Static electricity

Static electricity is a set of phenomena in which a free electric charge arises, is conserved and weakens . It can occur on insulated conductors, on the surface or in the bulk of dielectrics.

Friction arising from the contact of two substances of various kinds leads to the electrification of dielectrics. This is due to various molecular and atomic forces. We can say that static electricity is produced when their balance is disturbed due to the acquisition or loss of an electron.

Explaining this process is very simple. The state of equilibrium of an atom is achieved in the presence of the same number of protons and electrons. Moving from one atom to another, electrons form positive and negative ions. With their imbalance, static electricity occurs.

Protons and electrons have the same electric charge, but with different polarity. It is measured in pendants and determines the amount of electricity that passes in 1 second. in cross section of a conductor. Static charge is directly proportional to the number of unstable ions, that is, the deficit or excess of electrons.

Static electricity is capable of being generated. This occurs due to the absence of a single electron in a positive ion, as a result of which it can receive a free electron from a negative particle. In turn, a negative ion can be an atom or a molecule with a large number of electrons. In these cases, there is one electron that can neutralize the positive charge.

The main reasons entailing the emergence of static electricity are:

  • distance or contact of two materials;
  • fast temperature changes;
  • UV radiation, radiation, strong electric fields, X-ray X-rays ;
  • cutting operations (sawing machines or paper cutting machines);
  • guidance, that is, the occurrence of an electric field caused by a static charge.

A phenomenon called static electricity is ubiquitous in everyday life. Electrostatic discharge occurs at very high voltages, but at low currents. In this case, there is no danger to humans.

Despite this, protection against static electricity is necessary, as it can be dangerous for many elements of electrical appliances. Transistors, microprocessors, circuits, etc. very often suffer from it. When working with electronic components, it is necessary to take measures and prevent the accumulation of static charge.

Direct danger exists with lightning arising during the formation of thunderclouds. Clouds due to the movement of air currents, which are saturated with water vapor, can form electrical discharges. Also, such discharges often occur between charged clouds and the earth. In this case, protection against static electricity in the form of lightning rods is needed. They are able to discharge directly into the ground. In addition to lightning, a thundercloud creates dangerous electrical potentials on isolated objects from metal due to the process of electrostatic induction.

Light current shocks resulting from various manifestations of static electricity are harmless at first glance, but this is far from the case. This phenomenon can conceal a great danger in itself, since the arising spark can cause a fire. Static electricity and protection against it are two concepts that should be known to everyone, because because of ignorance sometimes serious troubles occur.

In everyday life and in production, it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of such a variety of electricity. To do this, regularly carry out wet cleaning. Flammable liquids are another serious threat. They must be used in well-ventilated areas, which can partially prevent static electricity (and protection against it in this case is almost guaranteed to you). When working with such liquids, use natural clothing, the grounding of rotating mechanisms, and only metal containers for storing liquids that can quickly ignite.


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