DIY Veteran Gift

What gift to give to a veteran of the Great Patriotic War on Victory Day? This question excites many. Let's look for answers together.

Memorial gift to the veteran

First of all, one should take into account the fact that people who have gone through terrible trials need attention. They are pleased to realize that they are remembered, that their merits are valued by descendants. Therefore, a gift to a veteran should emphasize just this: an inscription, an emblem.

However, it is not worth giving them anything related to military issues. Films, books and photographs about the war will only stir up bitter memories of terrible events and spoil the festive mood.

gift to the veteran

And here is a wristwatch engraved “Thank you grandfather for the victory!” or wall clock with the inscription "For the capture of Berlin!" will be appropriate and enjoyable. You can give a loved one a mug with a photograph where the current veteran is still young and full of energy, or with a picture of him in full parade, with orders and medals - ordering such a service today will not be difficult.

Not only memory warms ...

It is very important to make such gifts to WWII veterans that bring practical benefits. Do not think about the fact that a pensioner is able to acquire everything necessary for himself. In fact, veterans are people who for the most part can never forget the years of hunger and poverty. Therefore, they save literally on everything. And some do not even know what new items appeared on sale today.

gifts to WWII veterans

A wonderful gift to the veteran is an electric heating pad, a fur vest or a warm plaid, handmade soft felt boots, a down scarf. Such gizmos will surely please an elderly person, they will bring joy and become a pleasant reminder that someone on earth loves them, remembers them, takes care of them.

And past years, pleasant memories ...

How often do we pronounce the phrase: "So that was what to remember in old age." And we keep some little things, at first glance completely unnecessary.

For the most part, older people actually live in their memories. They idealize everything related to their youth and youth. Therefore, an expensive gift to a war veteran is an album of old songs or a selection of films of past years. Of course, in order to watch these films and listen to songs, an elderly person needs a DVD player. Therefore, if the veteran lives alone, it is worth taking care of this.

May the gift keep the warmth of hearts and hands

Honoring war veterans take on their shoulders and schools. In anticipation of the holidays dedicated to the memory of those who defended our homeland, concerts, tea parties and meetings are held in institutions.

Also, students under the guidance of teachers develop projects in which they consider the topic of how to make a gift to a veteran with their own hands. It is very important to develop patriotism in the younger generation, respect for the elderly, who many years ago defended our homeland.

However, it is regrettable to note the fact that most of the proposals put forward by children are infantile attempts such as “a gift is not expensive - attention is expensive”, “there is nothing more expensive than what is done with your own hands”. And teenagers make cards in scrapbooking style, embroider paintings, glue applications.

The great thing is that the guys do not completely dismiss participation in the celebration. But they themselves would be very pleased to receive a gift card, applique or crafts made from natural material? Wouldn’t it be better to think over this issue more deeply and make a gift to the veteran with his own hands, not only beautiful and memorable, but also useful, necessary?

Fair "Hot Heart"

But what about those who do not know how to do something really necessary, practical and useful in everyday life? How to properly direct the desire of the younger generation to give veterans a piece of their warmth, applying their skill and diligence? And to do this not just for show, but in such a way that it would be interesting, exciting to prepare for the holiday, so that the event would bring pleasure to the masters themselves?

gift project to a veteran

In one of the schools, an extremely interesting project “Gift to the Veteran” was developed, in which all students take part, starting from younger ones and ending with senior schoolchildren. Parents, teachers, technical workers of the school do not refuse to take part in it.

All the crafts that the children do with their own hands together with their parents or on their own, they are handed over to the class teacher. A special commission sets the price of each item that is presented for sale.

On one specific day (the date is agreed with the school administration), a Hot Heart Fair is announced, at which all student crafts are sold. The buyers themselves are the guys themselves, parents, teachers, residents of the district are invited.

gift to a war veteran

All proceeds are calculated by the same commission, which includes both teachers and representatives from students, as well as members of the parent committee. Usually, this is a fairly large amount for which you can already get a worthy worthy thing: a washing machine, a vacuum cleaner, a video player, a TV, a bread machine, a sofa, and a wheelchair.

This project deserves attention, because getting one thing, but necessary and useful, is much more pleasant than enjoying cards made by unfamiliar children. Let from a pure heart ...

May the gift keep the warmth of hearts and hands

And if there is a person who has gone through the war in the family, to whom kids or teenagers are eager to make crafts with their own hands? A gift to a veteran can be made and one that will be valuable and necessary.

You can, for example, knit something from soft yarn: mittens or socks, a scarf or hat. Of course, you should start work in advance, and not a couple of days before the holiday. Only then will the thing turn out to be of high quality, beautiful, solid.

DIY Veteran Gift

Today, many are fond of crocheting. Beautiful ponchos, rugs, and vests are assembled from bright squares. Such a thing is not only beautiful, but also benefits, warms, pleases the eye.

Casket from childhood - a gift from childhood

Almost everyone once had a casket in which the most expensive and necessary was stored. Is there such a place today for the current veteran? Where are his orders, medals, old letters and postcards stored? Really in a shoe box? Well, then it's time for the grandchildren and great-grandchildren to get down to business!

Boys and boys can independently make a box of wood. For the manufacture of this little thing materials can be purchased at the store. Sawing a tree according to the drawings is also a simple matter.

It is best to glue the parts with wood glue. The cover is attached to the body with hinges. Ornaments in the form of metal corners and fasteners are also sold in the stores “Everything for Home” or “Building Materials”.

The clock runs but stays with us

An interesting option for needlewomen may be the manufacture of souvenir wall clocks. The mechanism itself is bought in specialized stores such as "Lyolka". But the design of the souvenir is developed independently.

crafts gift to a veteran

If the outer part of the workpiece is made of plexiglass, then you can apply a pattern to it using acrylic paints. You can beat this moment and place among the floral ornament photographs presented in youth or youth.

Some watch options include decoration around the case. Then you can show your imagination and stick artificial flowers made of satin ribbons or molded figures made of polymer clay onto the rim.

In all cases, a commemorative inscription should be made on the gift, which would remind of the date and event in honor of which this gift was presented.


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