How to clear your memory on iPhone: tips

The main problem with many mobile devices is the lack of memory. The capabilities of the gadget we work with allow you to download everything at once, which is why the owner of the device does not limit himself in various games, applications, video and audio content. Very soon, the phone (or tablet, this also applies) becomes clogged, which leads to a slowdown and the appearance of “braking” in the work.

IPhone memory limitations

Owners of "apple" devices have a problem with a lack of memory - especially unlike Android-users, who can sometimes expand the amount of data stored on the device by installing a memory card. Those who prefer the iPhone can not do this. Accordingly, users are limited to those 16, 32, 64 or 128 GB, which are embedded in the gadget by default. True, memory problems are mainly experienced by owners of 16-gig phones. The rest somehow cope with the temptation to, say, “litter” such a large volume.

how on “iPhone” to clear memory

Although, frankly, even users of a device with a capacity of 64 GB can face the problem of lack of space. Therefore, our article on how to clear memory on the iPhone will be useful to everyone.

How do we clog the device?

To begin with, let's decide what we are clogging the memory of our device with. First of all, we list the obvious facts: this is the installation of applications, downloading movies (video files) and music (audio files) to our smartphone. The second is photographs. Fans of taking pictures can be upset, but each of the photos can take up a lot of space due to high quality. This also should not be forgotten by lovers of "selfie". Third is application data. If you watch videos on YouTube, listen to podcasts, or even enjoy some exciting colorful game, be prepared that the memory of your device will gradually become clogged with the files that such an application downloads. Even after you finished watching the video, the files remained, due to which the amount of available space decreased. As this arises, the question arises of how to clear memory on the iPhone.

It can also be noted that free disk space decreases after surfing in the browser due to the page cache, downloaded ads and other things.

Signs of running out of memory

Of course, if you have a 128-gig version of the phone, then the question of how to clear the memory on the iPhone may not arise at all. You really need to download a lot of videos in order to score it. However, on 16-gigabyte devices, the situation is somewhat different. Here, notice that the phone needs to be cleaned, much easier. For example, in the settings you will see a message that there is little memory left when trying to install the next program. And in general, as users note, as the free space decreases, the phone’s operation becomes slower.

How to clear memory on iPhone 4

In this article we will tell you more about what to do in such a situation. Please immediately note that this is a physical memory, and the question of how to clear the RAM on the iPhone has nothing to do with the topic of this article.

Remove unnecessary programs

To get started, take care of applications that take up a lot of space. As already noted, it is through games and programs that users most often clog the memory of their device. Given that there are games that require more than a gigabyte of memory, it is easy to imagine how much space they can take in general.

If you are looking for how to clear the memory on iPhone 6 (and not only), start by uninstalling applications. In the settings there is a special function for sorting them depending on the frequency of use. Use it and see for yourself how many applications have remained outside your attention for a long time.

How to clear memory on iPhone 5

Do not worry about the fact that by deleting the application, you may regret it in the future. In fact, we all regularly work only with a set of 5-6 programs. The rest appear with us for a certain time, mostly purely out of interest. Therefore, boldly delete what you have not worked with for a long time. If you suddenly need the program again, nothing will prevent you from downloading it again. This is the first and most important step towards how to clear the memory of the iPhone 5 S.

Remove excess content

The second tip after uninstalling applications is to clean up excess media content. As noted above, this includes video, music, and photography. Although it seems to us that much of what is stored on the phone is very important for us, you should not worry about deleting such files. What really represents value to us, we will transfer to the cloud storage (more on that later). And those files that will no longer be needed (for example, watched movies, TV shows or listened to podcasts), we recommend to delete. This is the simplest answer to the question of how to clear the memory on the iPhone 4S.

After deleting unnecessary files, you will see how much free space on your phone has grown significantly. And this despite the fact that we have not yet managed to apply the most effective removal methods.

Transfer valuable bulky files

If you are interested in how to clear your memory on the iPhone without losing valuable data (for example, vacation photos that take up several gigabytes), pay attention to the cloud services that have become so popular lately. They allow you to store information almost for free in a form convenient for you.

how to clear cache memory on iPhone

The advantages of services such as Apple iCloud (for iPhone owners), Google Drive, Dropbox and others, in fact, are several. It is convenient, fast, reliable, makes it possible to free up space on mobile devices. In addition, data from your phone may be lost in the event of damage or loss of the device, while valuable photos, videos and audio files will not go anywhere from the “cloud”. Even from the point of view of the desire to preserve them in the future, the expediency of such a transfer is obvious.

Clear browser cache

Another tip for those who want to know how to clear the memory on iPhone 4 is to clear the so-called browser cache (Safari). This refers to the deletion of files that are saved on your phone after browsing through various websites. For example, this may include image ads, flash banners, cookies, browsing history, and more. We, as a rule, do not think about it - but all this is preserved and settles in the memory of our device.

Cleaning up this information is simple - go to the Safari settings (or any other browser that you use), and then click on the delete history and data button. This will allow you to free up some more space.


Perhaps you didn’t even think about it, but simple text messages that we exchange with other subscribers can also take up extra space. The reason for this is that in correspondence we often use media files (pictures and videos) addressed to the interlocutor or received from him.

how to clear memory on iPhone 4s

It is clear that deleting messages can be a pity, especially if they contain important information for us. Therefore, you can archive them using the FileAid program, which will be discussed later. So you save the data and free up space.

Use special programs

In addition to all the methods described above, there is another interesting and convenient method - access to special programs that automatically look for unnecessary content and delete it. For example, this should immediately include files from the browser, application updates, data from mobile advertising and other obvious garbage. If, for example, you did not even suspect the existence of such data on your device, then the program will easily identify them and delete it. For this they are in great demand.

how to clear RAM on the iPhone

There are many such programs available today. The most popular of these are Cleaner and PhoneClean. They are the best answer to the question of how to clear the cache memory on the "iPhone" without any extra effort and for free. There is also a more versatile Battery Doctor program that cleans not only physical memory, but also closes unnecessary processes on the device, processing even the phone’s RAM to save battery power. She should also be given special attention.

Finally, in addition to cleaning, you can use programs to compress the data stored on your device. In particular, applications like FileAid allow you to archive the most important data so that you can access it in the future.

Do not forget to “keep clean”

If we talk about how to clear the memory on the “iPhone” 5, then the techniques described above are quite effective. Depending on what type of content is on your device. With their help, you can clear from 50 percent or more (we are talking about the amount of memory that does not include iOS system files).

how to clear memory on iPhone 6

But in order to constantly keep the device’s memory free, even these techniques will not be enough. You must understand that your phone will not be clogged by regular checking of the data that is stored on it, and constant cleaning of content that you do not need. Otherwise, after you have done the next photo shoot, for example, you can simply drop the photo onto the “cloud”. If you do not trust technology - to a personal computer, where there is more memory. Thus, you can very easily unload your smartphone, leaving it with space for more important things.

The same applies to applications with games - if any of them has ceased to be relevant for you, do not store it on the device, taking up extra memory.


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