Description and history of the city of Kursk

One of the elements of knowing the past of the country is the history of the city. Kursk is quite interesting in this regard, since it was founded a very long time ago and can represent the events of the Russian state from princely times to the present day. In addition, the city is also interesting because it is located near the borders of our homeland. So, how did Kursk live throughout its existence? The history of the city, summarized in this article, will help find the answer to this question.

history of the city of Kursk

Geographic location

Let's find out where this settlement is located before moving on to such an interesting topic as the history of the city. Kursk is located in the west of the European part of the Russian Federation, at a distance of 450 kilometers south-west of the capital of our homeland, Moscow. The city is located in a temperate climate zone with a temperate continental type of climate. It is the administrative center and largest city ​​of the Kursk region.

history of the city of Kursk for children

The territory occupied by the village is about 190 square meters. km The height of the center of Kursk above sea level is 250 m. The largest river in the city is the Sejm. In addition, a number of tributaries of this aquatic artery flow through Kursk.


The total population of Kursk is about 443.2 thousand people, which is the 41st indicator among all settlements in Russia. Density - 2.3 thousand people. per sq. km

Since 2012, the change in population has shown extremely positive dynamics. The vast majority of residents are ethnic Russians.

Foundation of the city

Where does the history of the city begin? Kursk is one of the most ancient settlements of the Russian Federation. It was founded in the first half of the 10th century. There is no exact date for the formation of this settlement, but the first mention of it is found in the biography of Theodosius of the Caves. True, the exact date of the life of this saint, with which the formation of Kursk could be compared, is not indicated there either. But this event was to happen no later than 1032. Even then, it was a large settlement with developed trade, so its actual foundation was to happen much earlier.

At the same time, archaeological evidence suggests that the first settlement on the site of modern Kursk arose no later than the VIII century. It is possible that from this date people lived here continuously.

origin of name

What is the history of the name of the city of Kursk? It is named after the Chur River. This is a small river, which is a tributary of the Tuskari River, which, in turn, flows into the Sejm on the territory of the modern city. In ancient times, the core of the settlement was formed precisely near the Kur River, from where Kursk got its name.

Linguists have not established the exact meaning of the name of the river, but there is an assumption that it came from the word "kurya", which means a backwater or a river bay. True, there is another version among the people that says that the name of the city comes from the name of a partridge or chicken.

Some scholars are trying to derive the name from the Turkic languages. In their opinion, Kursk is translated as a "security city".

Princely times

Kursk became the center of a specific principality until 1095, when Vladimir Monomakh, then Prince of Chernigov, and later the Great Kiev, appointed his son Izyaslav Vladimirovich to reign in this city. But already in 1095, Izyaslav, by order of his father, retired to rule in Murom. In 1096, the prince died in one of the internecine battles. Despite his short reign, Izyaslav managed to build a fortress in Kursk.

The history of the city of Kursk for children is most interesting when it comes to Prince Vsevolod Svyatoslavovich, nicknamed Bui-tour. He is one of the main characters of the "Words about Igor's Regiment". This prince became famous for his incredible strength and courage. Even before his reign, Kursk became one of the main serf lines designed to protect Russia from the raids of the Polovtsy and other nomads.

Kursk city history briefly

In 1180, Vsevolod became Prince of Kursk and Trubetskoy. During his reign, he became famous for participating in numerous campaigns along with other princes against Polovtsy. The most famous is the campaign of 1185, sung in the "Word on Igor's Regiment", when he, together with his brother Igor Svyatoslavovich, Prince of Novgorod-Seversky, was captured by the Polovtsy. Vsevolod returned from captivity only in 1188. In 1196 he died.

Participating in the notorious battle of Kalka against the Mongols in 1223, the inhabitants of Kursk also sent their garrison to the Russian army. In 1238, during the Batu invasion, the city was destroyed by the Mongol-Tatars. After that, Kursk rebuilt, but was again ruined in 1285.

In 1362, the Grand Duke of Lithuania Olgerd managed to wrest the city from Tatar rule and annexed it to his lands.

As part of the Russian state

In 1508, the history of the city radically changed. Kursk was included in the Grand Duchy of Moscow under Basil III. He became one of the defense links of the reviving Russia on its southwestern borders simultaneously against the Commonwealth and the Crimean Khanate.

In the XV and in the first half of the XVI century raids of the Tatars became more frequent, which caused the desolation of Kursk. But the city was reborn again in 1586. This date is considered to be the second foundation of Kursk. Under Ivan the Terrible, rebels and unreliable people were exiled to this border town. In 1596 a new fortress was built, which became the key to the security of the borders and population of the city.

Throughout the first half of the 17th century, Kursk was repeatedly attacked by Poles, Nogais and Crimean Tatars, but they never managed to take this impregnable fortress.

history of the name of the city of Kursk

Soon, the inhabitants of Orel were resettled to Kursk . By 1678, it already numbered about 2800 people, which was not so small for the border fortress of that time. This was due to a rather favorable economic and geographical position. Through Kursk there was a road from Moscow to the Crimean Khanate, and there was also a fork in Kiev, which ensured developed trade.

Due to the fact that Kursk had rather strong ties with Little Russia at that time, in 1708 it was included in the Kiev province.

Kursk from the time of the Russian Empire

However, already in 1727, Kursk was included in the Belgorod province. But in 1779, under Catherine the Great, this province was disbanded, and the city became the center of Kursk governorship. Its first chapter was the famous field marshal Rumyantsev. In 1781, a big fire occurred in the city, after which it began to rebuild. In 1797, governorship was transformed into a province. Since then, Kursk has become a provincial city.

With the expansion of the borders of the Russian Empire, Kursk is losing the importance of a border city, but trade is developing intensively in it. The city grew and expanded, industry began to develop actively in it, in 1808 a gymnasium was opened. The history of Zarechnaya Street is connected with the expansion of Kursk across the river. The city of Kursk has become a fairly large regional center. In the second half of the 19th century, a centralized water supply system appeared; tram traffic was opened.

Soviet times

In the first quarter of the 20th century, the history of proud Kursk changed dramatically. A summary of the events of those times is that at the end of 1917 the Soviet government came to the city. However, this was only the beginning of the Civil War. In September 1919, Kursk was captured by the white army of General Denikin, but already in November he was recaptured by the Red Army. Since then, the city became part of Soviet Russia, and then the USSR.

In 1928, the Kursk province ceased to exist. Kursk became the administrative center of one of the three districts of the Central Black Earth Region, and since 1934 the central city of the Kursk Region.

During the Great Patriotic War, the city was occupied by Nazi troops in November 1941, although it was defended not only by the army, but also by the militia. The liberation of the city occurred a year and a half later - in February 1943. In July - August, one of the largest battles of World War II, the Battle of Kursk, took place near Kursk .

Kursk city history summary

A year after the liberation, Kursk began to be restored, although the war was still ongoing. In 1953, trams began to run along the city streets. Factories and factories were being restored in the city.


After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the severity of the transitional time affected all the cities of Russia. Kursk was no exception. In the 90s, many enterprises were closed here, there was a high level of unemployment.

In the 2000s, in connection with the general upsurge of the Russian economy, life gradually began to improve in this regional center. Industry, production, the provision of services and trade began to develop, which meant that new jobs appeared.

history of the street Zarechnaya Kursk city

In 2012, the city’s 980th anniversary was solemnly celebrated. Currently, the head of Kursk is Olga Germanova. The city is divided into three districts: Seym, Railway and Central. Today Kursk is a modern Russian regional center.

The significance of the history of Kursk

To understand the modern inhabitants of a particular settlement, you need to study its history. The past and the present constantly flow into each other, forming a continuous chain of events. Everything that happened today was erected on the foundation laid yesterday. Therefore, the history of the city of Kursk is so important. A summary for children and adults of the historical events that occurred in this city is outlined above. But, of course, this is not enough if you want to learn more about Kursk. The article outlines only the main historical milestones. And for a closer study, it is required to use mainly primary sources.

History of Kursk

According to the educational program, the history of the city of Kursk for grade 2 is included in the lessons around the world. Of course, this helps to familiarize children with the past of their hometown. But adults should not forget about the history of their land. Moreover, residents of other cities of Russia should also be interested in events that occurred in the past in various settlements of the country. Indeed, from such parts of the mosaic, the history of our entire country is formed into a single whole.


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