Tien Shan mountains: characteristics, history, height and photo

The Tien Shan Mountains excite the imagination of many, many travelers. I really want to come here, to see the snow caps with my own eyes, to feel the power and strength of this place!

Honestly, not everyone succeeds. Why? As a rule, there may be several reasons, but I would like to highlight the following among the main ones. Remember where the Tien Shan is. Agree, this is far from the center of the intersection of the main tourist routes of the planet, which means that getting to this point of the planet is both long and expensive. Only the most desperate can afford it. Secondly, in order to go to conquer the grief of the Tien Shan, considerable physical preparation is necessary. For a beginner, such a trip can actually be dangerous.

However, this article will not only talk about where the Tien Shan is located. In addition, the reader will receive valuable information about many other things. For example, about the characteristic features of this object, about its climate, about legends and myths, flora and fauna.

Tien Shan mountains

Section 1. General Information

The Tien Shan Mountains, photos of which can be found in almost any atlas, telling about the geographical features of our planet, are located in Central Asia on the territory of several states at once (Kyrgyzstan, China, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan).

A significant part of the western ridge is located in Kyrgyzstan, the eastern half extends to China, the northern and western extremities are in Kazakhstan, and the southern extreme points are within the borders of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

It should be noted that the Tien Shan ridge lies mainly in latitudinal and sublatitudinal zoning. These are one of the highest mountains in the world, among which there are many peaks with a height of over 6.0 thousand meters.

The highest points include Victory Peak (about 7440 meters), towering on the border of Kyrgyzstan and China, and Khan Tengri (almost 7000 meters), located in Kyrgyzstan near Kazakhstan. It is difficult to even imagine for the inhabitants of lowland territories how it is to live at the foot of giant mountain giants, the peaks of which rise far above the level of cloud formation.

In general, the mountain system is divided into several areas: North, West, South-West, East, Internal and Central.

Section 2. Blue Mountains, or Tien Shan. Mountain climate

The climate of this system relates mainly to a sharply continental type, characterized by sultry and arid summers with little rainfall.

Winter is notable for its severity and high temperature drops, low cloud cover and excessive dry air. In the mountains, a significant duration of sunshine is observed, which amounts to 2700 hours per year. Of course, such data hardly speaks to an ordinary person, therefore, for comparison, we note that, for example, in Moscow, the average annual figure is only 1600 hours. The alpine cloudiness and the complexity of the landscape influence the change in these values.

The amount of precipitation depends on zoning and increases with the rise. The least precipitation falls on the plains (150-200 mm per year), and in areas of the middle mountains this figure reaches up to 800 mm per year.

Most falls on the period of spring and summer. High air dryness affects the formation of snow cover, which differs in different areas. For example, the Tien Shan mountains in Kazakhstan (north-western slopes) have a snow line formed at an altitude of 3600-3800 meters, in the Central part - at an altitude of 4200-4500 meters and 4000-4200 meters in the Eastern regions. That is, the height largely determines the conditions for the formation of the climate of a particular area.

A large accumulation of snow and ice on the slopes of the Tien Shan mountains with the onset of heat can lead to dangerous avalanches. That is why travelers should be extremely careful.

Tien Shan

Section 3. Geographical features

The Tien Shan Mountains are located in Central and Central Asia and belong to the highest alpine folding mountains on the entire planet. At an altitude of 4000 m, traces of ancient leveled surfaces have been preserved.

It should be noted that the Tien Shan mountains, whose photos literally strike with their splendor, are still in tectonic and seismological activity.

It is hard to imagine that over thirty peaks of the mountain range have a height of more than 6000 meters. Of these, the highest are Victory Peak (7439 m) and Khan-Tengri Peak (almost 7000 m). The length of the system from west to east is 2500 km.

The mountain ranges are formed from igneous, and intermountain troughs from sedimentary rocks. The height of the Tien Shan mountains, of course, leaves its imprints on their features. The main part of the slopes has an alpine relief with forms of glaciation and talus rocks.

It has been established that at an altitude of over 3000 m the permafrost belt begins. Between the mountain systems there are intermountain basins (Issyk-Kul, Naryn and Ferghana).

To date, in the bowels of the Tien Shan discovered mineral deposits: cadmium, zinc, antimony and mercury. And in the troughs are oil reserves. Many glaciers and avalanche hazardous snowfields. If you imagine where the Tien Shan is located from an economic point of view, it immediately becomes clear how great the role of this mountain system is in the welfare of neighboring states.

In addition, it should be noted that the rivers (Naryn, Chu, Tarim, Ili, etc.) and lakes (Issyk-Kul, Chatyr-Kul and Song-Kel) belong to inland water bodies, which means that they are of significant on the climate of the Tien Shan system. Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China and Uzbekistan have long learned how to profitably use these features for industrial purposes.

In general, the mountain range consists of the following orographic regions:

  • Northern Tien Shan, including the ranges of Kyrgyzstan, Ketmen, Kungey-Alatau and Zailiysky Alatau;
  • Eastern Tien Shan - Bororohoro, Boglo-Ula, Kuruktag, Sarmin-Ula, Iren-Khabyrga, Karlytag Halyktau;
  • Western Tien Shan - Talas Alatau, Karatau, Ugam, Pskem and Chatkal ranges;
  • South-Western Tien Shan: the south-western part of the Ferghana Range and the mountains surrounding the Ferghana Valley;
  • The inner Tien Shan is located within the Kyrgyz ridge, Ferghana ridge, Issyk-Kul basin, Kokshaltau ridge and Akshiyrak massif.

To the west of the Central regions, three mountain ranges form, separated by intermountain depressions and connected by the Ferghana Range. The eastern region of the Tien Shan consists of two mountain ranges up to 5000 m high, separated by depressions. Flat elevations of up to 4000 m are typical for this area - syrty.

The Tien Shan Mountains have an area of ​​glaciation of 7300 sq. Km. The largest glacier is South Inylchek. A significant territory is occupied by mountain steppes and semi-desert. The northern slopes are covered mainly with coniferous forests and meadow-steppe, which above go into subalpine and alpine meadows, on the syrts - the landscape of cold deserts.

Section 4. The height of the Tien Shan mountains: myths, legends and features of the origin of the name

Many curious travelers know that in Chinese the name means "Heavenly Mountains." According to the Soviet geographer E.M. Murzaev, who studied the geographical terminology of the Turkic language, this name is borrowed from the word Tengritag ("Tengri" - "divine, heaven, God" and "tag" - "mountain").

Tien Shan photo

The Tien Shan, photos of which are often found in periodicals, are famous for many legends associated with the description of certain places, most likely representing local attractions. Both the first and second stories given in this section tell of the Alatoo mountain range, located in the Northern Tien Shan region.


One of the world-famous sights of Alatoo is the beautiful valley of sacred springs Manchzypy-Ata, which is a popular pilgrimage site. Here is the mazar of the great teacher of Sufism and the holy distributor of the Islamic faith among the nomadic Kyrgyz. Manchzypy-Ata is not a person’s name. So in various Turkic languages ​​they called a venerable person, the patron saint of the area and wanderers, the righteous or the owner of blessed pastures. The valley consists of many gorges, from the earth of which miraculous sources beat. Each of them is considered healing, and their unusual properties have been proven by several leading experts on the planet.

Of course, in ancient times, these springs could serve for watering animals. But over time, the preacher of Islam was endowed with the miraculous powers of the owner of the springs.

Those who happened to visit the Tien Shan mountains in Kyrgyzstan, whose photos are especially spectacular, must have heard the claims of local experts that the springs give the needy the gift of family well-being, grant knowledge and insight and relieve infertility.

Fairy tale Alatoo

This fairy tale includes a picturesque place located in a seasonal channel of rain mudflows flowing down from the foothills of Terskey-Alatoo to Lake Issyk-Kul. Despite the fact that the clay cliffs of the gorge, overgrown with shrubs, at first look dull, looking at it, one wonders how much they change their appearance and appear in all their splendor.

Thanks to this, the name of the canyon “Fairy Tale” appeared. A fantastic world opens here: colorful rocks of bright shades froze in unusual shapes, and natural sculptures from limestone and sandy rocks grow from the earth, similar to prehistoric inhabitants or the ruins of castles.

The legend of this miracle of nature appeared recently. It says that the beauty of the gorge is unique, and if you come back here again, each time the gorge will look in a new way. That is why excursions are arranged here with enviable constancy, and the stream of travelers has not dried up for many years.

By the way, not everyone knows that in addition to Alatoo, the name of the ridge has several more options - Atatau, Altai and Alai, which from Turkic means "Motley Mountains". Most likely, this is a description of the entire territory of the Northern Tien Shan, which is famous for its inconstancy and diversity. Here green meadows are intertwined with rivers, snow-white peaks coexist with multi-colored cliffs covered with coniferous forests and bright foothill steppes.

Tien Shan mountains photo

Section 5. Inland waters

The Tien Shan mountains in Kyrgyzstan, as well as in all other countries, are the territory of runoff formation, where many rivers originate from glaciers and snowfields of the glacial-nival zone and end in closed and inland lakes or form “dry deltas” when water is absorbed into the sediment of the plains and goes for irrigation.

All major rivers with sources in the Tien Shan mountains belong to the basins of the Syr Darya, Talas, Ili, Chu, Manas, etc. The rivers have snow or glacial nutrition. Peak runoff is observed in the spring-summer period. Water is used to irrigate not only the internal valleys and depressions, but also the plains in the neighborhood.

Large lakes of the mountain system are located at the bottom of the intermontane basins and belong to the tectonic period. Such reservoirs are the salt lake Issyk-Kul and the alpine lakes Chatyr-Köl and Son-Kul, almost always covered with ice. There are also caravan and glacial lakes (Merzbacher). The largest body of water in the Eastern Tien Shan region is Bagrashköl, connected to Lake Lobnor by the Kanchedarya River.

There are many shallow reservoirs, most of which are deep with steep banks and have a dammed origin (Lake Sary-Chelek).

Section 6. The area of ​​glaciation

The number of glaciers of the mountain system is more than 7,700. Among them there are valley, hanging, and caravan types.

Tien Shan mountains

The total area of ​​glaciation is quite impressive - over 900 square meters. km The Terskey-Alatau ridge is characterized by glaciers of flattened peaks, consisting of underdeveloped moraine formations.

The Tien Shan mountains form glaciers at a continuous pace. This means that the retreating part is slowly replaced by others at the same speed.

During the World Ice Age, this entire surface was covered with a thick layer of ice. Until now, in different mountainous regions of the world, one can see the remains of general glaciation - ramparts, moraines, circuses, trogs and high mountain glacial lakes.

It should be noted that, without exception, the river systems of Central Asia originate from the well-known Tien Shan glaciers. One of them is the large river Naryn (Kyrgyzstan). The Tien Shan mountains are the highest here, which means that they may well contribute to the formation of such powerful water arteries.

Less glaciers feed mountain rivers - tributaries of Naryn. Descending from the peaks in a stormy stream, they overcome a huge path and gain tremendous strength. A whole cascade of large and medium-sized hydroelectric power stations was built on Naryn.

The pearl of the Tien Shan mountains is considered to be the picturesque Issyk-Kul Lake, occupying 7th place in the list of the largest and deepest reservoirs. It is located in a gigantic tectonic basin between mountain ranges. Here both locals and numerous tourists like to relax, coming with whole families or noisy friendly companies.

The area of ​​the lake is 6332 square meters. m, and its depth reaches more than 700 m. Here you can add other large lakes of the Inner Tien Shan - Song Kel and Chatyr Kel.

In the highlands there are many small ponds of glacial and glacial type, which practically do not affect the climate of the area, but are considered to be favorite places for recreation.

It is unlikely that anyone will dispute the fact that, say, the Tien Shan mountains in Kyrgyzstan, whose pictures are quite common, is a place worth visiting at least once in a lifetime. The same trend is observed in other countries. Every year more and more travelers from different parts of the globe come here to rest here.

Section 7. Features of the local fauna

If you think about where the Tien Shan is located, we can assume that its animal world is certainly represented by the inhabitants of the desert and steppe fauna.

The most numerous representatives of the local fauna include gazelles, ground squirrels, marsh hare, gerbil, jerboa, etc.

where is the tien shan

From reptiles there are snakes (patterned snake, muzzle, viper) and lizards.

Of birds, larks, bustards, partridges, burial eagles are common.

But in the mid-mountain regions there are representatives of the forest fauna - wild boar, brown bear, lynx, wolf, fox, roe deer, etc. Of the birds, pine and crossbill prevail here.

Marmots, field voles, mountain goats, argali and ermines live higher in the mountains. The most beautiful and rare is the snow leopard predator (snow leopard). Of the birds, eagles, vultures, larks, alpine jackdaws, etc.

Waterfowl (ducks, geese) live on mountain lakes. In Issyk-Kul, during the migration period, you can see swans, and in Bagrashkel - cormorant and black stork. There are also a lot of fish in the lakes (chebak, marinka, osman, etc.).

Section 8. Victory Peak - A History of Conquest

Many argue that the Tien Shan mountains in Kazakhstan, whose height often exceeds 6,000 meters, give the impression of giant giants reaching almost to the sky. However, the highest point is still not here.

Victory Peak (the Chinese name is Tomur) is located in Kyrgyzstan near the borders of China. It is included in the list of highest peaks (7439 m).

Presumably the first peak was conquered by a group of Soviet climbers in 1938. Although there are doubts that they have reached the top. In 1943, in honor of the victory over the Germans near Stalingrad, the Soviet government was poisoned at the Victory Peak by the government of the USSR.

where is the tien shan

Also in 1955, two teams went to climb the summit. The route of one of them ran from the Chon-Ton pass in Kazakhstan, and the other along the Zvezdochka glacier in Uzbekistan. Due to weather conditions, the team from Kazakhstan, reaching 6,000 m, was forced to descend. Of the 12 people in the group, only one survived. Since then, the mountains have enjoyed a poor reputation. Climbing continues now. These are mainly daredevil climbers from Russia and the CIS.

Section 9. Sky Lake Tien Shan

110 km from Urumqi, high in the mountains of China, hid the cleanest Tianchi Lake ("Heavenly Lake"), which has the shape of a crescent. The surface area of ​​the reservoir is about 5.0 square meters. km, depth - over 100 m.

Residents call the lake "Pearl of Heavenly Mountain." It is fed by meltwater of mountain peaks. In the summer, the reservoir saves people with its coolness from the heat. Tianchi is surrounded by snow-white peaks, the slopes of which are covered with coniferous forests, and flower glades. One of the peaks is Bogdafen peak with a height of more than 6000 m. Eagles soar in the sky above the lake.

The lake got its former name in 1783. It was formerly called Yaochi ("Jade Lake"). Tradition says that the pond was the font of the Taoist goddess Xi Wangmu, the guardian of the springs and fruits of immortality. A peach tree grows on the shore, whose fruits give people eternal life.

Section 10. Mountaineering

Many travelers, especially sports enthusiasts, try to visit the Tien Shan at least once in their life. Photos taken here by travelers who have already traveled will help someone decide on a new vacation destination. And someone will consider them, anticipating the next trip.

Tien Shan Kazakhstan

The main area of ​​all the above countries consists of highlands. It is not surprising that these regions are ideal for the development of ski tourism. On the mountain slopes, many resorts are open, the tracks of which are suitable for both professionals and beginners. For convenience, equipment rental points are available, and experienced instructors will help you learn skiing skills.

For example, in Kyrgyzstan, the Oru-Sai, Orlovka, Kashka-Suu, and Karakol ski resorts are very popular.

The ski season opens in December and ends at the end of March. The best months for descents are February and March. In high mountain regions, snow does not melt on glaciers even in summer. Freeride enthusiasts can use a helicopter or a car to climb a hill. For climbers organized ascents to the peaks and glaciers and descents. The slopes are suitable for skiing and snowboarding.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G13564/

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