We make a decorative tree with our own hands

Residents of eastern countries strongly believe that a decorative tree brings good luck, so it should be in every home. Of course, everyone decides what to believe or not to believe, but it’s hard to argue against the fact that the mentioned crafts can serve as an excellent decoration for the interior. Today in stores you can buy decorative trees for every taste, but the most valuable and unique, of course, will be a product made by yourself. Moreover, it is not too difficult.

DIY decorative tree

A money tree decorated with real coins will look especially cute. However, miniature dollars also look good. To make such a tree (decorative) with our own hands, we need:

  • small green beads;
  • wire (thin and thick);
  • threads
  • gypsum plaster;
  • PVA glue;
  • varnish;
  • gouache;
  • paraffin (or plasticine);
  • coins in which holes will be made (well, if they are decorative, but ordinary ones will do). You can use bills, as well as key chains or something similar;
  • a dish (vase or pot).

Now, in detail about how to make a decorative tree.

Better to start with leaves. This is a painstaking and lengthy process (it may take several days). Stringing beads on a wire, it is necessary to make a certain number of loops, and then weave them into one (for example, 4 loops of 9 beads each). Continue until the desired number of "leaves" is typed. It all depends on what size and how lush and sprawling a tree you want to make.

do-it-yourself decorative trees
Next, a decorative tree, created with one's own hands, needs to be equipped with a trunk carefully fortified in the lower part (otherwise the design will not withstand the weight of the coins). To do this, mix a little gypsum with PVA glue in a 1: 1 ratio and coat the resulting frame (assembled from weave wire) with this mass. After waiting for the barrel to harden, the structure can be slightly adjusted.

Our tree - decorative, lovingly created with our own hands - needs branches, which will also be created from wire and beads. The shape of the twigs depends on the taste and imagination of the master. After the branches are attached, the frame is painted with gouache and varnished.

The next step is the preparation of coins. We need to make holes in them. Then the tree must be firmly fixed in the pot (vase) using plasticine or molten paraffin. The final step will be the fastening of coins on branches with the help of threads. It would be nice to pour a little "gold" at the base of the trunk of our crafts.

how to make a decorative tree
As you can see, making a decorative tree with your own hands is not so difficult. According to Chinese tradition, there should be at least 100 coins. Feng Shui advises placing the product in the wealth zone (the southeastern part of the house is meant), then the money tree will bring maximum benefit. A red ribbon tied to the trunk enhances positive energy.

If you hang red lights on the composition on the lunar New Year, the whole next year for the owner of the tree will be in abundance and prosperity.

In any case, such an ornament will not spoil the situation, on the contrary, it will bring a special touch and originality to any interior, and in order to make decorative trees with your own hands, nothing supernatural is required. It would be a desire.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G13461/

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