskaya embankment (with numbers 2, 4, 6, and 8) began to be called "hens" or "houses on chicken legs" for their appearance.

House on the legs

When the construction of these buildings was ongoing, for Leningrad such an event was by no means an ordinary one. In fact, the houses on Smolenka were also the first skyscrapers: each of them has 22 floors. In addition, they were built from monolith - reinforced concrete was poured on the spot. Two similar houses were already built on Victory Square in the mid-70s (project by architect Speransky). At that moment, monolithic domestic construction began to revive.

Of the four buildings planned for construction along the Smolenka River, the first was constructed in 1986. At first, many passers-by were even afraid to look at him in connection with the fear that the posts could break under enormous weight.

House number 1 Novosmolenskaya embankment

This avenue deserves attention not only for its general architectural ensemble and for “chicken legs”, but also for a huge apartment building at number 1, located on the odd bank of the Smolenka River. Here is only one building, but its length is incredible.

House number 1

It is a kind of record holder in St. Petersburg in the number of apartments housed in it. In total there are 1,483 of them in the house. It consists of four buildings (10 floors each) with inserts in 16 floors. Together with the nearby building adjacent to it, located on the street. Shipbuilders, the length of this house is 1,100 meters. The residential complex was built in 1983 - 1986.

Other attractions

The embankment is also noteworthy for its bridges thrown over Smolenka (in the cross sections of two St. Petersburg streets):

  1. The cash bridge is located in the section of st. In cash. Upstream and downstream are the Novo-Andreevsky Bridge and the Shipbuilders Bridge, respectively. The Nalichny bridge connects two islands - the Decembrists and Vasilievsky. He received his name in May 1975 under the name of Cash Street. Date of construction - 1973 - 1975 (project of engineer Boltunova E.A. and architects Evdokimov S.I. and Kharitonov P.). Overhaul of the bridge was made in 2005. The length is 70 meters in length and 49 meters in width. Designed for the movement of vehicles, trams and pedestrians. At the entrances to the bridge, reinforced concrete obelisks lined with granite are installed.
    Cash bridge
  2. Bridge Shipbuilders, connecting the islands of the Decembrists and Vasilyevsky, located in the alignment of st. Shipbuilders. The name was given by the name of the street after construction in 1982. The project was completed by engineers L. Sobolev and B. E. Eduardov. Major repairs were made in 2005. Length - 56 meters, with a width of 70 meters. The bridge is intended for the movement of pedestrians and automobile vehicles.
    Shipbuilders Bridge


It should be noted that one of the longest residential buildings in St. Petersburg, located at Novosmolenskaya Naberezhnaya, house 1 (mentioned in the article above), has been known to Petersburgers since the time of perestroika as the CFT - "Center for Brand Trade".

Representatives of the elite mainly settled in his spacious apartments: foreign trade workers, Soviet officials, etc. M. Gorbachev came to open a department store in this building. Today, the first floors are disassembled for shops of various profiles, but the former popular name has been preserved.


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