Pension insurance and funded part: how to increase them

The modern pension system in Russia is designed so that citizens begin to think about a future pension at the beginning of their career. It is at this age that you can already do something to provide for yourself in old age. And for this you need to figure out what your future pension is made up in accordance with the law (what is the basic, insurance part of the pension, and what is the funded part), how can you increase it, or rather what part of it. It is necessary to understand how deductions occur and what can be done with them to increase the amount in a personal retirement account.

The amount of the pension depends not only on the length of service, but also on the level of salary, as well as on voluntary contributions (contributions) plus income from investments (if you let savings into your retirement account).

Pension consists of the base part, the rest due to insurance - compulsory (insurance part) and additional (accumulation, contributions). The insurance part of the pension is due to the deductions of the employing organization in your name to the pension fund (22% of the salary, i.e. about 5 thousand per month). The longer these deductions will be made, the higher your salary, the higher the level of the insurance part of your pension. To achieve such a result, given that the salary consists of a minimum salary, is practically not possible.

But you should have enough pensions not only for food, utility bills, but also for medicines, gifts to relatives and other benefits. Therefore, the insurance part of the pension without a funded pension will not ensure a normal life after completion of work.

Additional employee contributions allow the funded part of the future pension to be formed with state support (contributions double - β€œ1000 to 1000”). Each employee was notified of this possibility in 2010-2011 by his employer. If you still do not know how to participate in the supplementary pension insurance system, contact your local pension fund for advice. Until October of next year (2013), you can apply to the PF of Russia for participation in the pension co-financing program . From the moment you make the down payment for another 10 years, you can remain a member of the program. The main thing is to contribute at least 2 thousand per year to your pension fund so that the amount of the contribution is doubled at the expense of the budget.

In addition, savings (the insurance part of the pension does not count) can be transferred from the pension fund 10 years later to a non-state company for additional profit. Today many organizations offer to manage, store and accumulate your future pension (pension fund, state or not, as well as private companies). Similar programs exist in large employing organizations as part of the social package. Each program β€œguarantees” the protection of deposits from inflation and increased income. Do not take these words on faith, especially since it is about your future. In which case you will not have anyone to count on.

On the other hand, doing nothing is not an option either. Be careful and remember that you can always terminate the contract and return the contributions and income from them (if such an opportunity was provided for by the contract).

The insurance part of a labor pension differs from the funded one in that the first is spent on paying pensions to other retirees (current), only information is left about how much the state will have to pay you when you retire. The cumulative part is not wasted, but accumulated. Therefore, in relation to it, inflation can cause significant harm to your income in old age.

Pension insurance is the best way out of the difficult economic situation in the country. A coup by the state in relation to the pension system was necessary and to some extent rational, since now everyone, if desired, will be able to increase his income after retirement, to secure his old age. Previously, this was not possible (although earlier, and the pension was greater due to the difference between the working population and pensioners).


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