The nature of the Perm region. Plants and animals of the Perm region

Perm Krai is a land of amazing nature, taiga forests, picturesque mountains, gorges, caves, fast rivers and clear lakes. It presents a stunning diversity of the country's landscape, a considerable number of rare plants and animals. The nature of the Perm region, the original culture of the region have attracted travelers since ancient times.

A bit of history

Until the beginning of the XVIII century, the region, which included vast lands from the headwaters of the Kama River to the Ural Range in the west and east and from the headwaters of the Pechora River in the north to the Chusovaya River in the north and south, was called the Great Perm.

The nature of the Perm region
The first who showed interest in this great land were the Novgorod merchants. In the XIV century, rivals appeared in them, the Moscow principality began to encroach on this land. After a major military campaign of Prince Ivan III in 1472, Perm the Great became the first territory in the Urals, which forever became part of the Russian state. The rapid development of the Perm Territory has been noted from this important historical event. There are more and more Russian settlements. The development of new lands markedly intensified by the middle of the 16th century, when merchants and industrialists of the Stroganov settled here.

The variety of natural wealth and nature of the Perm region attracted new settlers. Today it is one of the largest industrial regions of Russia with a multifaceted cultural heritage and stunning natural sites.

At the junction of Europe and Asia

The region, at the junction of two parts of the world, practically covers the fifth part of the Ural economic region. The location of its territory in the Kama basin provides it through a special system of channels with access to five seas - the White, Baltic, Caspian, Black and Azov.

Animal and plant world

Animals of Perm region

The peculiar "cross-border" location of the region influenced the formation of its flora and fauna. Animals of the Perm Territory are mainly represented by typical European species. About 60 species of mammals, over 40 species of fish, 270 species of birds, as well as several species of reptiles and amphibians live here. Of the predatory animals, the pine marten is the most widespread; there are foxes, wild boars, wolves, wolverines, badgers, and ermines. There are moose, bears and lynxes.

Small enough and in need of protection, the common hedgehog, muskrat, mink.

The region abounds with lakes, rivers, swamps, overgrown floodplains, forests. Grouse, capercaillie, titmouse, crossbills, and hazel grouse are common in forests. From migratory birds there are blackbirds, swallows, starlings.

The plant world is also very diverse. It varies by region. The most common plants of the Perm Territory are pine, spruce, larch, fir, cedar pine. They form entire taiga open spaces, stretching for hundreds of kilometers.

Deciduous and coniferous forests are combined in the southern regions. Such broad-leaved species as oak, elm, elm are found here.

Plants of Perm Krai

In the north and in the center of the region there are heavily wetlands. The slopes of the Ural Mountains are covered with coniferous forest. The extreme northeast of the region is stone grass and poor tundra.

In the Perm Territory, over 130 species of plants grow, which are under state protection. In Prikamye there are two reserves and several reserves. The fauna and flora of the region are given considerable attention.

The growing anthropogenic impact on the environment leads to a decrease in the number of many rare animals and plants, to fragmentation of populations and even to the complete disappearance of a number of their species. Such specially created official manuals, such as the Red Book of the Perm Territory, contain descriptions of the known causes of their decline, consider hazard factors and a number of measures to restore populations.

Uniqueness of the region

Despite urbanization, the breath of antiquity is still felt in Perm the Great. Quite expressive traces of the Great Migration of Peoples, the legacy of ancient Russian architecture, mining factory civilization, legends and traditions, nature and the animal world are as if united into a single whole.

Perm Krai has great potential for various types of tourism, regardless of the time of year. The geographical position of the region contributed a lot to this. People are attracted by the variety of landscapes, an interesting history, and, of course, the unique monuments created by the nature of the Perm Territory. Photos of unique landscapes, interesting and mysterious places do not cease to fascinate with their extraordinary beauty.

In the territory of the region there are 325 specially protected natural sites under special protection. These are historical and natural complexes, natural monuments and others. Two territories are distinguished from them, which are nature reserves of federal significance. These are “Vishersky” and “Basegi”.

The most valuable natural monuments of the Perm region represented in Cherdynsky district. There are a lot of them in Bolshesosnovsky, Solikamsky, Chusovsky, Krasnovishersky areas.

Natural monuments and natural territories of regional significance are divided into the following types:

  • landscape (White Moss rocks, Vetlan and Talking stone, Stone Town),
  • geological (Orda and Gubakha caves),
  • hydrological (Ermakov spring),
  • zoological and botanical (Zyukaysky precipice, Weslyansky boron-hedgehog),
  • historical and natural complexes (Kungur cave, Count and Kuvinsky pine forests).

All of them are included in the list of protected natural sites.

Stone city

One of the most popular and unique natural monuments recognized Stone Town. The unusual beauty of the spur of the ancient Ural Ridge, known as the Rudyansky Sing, can be seen near the villages of Shumikhinsky and Usva. The ridge looks like an elongated ridge about 19 km long. One of its peaks is Stone Town. This name was given by tourists. For locals, these are Turtles. The stone city is often also called the Devil's Hillfort.

The bizarre rocky remains of a natural monument formed a whole string of corridors and tiers on a hill in the middle of the forest. They create the impression of a city: narrow streets and wide avenues, dead ends. According to one version, they were cut by one of the ancient rivers. And one of the many legends says that once it was a wonderful city, the stunning beauty of which could not be seen only by the blind daughter of the king. Once an evil sorcerer offered to heal the princess. The king agreed, but just at the moment when her vision returned to her, the city turned into stone.

The natural monuments of the Perm Territory in the vicinity of Usva Station are not limited only to the Stone Town. The famous Usvinsky Pillars and caves of the Dry Log are also worth visiting.

Usvin Pillars

Unique stone pillars, stretching for several kilometers on the Usva River, are rightfully considered one of the attractive places for tourists. This is a huge massif of limestone. On its pillars there are prints of ancient corals and other fossils, clearly indicating that there was a sea here millions of years ago.

Unique rock forms are dotted with grottoes and caves. Some of them, like the Stolbova Grotto, in the distant past served as a shelter for people.

Like a magnet attracts tourists to the rock, which they called the Devil's Finger. Its structure and size are amazing. The rock massif 70 meters high is held on a thin “leg”. It is as if demonstrating its impregnability and independence. This is one of the favorite places for climbing enthusiasts.

Orda cave

In the bowels of the Kazakovskaya Mountain, enveloped by the Kungur River, there is the longest underwater cave in the country and the second longest in Eurasia - the Orda Cave. On the surface of the mountain, more like a hill, there are large karst funnels, one of which is the entrance to this inconspicuous corner of the wild.

Perm region development
This is the largest gypsum cave in the world. It consists of the so-called “dry” (300 m) and underwater (4600 m) parts. Its high arches, clear deep lakes, numerous grottoes were explored by cavers. Orda cave is often called the mecca of cave divers.

Kungur cave

Red Book of Perm Region

This is one of the most famous natural monuments of the region, located on the right bank of the Sylva. In the mysterious bowels of the Kungur cave, the Ural winter reigns forever. Even on hot summer days, it retains the icy decoration of its underground grottoes thanks to its special microclimate. The enchanting possessions of people and snow are the result of the imperceptible work of water, lasting several thousand years. Huge cavities and tunnels of the Ice Mountain are interconnected by a string of corridors. The total length of all its moves is 5700 meters. It has 70 lakes and 58 grottoes. Some of the underground halls of the cave are up to 20 meters high and reach up to 100 meters across. Many grottoes are richly decorated with ice crystals, stalactites and stalagmites. The most beautiful decoration can boast of Diamond and Polar Grottoes.

The first plan of the unique geological monument was compiled in the XVIII century by the cartographer S. Remezov from the words of local residents, who were the first guides for those who crave unusual adventures. He was far from perfect and repeatedly changed. Nowadays, 1.5 kilometers of underground galleries are equipped for visiting tourists.

Kungur cave at any time of the year leaves a lot of unforgettable impressions. It is one of the brightest creations of Nature, created only from ice and water.

Vetlan Stone

The nature of the Perm Territory has also created such a unique monument as the Vetlan stone located on the Vishera River. This object is a steep cliff system, extending at an altitude of 1750 meters.

On the top of Vetlan-stone there is an observation deck that opens up a unique panorama to endless distances. There are usually tourists traveling through Vishera.

Visher Nature Reserve

The reserve, located in the north-eastern part of the Krasnovishersky district, is considered the most beautiful corner of the Northern Urals. Here the highest peak of the region is located - Tulimsky stone (1469.8 m), the most picturesque ranges of Larch, Isherim, Put-Tump, Prayer and many others. Magnificent views open from their peaks, and mountain lakes with crystal water lurk on the slopes. The mountain rivers Malaya and Bolshaya Moyva, Vishera, Nyols with rifts and rapids, beautiful waterfalls flow through the reserve.

Here, in its pristine beauty, forests and territories occupied by Kurums, stone ruins forming stone seas and rivers are preserved. Of the animals, sable, elk, bear, beaver, marten, beaver and many others are common here. In the reserve, there are about 150 species of mycobiont (lichens), 100 different types of mosses, 500 - vascular plants. For their preservation and accounting, the Red Book of the Perm Territory was specially created, dedicated to rare endangered plants, birds and animals of the Kama Region only. The list includes whooper swan, peregrine falcon, golden eagle, derbnik, ptarmigan, eagle owl and many others.

The reserve also has a unique point in the Urals - the place where the watershed spaces of the three great rivers meet - the Volga, Ob and Pechora.


Basegi is a picturesque mountain range, rising among the vast expanses of the taiga, on the western spurs of the Ural mountain range. In the old days it was one, now it is made up of three separate peaks - the North, South and Middle Baseg. Forests in their area are striking in their unspoilt beauty. This is a reference object of natural taiga ecosystems.

Perm Region writers on nature

Middle Baseg is the highest point of the reserve (994 m). On its peaks, slope terraces are clearly expressed, sometimes covered with forest and Kurums. Lumps of stones crawling along their slopes are covered with scaling multicolored lichens in the form of a peculiar motley pattern. And the lonely standing remains and their entire clusters resemble various figures and animals.

The name of the reserve is derived from the North Russian word "basky", the meaning of which is "beautiful." A mountain-tundra belt runs along the top of the mountain range, and stunning subalpine meadows are located below it. These are places where they are concentrated rare animals of the Perm region, as well as the rarest species of plants.

"You are responsible for the native land ..."

The nature of the region is praised in the works of many famous writers who have visited the Kama region. Cultural space at the beginning of the last century was formed around small factory settlements. Talented managers invited musicians, writers and other representatives of the creative intelligentsia to stay with them. So, for example, the appearance of the village of Vsevolodo-Vilva was formed thanks to the philanthropist and manufacturer Savva Morozov. B. L. Pasternak and A. P. Chekhov stayed here and lived at different times.

Nature of Perm Region photo
The beauty of the region and the “nature singer” K. G. Paustovsky, who had visited Solikamsk and Berezniki, could not help but hurt. The writers of the Perm Territory sang it. About nature The Urals, its history, culture have been written a lot by P.P. Bazhov. His works seem to embody the soul of this glorious, great land, the image of which passes through all the writer's work.

The miniatures and stories of V.P. Astafyev seem to be riddled with the thought "you are responsible for your native land, for your small homeland, for the world in which you live."

"Perm Great"

The nature of the Perm region is amazing. Picturesque caves and unusual rocks, coastal cliffs formed as a result of the activity of rains and winds, water flows are monuments created by Nature itself.

In the recently approved regional project Perm Great, considerable emphasis is placed on presenting the natural beauties of the region as a visiting card of the region. The diversity of the landscape contributes a lot to the development of tourism, active adventure holidays with a rather unique historical and cultural content.

This project represents Prikamye as a unified tourist territory, consisting of the clusters "White Mountain", "Usva", "Parma" and "Ashatli". Theme parks are planned to be combined into a single route of an international level, creating it according to the Golden Ring principle.

Well this is a unique opportunity to appreciate the wealth of natural, cultural and historical values ​​of the region.


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