Red Wolf

The wolf is a predatory mammal belonging to the canine family. This animal is widespread on the planet. In almost every climatic zone, species of these mammals live. Moreover, the types of wolves just depend on where they live.

For example, in the Arctic you can meet the Arctic wolf, in the tundra - tundra, and in the steppes - steppe. In addition to these species, coyotes, jackals, the wolf of the Asian, Arabian, Eastern, Earth (Mexican), Italian, Indian, Iraqi, Austro-Hungarian, red, New Guinean singing dogs and the dingo dogs should be classified as wolves. The last two species are feral dogs, and the dingo is a second feral dog. The well-known domestic dog is a direct descendant of the wolf, therefore it is considered as its subspecies.

The rarest wolf species endangered is the red wolf, or mountain wolf. This mammal is distributed in the territory from the Tien Shan and Altai to the Malay archipelago, the tip of Hindustan and Indochina. Most of the range is located in Central and South Asia, mainly in its mountainous forest region.

To more clearly imagine this beauty, you should make a detailed description of the red wolf.

This is a rather large predator with a body length of 76 to 110 cm and a mass of 17 to 21 kg, with a long hanging tail from 45 to 50 cm, reaching almost to the ground. The red wolf has large erect ears, slightly rounded at the top, ears located high on the head. The whole appearance of the animal combines the features of a fox, a dog, a jackal and a Russian gray wolf. His muzzle is slightly shortened and pointed, which brings him closer to the fox.

A distinctive feature of this species is its unusual red color, which varies among individuals depending on which part of the range the animal lives. The tip of the tail of a red wolf has a black one.

These predators hunt mainly in flocks from 5 to 12 individuals, which include representatives of several generations. Relations between members of the pack are non-aggressive. It is also noted that males are actively involved in the education of offspring. It should also be noted that the red wolf, like many other types of wolves, is a monogame - having once chosen a life friend, he remains faithful to her.

These predators prefer to settle in crevices of mountains or in gorges of rocks, avoiding open lowland areas. Although during the hunt, the animal may appear in the steppes, in forest-steppes and even in the bare desert. But interestingly, the red wolf hunts only wild animals, never attacking livestock! Moreover, he feeds meat only in the winter season, eating only plants in the summer.

The method of hunting the red wolf for roe deer, antelopes and deer differs from the methods of all other species. After all, most wolves rush to prey, grabbing it by the throat. The same predator pounces on the selected prey from behind. Two or three wolves literally two minutes are enough to kill a large deer weighing half a centner.

If necessary, a large flock can defeat the bull (Gaura), tiger or leopard. Although in real life these predators will not fight just for the sake of war, there are times when, for example, a hungry tiger decides to take away from the wolves, like smaller and weaker animals, their honestly earned prey. Already here the flock will not let anyone down!

β€œRed Dogs,” as Rudyard Kipling called it in his storybook The Second Jungle Book of the Red Wolves. Even the tiger Sherkhan and the elephant of Hatha are afraid of cruel, dangerous for all animals inhabiting the jungle, predators according to the plot of the tale. The animated film based on the plot of Kipling's book shows a terrible, fierce battle between a flock of red wolves and the other inhabitants of the jungle.


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