IEK motion sensor: overview, features and reviews

Today it has become quite popular to save electricity. For this, engineers have created many devices that can automatically control lighting, equipment, home appliances. Especially widely distributed at the present time are various sensors that can respond to light, noise, movement. One of such automatic switching devices will be discussed in the article. In order to consider such equipment in more detail, it is worth stopping at a certain brand. So, the IEK motion sensors, their features, models and installation nuances.

Here the light will not burn if there are no passing people

What is such equipment: general information

A motion sensor is an electronic device that can close a circuit when an object appears in the field of its radius of action. After the reason for the inclusion has disappeared, the time relay included in its circuit is switched on. As a result, after a set period, the circuit opens again. Such automatic switching devices are used not only to save electricity by controlling the lighting of porches, stairwells or long corridors. Areas of application of motion sensors ("IEK" or any other brand - it doesn’t matter) can be called alarm systems. Similar devices may:

  • send a signal to the control panel in case of unauthorized entry into the facility;
  • turn on video recording or photography devices;
  • give a signal to transmit images from surveillance cameras to a smartphone or other gadget of the owner.
Such sensors are often used for security systems.

What are the signs of motion sensors?

Such equipment can operate on infrared, microwave radiation or ultrasound. Each of the species has its own field of application. But they differ not only in the type of radiation, but also in the method of recording input signals. The cheapest and simplest are passive (most often infrared). They are tuned to a specific signal length. If a living, warm-blooded organism enters its field, they work. More expensive equipment is active.

Both the emitter and the receiver are included in its circuit. Such equipment includes ultrasonic devices operating on the principle of echolocation.

To control the lighting, models of the “DD” series of “IEK” motion sensors are most often used. In this line you can find really budget devices at a cost below 400 rubles. It is worth considering some of them in more detail.

The principle of operation of the motion sensor

Motion sensor "IEK DD 008" and its features

Such devices have a relatively small viewing angle of 180˚. However, their main advantage is the ability to adjust the direction of the coverage area - it is adjustable both vertically and horizontally. This allows you to install the sensor anywhere without harm to its ability to work.

The range of such devices is 12 m, and the maximum load is 1100 watts. With such indicators, the equipment can not only turn on the burglar alarm, but also supply power to the lighting of the whole house. If LED lamps are used in the rooms, their number connected through the device can reach 150, depending on the power consumption.

If we compare by parameters, the analog of such automation equipment can be called a motion sensor "IEK DD 009". Its only difference from the previous option is the adjustment of the direction of the scope - here it is made only horizontally. Otherwise, there are no differences even in cost, which is about 520 rubles.

Such sensors are even placed on water taps.

Differences of similar equipment in viewing angle

This parameter plays a very important role, especially when connecting automatic control devices to alarm systems. Indicators here can vary from 180 to 360˚. Often the viewing angle is not given due attention due to the fact that a large difference in the cost of different models is not observed. It is worth noting that utilities usually “sin” these by installing on the stairwells of porches, for example, “IEK” motion sensors 360˚, although 180˚ is quite enough in such cases. However, if you look, there is one very important reason for this.

The previously described devices with an angle of view of 180 ° have a significant minus - moving nodes that break easily. And in Russia, as you know, everyone considers it his duty to reconfigure the direction of the beam. As a result, mechanical moving parts made of plastic break very quickly. Just such a problem lacks motion sensors "IEK DD 024" with a viewing angle of 360 ° and the absence of direction adjustments. They are considered more protected from vandalism.

"IEK" motion sensor with a viewing angle of 360

Non-standard application of such automation company "IEK"

For most, it is common to use motion sensors to control the main lighting. However, there are more “exotic” options for installing such devices. One of the most interesting is the connection of motion sensors to the illumination of steps in a private house. Here the options may be different. Most often, with such an installation, a photo relay is added to the circuit, responding to the state of illumination. When dusk sets in, the upper and lower stage lights automatically turn on. If a person approaches the flight of stairs, the built-in “IEK” motion sensor is triggered, supplying power to all the lamps.

The most difficult option to implement is the installation of individual elements not every step. In this case, when moving, the illumination of 3-4 elements will turn on. It turns out that the lamps are triggered, as it were, in cascade, in the direction of the movement of the person. However, such schemes are rare because of the complexity of their installation.

Highlighting steps using a motion sensor

Criteria for choosing motion sensors

When purchasing such equipment, you should pay attention to a number of parameters that it should possess. In addition to the radius of action and the angle of detection, the maximum allowable power load is very important, which determines the number of lighting devices connected to the device. For household use, the “IEK” 1100W motion sensors will be most suitable, however, only if the circuit does not contain halogen floodlights of high power.

It is worth paying attention to the range of sensitivity and delay delays of the circuit and the mounting method (on the wall, ceiling, in the corner). If you plan to install a motion sensor on the street, you should choose a device with an IP protection class of at least 68 to be sure that rain and snow will not cause it to fail.

You should not purchase such products in small retail outlets. It is better to make such purchases in large stores ready to provide all the necessary documentation for the goods.

This backlight will turn on when mom comes up

DIY motion sensors installation

In order to connect such automation does not require special skills or experience. The work is simple, but it requires attention and accuracy. All terminals for connecting conductors are marked, so no problems should arise. In fact, the entire installation resembles switching a conventional switch. The main thing is to carry out all work only when the voltage is removed. It should be remembered that electric shock is dangerous not only for health but also for life.

Quite often, novice masters make a mistake during installation, interchanging the zero and phase conductor.

With such a connection, the device will work without any visible changes, however, there is a danger of electric shock, for example, when replacing a light bulb. After all, it turns out that the phase conductor approaches the lighting device directly, and the apparent absence of voltage is provided only by a zero break.

Video tutorial on installing such automation

In order for readers to more understand the connection algorithm, a video on this topic is presented below. It is strongly recommended that you familiarize yourself with it.

The opinion of users about motion sensors "IEK"

Paying attention to reviews, we can say that this brand is considered one of the most reliable and inexpensive in the Russian market. Users note the ease of installation and the durability of the IEK products, while there are practically no negative opinions. What is interesting: almost everyone who speaks negatively of such devices purchased them at small retail outlets or from their hands at a significantly lower cost, which directly indicates the non-originality of the products.

Final part

Installing a motion sensor is a great way to save energy and extend the life of your lighting fixtures. The main thing is to remember that such equipment should not be used in conjunction with fluorescent lamps or CFLs, which are not intended for frequent on / off due to their design features. As for the other types of lighting devices, only the maximum allowable load on the motion sensor for power will serve as a limitation here.


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