The tree of cones is step by step. How to make a tree from cones

Creating crafts from natural materials has ceased to be an activity only for schoolchildren. More and more ideas come about combining man-made objects and elements of natural origin. Want to make an exclusive tree of cones? Step by step this process is given below. Learn tips, see photos. You will certainly have inspiration, and you can not only repeat the pattern, but also come up with an original idea on your own.

crafts from cones tree

DIY souvenirs

The fashion for handmade items has ceased to be the lot of the elite, and has acquired the character of a trend among all. Knitting, embroidery, decoupage, art processing of glass, metal - all this has become available to everyone.

Due to the abundance of information and the numerous opportunities to acquire any material for creativity, it is not difficult even for a beginner to master any technique. To create a beautiful thing with your own hands, just be patient, study the instructions, acquire everything you need and start creating.

However, there is one problem. You can buy almost anything, but the price of some art materials is very high. If you want to master budget technology and make original souvenirs from what literally lies under your feet, then the best option is crafts from bumps. A tree, an animal figurine, a photo frame, a basket and much more can be done by everyone without special artistic skills.

crafts from cones tree

The advantages of natural material

Any object that is related to the natural environment is environmentally friendly. It does not have synthetics, chemistry and other substances of industrial production. This is a significant advantage, as it involves use anywhere. This craft can be put even in the room of a small child.

By its beauty, nature has always inspired people to be creative. The same applies to natural materials: dried leaves, flowers, collected cones, nuts, twigs. In nature, everything is subject to the laws of harmony and beauty. By adding a little man-made energy to the collected material, you can create, for example, a tree of cones, amazing in beauty and grace. How to make such a craft will be described below. If you have a rich imagination and imagination works well, you yourself can come up with as many original souvenirs as you like. And for motivation, it's worth looking at ready-made examples.

pine cones topiary

Decorative tree

Making souvenirs is a very exciting process. It is always nice to see the result of your work. In order for the gift not only to please the eye, but also to have some sacred meaning, you need to choose the right object that you will create and give it the appropriate idea.

From this point of view, a miniature tree made of cones can be an excellent souvenir. Step by step to make it very simple. Such an object will symbolize life, happiness and prosperity. If you add a souvenir with decorative elements, such as coins, hearts, bows, you get a symbolic money tree or a tree of love and good luck, etc.

Forms, it can be absolutely any. As a basis, you need to find a suitable branch or snag. It should be fixed in a solid base so that it holds firmly and does not fall, even taking into account the future weight of the cones. There may be a few of them - it all depends on the size of the souvenir itself. For the desktop, a couple of tens or less will be enough. It is important to nicely place the cones on the snag so that it looks natural. The color of the elements use natural or paint in gold, silver, white, pink or any other according to your idea.

Components can be glued together, but there is a second option. A wire is taken, cut into pieces of the desired length. Each element is fixed in a bump. Branches are woven from the resulting โ€œbouquetโ€ and the stem is fixed in a solid base. The frame is wrapped with decorative tape, a beautiful fabric or paper. The product can be supplemented with beads, bows or anything else.

Christmas tree of cones

On New Year's Eve, everyone is trying to decorate their office desks with small holiday trees. You can make a New Year tree from cones. How to make it? Very simple.

crafts from cones tree
The process of creating a souvenir will be as follows:

  1. Make a cardboard base in the form of a cone with a bottom.
  2. For stability, fill the inside with crumpled paper, newspapers.
  3. Install the resulting structure on a solid base and fasten there.
  4. It is better to paint the frame in the color in which the tree itself will be presented (green, white, silver, gold, brown, if the product retains its natural tone). This is done so that the gaps between the cones are invisible.
  5. Sort the collected cones and start gluing them in rows. Place large ones below. Moving towards the top, try to choose smaller ones. Attach them to the base is best with a thermal gun. It is a device in which special adhesive rods melt under the influence of heating. Through the nozzle, the viscous composition enters the junction of two objects. This is a very versatile device. In our case, it is convenient and gives the most reliable result.

So, itโ€™s very easy to make a Christmas tree or any other New Year tree of cones step by step. When the design itself is ready, it can be painted, decorate with beads.

Pine cone topiary

Currently, it is a very fashionable souvenir and a nice gift. They make it from ribbons, coffee beans, beads, balls, pebbles, shells. This object resembles a beautifully trimmed ball-shaped dwarf thuja in a pot.

Creating such a decorative tree from cones step by step is also easy. The sequence of actions will be as follows:

  1. It is necessary to prepare the basis. Take a finished ball or make it from pieces of newspapers and PVA.
  2. Attach to it a rod, a stick, a ballpoint pen as a barrel. This element can also be wrapped in paper for subsequent color application or immediately decorative. It is better to fix by cutting into the sphere and subsequent gluing of the joint.
    cone tree step by step
  3. Paint the base in the desired color. The space between the cones will still remain, and the ball will be visible. If it is plastic, pre-glue it with paper so that the paint lays well on the surface.
  4. Fasten the pine cones on the base by gluing them to the surface of the sphere or inserting them attached to the pins.
    cone tree master class
  5. Strengthen the rod in the bottom of the pot.
  6. Fill the void with gypsum mortar.
  7. Until the composition has frozen, fill the upper plane with beads, balls, shells.

That's how easy and quick to create an original tree of cones. The master class presented here will help you realize this idea yourself. By the way, you can first make the whole base, and then decorate it. Everyone does as they please.

topiary tree of happiness from cones

Fir cone souvenir

Want to surprise with an unusual idea? Make a spruce topiary. A tree of happiness from cones will perfectly decorate your office table or become an original souvenir for a girlfriend. The principle of implementation is the same as in the previous version. The difference will be in the form and fastening of the elements. They can, like the core, be cut into a shallow depth inside the base sphere and glue the joint.

Craft of colored cones

Such a souvenir made not only in a single-color, but also in a multi-colored version will look original. To do this, you need to prepare paints in advance and paint the elements. Children will be thrilled. They like to create crafts from cones. The tree, and even multi-colored, will seem to them wonderful and fabulous. Turn a skill lesson into magic!

crafts cones with instructions

If you make a Christmas tree from pine cones, painted specimens can play the role of bright toys. In the case of topiary, you can simply make color transitions by pasting rows of different-colored elements from the bottom up. At the trunk - for example, white, in the middle - a pair of shades of pink. Great gift idea for Valentine's Day. Such a thing will look cool if supplemented with a cute ribbon, bow or heart.

New Year crafts: cones

It is always much easier to work with an instruction or a finished sample. However, if you attach your imagination, souvenirs can turn out even more original. If you need to make many beautiful gifts, and time is short, the easiest way is to use the idea described below.

tree of cones how to make

  1. Collect the required number of large spruce cones.
  2. Paint them green.
  3. Make an imitation of white snow on the branches.
  4. Each cone is fixed on a solid base.
  5. Smear the gaps between the flakes with glue and sprinkle them with beads, colored cereals, and beads.

So easily and quickly you can get a lot of small decorative Christmas trees!

You saw how easy it is to make a tree out of cones. A master class in the form of tips, supplemented by illustrations, will be your starting point in the creative process. Arm yourself with inspiration, be patient and start creating beauty with your own hands.


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