Crafts from improvised tools at home

Not only children, but also adults love to create crafts. Creativity makes us look at the world with different eyes, see something new behind familiar objects. A simple twig can become a swan, a common forest, a stand for a lamp or a clothes hanger. Creating crafts from improvised tools at home can bring together different generations of a family. In this case, children develop: imagination, fine motor skills, perseverance, patience and imaginative thinking.

Crafts from natural materials

Children are happy to collect beautiful pebbles, cones, dried leaves, twigs, acorns. All this wealth will definitely come in handy for you to create crafts from improvised tools in the kindergarten. Invite the baby to look at the bump and guess what it looks like. Plasticine, feathers, paints, pieces of fur will help to make the resemblance even more obvious, and here we have a hedgehog, owl or a long crocodile.

Autumn leaves make beautiful applications. Smooth pebbles can be painted with acrylics, turning them into a ladybug, a fish, a funny monster. They are also useful for you to make a massage rug. Stick river pebbles on a piece of rubber or linoleum, being careful not to leave large gaps between the pebbles. Photo frame, stand for hot dishes - show your imagination, and original hand-made things will decorate your home.

Flower pots

If you need any home accessory, look around. Perhaps you yourself will be able to make an original craft from improvised means. The photo shows the process of making a flower pot from a plastic bottle wrapped in twine.

flower pot from a bottle

If the plants will be in the nursery, the blank can be covered with paint, and on top draw funny faces. Smiling flower pots will surely please the kids. For the base, you can also use cans decorated with fabric, pebbles, shells, beads, coffee beans.

Bird feeders

What we used to think of as trash can gain a second life. This requires imagination and skillful hands. DIY crafts from improvised means can be a good help in raising children. Make, for example, a bird feeder to help them survive the winter frosts.

As a basis, take a plastic bottle or a box of drunk juice, milk, yogurt. Cut out the hole for the birds, glue all the sharp corners with electrical tape. Egg or cake packaging can also become a feeder, but it is better to place them under a canopy so that the snow does not fill the food. Hanging up the craft, take care of the strength of the mount and the accessibility of the structure for feathered visitors.

Regularly check the feeder with your child, sprinkle crumbs and seeds. Let the kids learn to care for those who are weaker than them. Explain that the birds are used to eating in a particular place. To fly here, they sometimes overcome several kilometers. If there is no food, animals may die. Therefore, it is important to be responsive to your obligations.

Stationery Stands

In the children's room, crafts at hand look very organically. Itโ€™s great if at the same time they perform application functions. When the baby participated in the process of making a pencil cup, he would be more willing to put his writing materials into it. For crafts, take a plastic bottle. Cut off all the excess. After coloring, the workpiece turns into a sleeping bunny or a cute kitty.

pencil bottles from plastic bottles

Cans can also be turned into a stand for various little things: felt-tip pens, brushes, scissors, combs, hairpins, small toys. For starters, they cut off sharp edges. Then comes the turn of decor. You can use paint, twine, fabric, lace, self-adhesive film, ribbons. If you attach several cans with screws to the board, you will get an organizer with compartments.

Useful crafts from the boxes

We regularly buy shoes, electronic devices, sweets, breakfast cereals, cosmetics, toys. As a result, a lot of cardboard boxes remain. This is a great material for various crafts. The following interior items can be made from improvised means:

  • Casket for little things. To do this, glue the box with beautiful paper, cloth, decorate with a bow or lace. Inside, you can make cardboard compartments.
  • Earring holder. We will need two deep boxes of the same size and one lid from them. Make several rows of small holes in the bottom of the boxes. Insert earrings into them. Then both boxes are placed vertically inside the lid and mounted on a table or shelf.
  • From a dense box, you can make a box for storing coils. In the bottom, stick the nails with the tip up. Thread spools of thread on them. Tape the box with self-adhesive paper to cover the heads of the nails.
  • Tall boxes can be turned into a stand for notebooks and thin books. The rear wall of the craft will be higher, and the front - below. We cut the side walls at the right angle, decorate the product at our discretion.

Dollhouse or car track

Using empty boxes, you can create a lot of children's crafts with your own hands. From improvised means, they are the most universal material, because they easily turn into a car or bed, a house or a rocket. Having laid out a large box and armed with felt-tip pens, you can draw a whole city with tracks, ponds, parks for toy people.

The little housewife will be happy to receive a kitchen as a gift, in which there is a cardboard oven, a table, a nightstand, a washing machine. The future artist will be able to get into the TV and arrange his own performance. Boys are happy to make parking boxes with steep slopes from the boxes. Girls are doll houses with many rooms.

Toy furniture from improvised means

Crafts can be made from everything. If you have a daughter, she will surely be fascinated by making furniture for the dollhouse. From matchboxes you can make a bed and a desk, a chest of drawers, a sofa, an armchair. However, there should be a lot of boxes. Otherwise, stock up on cardboard. From it you can make any piece of furniture. For beauty, glue the crafts with colored paper or film.

Make a cabinet out of the box, decorate it with the remnants of wallpaper, a cloth, or simply paint with acrylics. Make shelves, glue a foil mirror and a wooden skewer clothes holder. Hangers can be cut from a plastic bottle or rolled up from wire.

shoe box doll house

Jars of cosmetics can turn into a bath, a table, a stool. You can make a floor lamp out of two beautiful covers if you connect them with wire with strung beads. Decorate the top with a lace skirt. It will be a lampshade.

To make a toilet, take a shampoo bottle. From it you need to cut a bowl of the right size. The tank is made from a matchbox painted white. The rim of the toilet bowl and the lid can be made from a substrate under the products. A little imagination - and the dollhouse is furnished with everything necessary.

We make cars

Boys more like to play vehicles. The easiest way to make a car from a sleeve from toilet paper. Even preschoolers can make such crafts with their own hands from improvised means. The photo shows the main stages of the manufacture of a racing car.

toilet sleeve machine

The tube is drawn in pencil, drawing circles on the cardboard. Later they will become wheels. The sleeve and blanks are painted in the selected color. A hole is cut in the body. Then they will put a toy driver. The steering wheel is made of paper. The typewriter can be decorated with inscriptions, circles, stripes, zippers, stickers. The wheels are attached using regular push pins. The race car is ready.

Whole garage

Other children's crafts from improvised funds can replenish the fleet. Perhaps his son wants to become the owner of trucks, buses, special emergency vehicles. To make the case, stock up on boxes of juice or other products, plastic bottles, shampoo bottles. A child can decorate them himself, cut out windows, doors, and interconnect them in a body and a cabin. Instead of flashing lights, glue the cork from the plastic bottle.

Wheels are made of them, in the center of which a hole is cut. Instead of an axis, a wooden skewer is taken, on which a straw for a cocktail is put on. The workpiece is threaded into the holes on the machine body, then the wheel covers are glued. All excess is cut off.

In the same way, you can make a train with several wagons. Do not forget to stick a large pipe from a bottle or cardboard cylinder to the driverโ€™s cab. To connect all parts of the train together, make a hole in the workpieces to fit the cork of the next car. Insert the neck into the bottom, fix with a washer, if necessary use glue. The engine can draw eyes, a laughing mouth.

Play theater

Kids love to play performances. To do this, they need masks, dolls, toy animals. Crafts from improvised tools will allow you to create the right characters without the extra cost. So, excellent masks can be made from disposable plates, decorating them with colored paper, feathers, rhinestones and beads. An elastic band is attached at the edges, slots for the eyes are made.

dolls for theater from socks

For puppetry, old socks come in handy. Necessary details are sewn to them: eyes from buttons, mustaches and ears made of fabric, nose, elements of clothing. Such characters are worn on the arm. From mittens, you can also make heroes by turning your thumb into a nose and stitching everything missing. With the movement of the hand, such toys come to life. They have wrinkles, the face moves.

Animals can be made from a toilet paper sleeve by painting it in the desired color and gluing a round muzzle in front.

Didactic games for children with their own hands

Crafts from improvised means can not only entertain, but also educate kids. It is easy to turn flat pebbles and bottle caps into counting material. An interesting game for preschoolers will come out of cans. To do this, they need to be painted in bright color and sign the numbers of the first ten.

tin counting material

Banks can not only be counted, but also built from them towers, pyramids. Kids check their accuracy, trying to bring down the erected structure with a ball. At the same time, adults train them in the account, figuring out how many cans were originally, how many of them fell and what numbers did not disappear after that.

A simulator for practicing sound analysis of words can be made from plastic bottles and caps. 8-10 cut-off necks are glued to the cardboard, the joints are hidden under white paper. Red, blue and green circles are attached to the lids, symbolically symbolizing the sounds of the Russian language. They are put in a separate box. The child is given the task of creating a diagram of a given word by screwing plugs of the desired color onto a workpiece with necks.

Learning to determine the time

Crafts from improvised materials for children will help in the development of another complex topic. Not all first graders are able to determine the time by the clock. Special problems arise with minutes. Dealing with this before examining the multiplication table is difficult. Weโ€™ll make a hint watch for kids from a disposable plate.

disposable watch

We paint the center of the workpiece in a bright color, glue contrasting numbers from 1 to 12 from paper or plastic. Arrows are cut out of cardboard. We fasten them with a screw and nut, which can be borrowed from the children's designer. The edges of the plate are left white. Opposite each digit, we sign the minutes: 5, 10, 15 ... The clock is ready.

DIY crafts from improvised tools can bring no less benefits than purchased items. Participating in their manufacture, the child gets used to work and see the result of his efforts. Interior items, toys made with love create a special atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the house.


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