Cheerleading pompons: do-it-yourself attributes for the support group (three ways)

What associations do you have in the word cheerleading? Imagination immediately draws a picture - bright multi-colored pompons. They are the main and indispensable attribute of the support group of any sports team. How did the tradition of welcoming and supporting athletes come about through dancing with these items? How to make do-it-yourself pompoms for cheerleading? We are looking for answers to these questions in this article.

Historical facts

DIY cheerleading pompons

No one knows the exact reason for the origin of the pompons. However, there is one humorous version. She says that during the development of American football, children and teenagers ran around the stadium with armfuls of hay. They waved him and shouted encouraging words, thereby cheering and supporting the athletes. A little later, hay began to be replaced with more convenient attributes. To date, several ways have been invented for how to make cheerleading pompons . They are made of paper, polyethylene, foil, fabric and other materials. In this article, we will consider two master classes that anyone who wants to make bright and lush pompoms from improvised means at home can focus on.

We make paper attributes for sports dance - method number 1

According to the following technology, even a child can make pompons, it is so simple. To work, you need the materials indicated in the list:

  • thin paper of the desired color (corrugated, cigarette);
  • fishing line or kapron thread;
  • scissors.

In order to make pom-poms for cheerleading with your own hands, we unfold the paper roll and cut it into even parts of a square shape. Before you do this, decide what diameter you want to receive the product. And in accordance with this, follow the sides of the square. Put all the blanks in a pile. The more layers of paper there are, the larger the product will be. Fold the stack with an accordion, making narrow folds. We measure the resulting detail, outline its middle. We dress this place with fishing line or kapron thread. Trim the edges of the product. Their shape can be very diverse: sharp, round, wavy, in the form of a zigzag. Next, straighten the pompom, shake. We attach a loop of thread to the center of the product. That's all, the magnificent ball for sports dances is ready.

how to make cheerleading pompons

Method number 2

Do-it-yourself paper cheerleading pompons can be made in another way. Consider another manufacturing option for such an item. For work you will need: paper, scissors and a narrow tape.

We unfold the roll of paper and draw strips on it. Their width should be the same as you want to make the "petals" of the pompom. As a rule, this figure ranges from 4-5 centimeters. Next, add all the strips on top of each other. Then we bend the entire bundle in half and rewind with tape at the base. The place where the winding is located forms a handle-holder. It remains only to shake the pompom and go with him to the stadium.

How to make do-it-yourself cheerleading pompons from packages: master class

The following description describes how to make beautiful, rustling attributes for a support group from the most common cellophane handbags. What is needed for the creative process, we learn from the list of materials:

  • packaging of plastic bags (100 pieces);
  • scissors;
  • Scotch.
    how to make do-it-yourself cheerleading pompons

We put the bags one on one into piles of pieces of 15-20. Next, we cut off their upper edge (with handles) and the lower (bottom of the handbags). Getting to the implementation of the "petals". To do this, cut the entire stack into strips, not reaching the bottom edge of about 10 centimeters. Thus, we arrange all the stacks of bags. Next, we impose them one on top of the other, pick up the bottom edge and wrap it with tape, forming a handle. Spread all the petals. The product is ready.

Today, do-it-yourself pom-poms for cheerleading are used not only for their intended purpose. These items decorate the festive halls and simply the interior of the room. It looks elegant and fun.


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