Mortgage refinancing at Rosbank: conditions, reviews

Today, most banks have a mortgage refinancing service. This means that funds for the purchase of an apartment can be obtained from one financial institution, and then arrange additional loans in another credit office. Thanks to this, it is much more profitable to pay off the debt.

Rosbank mortgage refinancing

However, each bank has the right to establish its own conditions for re-lending. "Rosbank" is one of those organizations that are most often contacted by citizens of the Russian Federation. According to most reviews, this bank offers pretty favorable terms.

Mortgage refinancing at Rosbank in 2017

This financial institution has certain requirements that borrowers must meet. First of all, only those who are more than 20 years old can receive refinancing. If we talk about the maximum age limit, then it is 65 years old (at the time of full payment of the debt).

In addition, in order to refinance mortgages of other banks at Rosbank, all potential customers must confirm that they are constantly working at the same place. If the financial position of the borrower is not good enough to take advantage of this loan offer, then it is possible to attract co-borrowers (at least 3 people). These may include both relatives and third parties.

mortgage refinancing in rosbank in 2017

In the process of drawing up a loan agreement, a transaction is concluded, according to which a security deposit will be a dwelling or a certain part of it. If we are talking about the primary real estate market, then in this case refinancing can be done only after the registration of the apartment. This means that the mortgage home should already be the property of the borrower.

Mortgage Refinancing Terms at Rosbank

If we talk about interest rates in the bank, then they are considered individually. As a rule, the minimum overpayment is 8.75%, and the maximum rate rarely exceeds 10.25%. The amount of this amount depends on the amount of the down payment. If it is at least 50% of the market value of the apartment, then the borrower can count on a lower interest rate.

Overpayment is also positively affected by voluntary life and health insurance. In this case, the bank receives much more guarantees that the debt will be repaid regardless of a possible incident with the borrower himself.

If we talk about the amount of the loan, then it all depends on the place where the real estate is located. If it is located within Moscow and the Moscow region, then the smallest amount is 600 thousand rubles. For other regions, the minimum threshold has been reduced to 300 thousand rubles. If we talk about the loan repayment period, then it can not be less than 25 years.

Rosbank refinancing mortgages of other banks

Thus, in order to apply for mortgage refinancing at Novosibirsk Rosbank in 2017, it is necessary to first clarify the conditions of a particular branch of a financial organization.

Online application

Of course, you can apply for a new loan in person by visiting any of the bank's branches. However, it is much more profitable to do this on the official website of a credit institution. To do this, while on the main page, just go to the "Private Clients" menu and click on the "Get Credit" button. After that, you need to find the tab "For Real Estate" and leave the appropriate application. Upon completion of these manipulations, a window with a form for filling should appear on the screen. There you must indicate your personal data, contact numbers and email. After that, an application for refinancing a mortgage at Rosbank is sent for consideration.

After some time, the customer is called back or informed electronically of a positive or negative decision. If the loan is approved, the borrower must go to the bank’s office, conclude an appropriate agreement and provide documents, after which he will be able to get the necessary loan. As a rule, applications are reviewed within 3 business days.

Features of interest rates on refinancing consumer loans

It is also possible to apply for a loan from this credit institution if funds were received not for the purchase of an apartment, but for other needs. In this case, the bank also provides for the possibility of partial or full repayment of the existing loan, which was issued in another credit office.

mortgage refinancing rosbank terms

According to consumer reviews, rates in this case are also very beneficial for potential borrowers. Depending on the amount of the requested loan, the overpayment can be from 12% to 14%.

Documents required for mortgage lending

In order to arrange refinancing of other loans at Rosbank, it is necessary to meet certain requirements. Since this financial institution provides very favorable conditions to consumers, in return the bank wants to get all the necessary guarantees. Therefore, rather strict requirements are imposed on customers.

To apply for mortgage refinancing with an increase in the amount, a copy of the internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a 2-personal income tax certificate and a certified copy of the work book must be provided to Rosbank. You also need an original contract that was drawn up in another bank.

If real estate is indicated as collateral, then in this case it is additionally necessary to provide documents that confirm that the person is the owner of a particular apartment. You also need to prepare a technical and cadastral passport.

mortgage refinancing in rosbank reviews

Additionally, the bank manager may require copies of internal passports of the Russian Federation or the birth certificate of people who sell real estate.

Additional Information

According to reviews, mortgage refinancing at Rosbank is quite profitable. However, bank customers are advised to pay attention to the fact that interest rates can also fluctuate depending on the currency in which the loan was issued.

If you arrange a loan in rubles, then the overpayment can be from 11.75% to 13.25%. When it comes to US dollars, the interest rate is reduced to 9-10%. When registering in euros, the situation is the same as with USD.

It is also worth considering that the conditions for refinancing mortgages at Rosbank may vary depending on the specific region. Therefore, it is better to clarify the information.

Pros and cons of refinancing at Rosbank

This program, offered to individuals, has a lot of advantages. For example, many borrowers noted that this bank has no hidden fees or additional fees. At the same time, for the convenience of customers, you can independently choose the period for which the debt will be repaid.

mortgage refinancing with an increase in the amount of Rosbank

You can also attract co-borrowers to apply. In this case, only total family income will be taken into account. This greatly increases the chances of obtaining approval for a loan. In case of early repayment of the loan, the bank does not charge any additional fees.

If we talk about the shortcomings of this program, then in this case we can select only a fairly extensive list of documents that must be submitted to the bank.

How to repay?

All conditions for repaying a mortgage refinancing loan at Rosbank are detailed in the agreement. Accordingly, after it is signed, the consumer who has applied for help to the bank automatically assumes certain obligations and must fulfill the prescribed conditions on time. If the monthly payment does not arrive on time, the bank has the right to file a claim with the borrower.

To repay the loan, you can use any payment system that is convenient for the client. To do this, you can visit the bank branch, also for borrowers available terminals, electronic payment systems and much more.


Indeed, this bank has very favorable conditions for customers. Interest rates are significantly lower than in other credit organizations, which is confirmed by numerous positive reviews of borrowers. If you repay the debt in a timely manner and provide all the necessary documents, then the final overpayment on a mortgage loan or a consumer loan will be significantly reduced.

mortgage refinancing in novosibirsk rosbank 2017

However, before contacting the bank, you need to carefully study the terms of the contract and clarify with the bank manager all the issues and subtleties of receiving money. It is also worthwhile to clarify whether it is possible to reduce the interest rate on condition that an insurance policy is issued. Perhaps it is much more profitable to pay it than to pay more money for using the funds of a banking organization.


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