DIY leather panel: photos of interesting ideas, step-by-step instructions for beginners

Old leather items can get a second chance, as the material has a long life and aesthetically pleasing appearance. A particularly original product is a panel made of leather, which can have several functional features at the same time. It’s easy to work with the material if you know the pattern for making the picture.

What skin should be used to create a panel

A leather panel is an original and stylish decoration of any room interior. But there are limitations regarding the material itself - not every old thing can become the basis for a panel.

Old things for the panel

When choosing a skin, it is worth considering several nuances that can affect the quality and result of work:

  • It is advisable to use soft skin. Such material is more plastic in work.
  • Exclude places where there are seams and bindings, rivets and other types of decoration - they can violate the integrity of the canvas.
  • Old skin that is damaged and discolored cannot be included in the work. Such elements can significantly impair the appearance of the picture.
  • Skin of any color and texture can be used in the work. However, soft natural leather is the best option.

We draw inspiration

It is easy to make a leather panel according to the master class, but you can take as a basis only the execution technique and show your imagination. Or find the perfect master class, where the production of exactly the picture that will fit into the design of your interior will be shown.

Flower panel

The first step, which allows you to define a set of materials and tools, is to make a sketch. Creating a sketch will not cause problems if a person knows how to draw at least a little, otherwise it is an insurmountable barrier.

In order not to squeeze out ideas, waiting for inspiration, you can use other sources. A sample for the picture can be found on the pages of any children's book. In the literature there can be thematic and neutral subjects. Especially a lot of ideas in modern books.

The technique of making paintings by world famous artists is another source of inspiration. By imitating the technique of surrealists, cubists and abstractionists, you can create your own masterpiece.

Flowers for panels

The most popular and versatile theme is flowers. Baskets, vases, still lifes, fields with flowers, flowerpots - all this is a plot that fits perfectly into the design of any room.

The method of creating a flower from the skin

Making flowers on leather panels is actually easier than any other element. It is important to choose the type of flower and a suitable template for it, make blanks for the petals. From cardboard you need to cut patterns for the petals. Circle the blanks along the contour on the skin, cut with a clerical knife or scissors.

When all the petals are cut out of leather, they need to be fastened together with a glue gun. The connection of the details of the flower is carried out using tweezers. Decoration depends on the preferences of the wizard.

Necessary tools and additional materials

Before you begin, you need to prepare the necessary tools and materials. Creating a leather panel with your own hands does not require professional tools and machine tools - everything you need can be purchased at a needlework store.

Blanks for leather flowers

In the process, you will need such items and materials as:

  • Cuts of skin.
  • Textiles to be the background. More often they use burlap because of its durability and cheapness.
  • Frame for future panels.
  • Glue gun.
  • Paraffin candle.
  • Scissors, stationery knife, simple pencil, tweezers.
  • Blanks and templates for decorative elements.
  • Strip of film.

If the picture will have additional decorations and elements, then you need to take care of the availability of material for their manufacture. Preparation of the work surface, compliance with safety rules and good lighting are important components of preparation for work.

Leather painting workshop

Making a panel of leather with your own hands in the master class is not difficult. It is important to follow all recommendations and adhere to the algorithm of work. Learn the basic steps:

  1. Draw a sketch of the future picture.
  2. Prepare patterns for each element of the picture, cutting them out of durable cardboard.
  3. If the element can be made voluminous through the connection, then no additional procedures need to be performed. Circle the template, attach to the material and cut with scissors.
  4. If the element needs to be given volume, then a template with a margin is cut out of the cardboard, this margin is then attached to the surface of the base of the painting, which will create the volume. Stick the template on the skin. Cut the element along the contour, leaving an allowance for the skin.
  5. The material for the base is pulled onto a purchased or home-made frame: burlap, satin, mesh.
  6. We fasten the elements to the textile base with a glue gun.
  7. Other details need to be processed with a candle, singeing the edges and also attached to the base.

Other working methods are used if necessary.

Leather paneling techniques

Leather work

When creating an original jewelry, it is important to take into account a lot of nuances, especially those that relate to uniqueness. Photo panels made of leather are so diverse not only due to the use of leather of different types and colors. Diversity can only guarantee the use of different techniques. There are several of the most popular and simple ones:

  • In working with the skin, you can use the origami technique. Create the simplest shapes, but they will look spectacular and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Usually panels are made using the technique of application. Individual elements are combined into a single composition.
  • Mosaic is an unexpected technique for work in the style of panels, but effective and attractive as a result.

Techniques can be combined with each other, combine some elements and technologies. For auxiliary decoration, other types of treatments are used: beadwork, metal work, burning, oil paints.

Additional functionality of the panel

Some craftsmen use leather panels to create other masterpieces, expanding the functionality of the decorative product. If you have a little experience, you can experiment by combining several things.

The panel can become the basis for the watch. The dial is made using the panel technique, and the mechanism is “hidden” behind the picture. The product can be a great base for a room thermometer. You can put a mirror in the prepared plot basis from leather.

The panel can become the back wall for a small shelf, on which statuettes, candlesticks and vases will be placed. A frame for a portrait or photograph made of leather elements is also a great idea.

You can think of other options regarding the original use of panels in interior design.

Additional materials for decoration

A leather panel will appear empty and incomplete if you do not use additional materials in work that harmoniously complement it. The standard options are:

  • Beads, beads.
  • Stones and rhinestones.
  • Satin and nylon ribbons.
  • Harnesses and bindings.
  • Guipure, lace.
  • Diverse Textiles.
  • Seashells and sea stones.
  • Fur, suede, feathers.
  • Polymer clay.
Additional finishing materials

Before you use decor to decorate a picture of leather, you should make sure that you can work with this type of material. Ways of fixing on the main surface should also be considered at the time of choosing a jewelry. Experienced craftsmen use more sophisticated decorating methods, combining seemingly incompatible things and execution techniques.


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