What is acrylic and where is it used?

Every day in the construction industry, new improved materials appear that can significantly improve the quality of furniture, plumbing and repair work in general. Today, acrylic is very popular. What is this material? What is its superiority and what are its features?

Let's talk about what acrylic is. This is a polymer thermoplastic material. It is based on acrylic acid. The material is characterized by special strength, amazing lightness, fairly low thermal conductivity and environmental friendliness. In addition, he is not afraid of exposure to excessively high or low temperatures and is resistant to ultraviolet rays. The birthplace of acrylic is Mexico. The material was created in 1950 and immediately gained immense popularity in Europe and the USA, where its mass production began.

What is acrylic? This substance is characterized by absolute purity and transparency. In appearance, it resembles a colorless liquid, which has a pungent odor and dissolves in water, ethanol, diethyl ethers and chloroform. Its chemical formula is CH2 = CH-COOH.

What is acrylic and where is it used?

Due to its wear resistance, this polymer is widely used in the manufacture of bathtubs. Acrylic plumbing products are known for their hygiene (they do not allow microbes to accumulate) and durability. In addition, a bath from this unique polymer is able to maintain its color for a long time and not be deformed. If suddenly a scratch forms on it, you can get rid of it with ordinary sandpaper and car paint. Here are some amazing properties of acrylic.

The material is also used in the production of plexiglas, souvenirs, window dressing and exhibitions, door glazing, stained glass, the manufacture of suspended ceilings, lamps, interior details, advertising signs, etc.

Today, acrylic paints are very popular. These emulsions combine the properties of watercolors and oils. In structure, they resemble oil paints and, like watercolors, are diluted with water. Surprisingly, after drying, they are not exposed to moisture. Acrylic paints have a saturated color that does not fade or fade for a long time. Moreover, they can be applied to absolutely any surface. Paints are not toxic and do not have a pungent odor. They are easily removed from tools after completion of work.

Acrylic varnish is widespread in the construction industry. This homogeneous milky liquid is created from high-quality resins with the addition of ennobling substances. Acrylic varnishes are used both to protect wooden surfaces from various damage, as well as to perform decorative work and decoration. An important feature of these emulsions is their quick drying. They are diluted with water and applied to the surface both in liquid form and in a vaporous state. After drying, the acrylic varnish forms a smooth, slightly shiny transparent surface that is not susceptible to cracking. The emulsion can be washed off only with a special solution. It does not change the color of the substrate, but rather enhances the pattern of the tree. Acrylic varnishes are characterized by a high degree of resistance to UV radiation, the effects of various detergents and moisture. In addition, they are quite affordable.

What is acrylic, know firsthand many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. This material is used in beauty salons for nail extension. Female nails made of acrylic are quite durable, beautiful and natural.

Due to its unique properties, this polymer material has taken a leading place in many areas of human life.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G13658/

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