Sights of Pavlovsk: what is worth seeing?

Every inhabitant of the planet dreams at least once to visit one of the most beautiful cities in the world, which is filled with history, where any corner plays an important role. And on every street you can find the shadows of past years. We are talking about the most beautiful of the cities, rightfully called the royal city, - St. Petersburg.

Magnificent architectural compositions, unusual fountains, picturesque parks, interesting museums - all this can be seen here. During a walk along the old streets, it seems that the royal carriage was passing by recently. The spirit of the great Russian history is in the air.

sights of pavlovsk

Kings Park

Having visited St. Petersburg, you must definitely visit Pavlovsk. This suburb, located near St. Petersburg, was previously the estate of Emperor Paul the First.

All the sights of Pavlovsk surprise their guests with their unusualness and beauty. An outstanding highlight of the city is the park, which bears the same name Pavlovsky. This summer residence of the sovereign is not in vain included in the sights of Pavlovsk.

Tsar's Park is one of the largest in Europe. It is located on six hundred hectares and was created in the early nineteenth century. It is recognized as the best landscape park in the world, as the architectural structures and landscape have found surprisingly accurate proportionality. Green lands are located on a hill in the valley of the Slavyanka River.

Pavlovsk Palace

What else is worth seeing the sights of Pavlovsk? Be sure to visit the Pavlovsk Palace, which is located on the banks of the river. The residence is visible from any corner of the park, the building is made in the Italian manner of a country villa. If you look at the palace from above, you can see that it resembles a horseshoe.

Inside, the interior of the royal chambers is made in different styles, which creates a contrast with the strict facade decoration. It is very interesting to visit the Italian hall, which is decorated with marble sculptures, and the Greek, created in the antique style. The large hall with an area of ​​four hundred square meters also fascinates tourists.

To appreciate the beauty and splendor of the park, you need to spend more than one hour, because everything that is on the territory of the royal residence is the sights of Pavlovsk.

Pavlovsk St. Petersburg sights

Colonnade Apollo

An interesting architectural idea in the park is the Apollo Colonnade, located at the entrance. Initially, it represented closed columns, and in the middle a statue of the Greek god of art - Apollo - was installed. Later, the composition was transferred to the river bank, where a water stream washed the foot of the Colonnade, creating an ancient Greek picture of Mount Parnassus, the home of Apollo. After the landslide, which happened during the reign of the emperor, part of the composition collapsed, but this did not spoil the colonnade, but on the contrary, gave a mythical and mysterious appearance.

Not so long ago, a monument to the famous Austrian composer Johann Strauss appeared on the territory of the park. It was a gift to St. Petersburg from the Austrian chapter for the celebration of the centenary of the city. The monument is a small copy of the sculpture of the composer, which is installed in Vienna.

This is not the whole list of places that Pavlovsk is famous for. St. Petersburg, whose sights are world famous, is annually visited by crowds of tourists. People who came to Pavlovsk can extend their excursion to the city of Pushkin, which is located very close by.

Pavlovsk Leningrad region attractions


The sights of Pushkin and Pavlovsk at first glance may seem the same, as they are connected with the royal palaces and classical architecture. But this is not so, in every city you will find something to be surprised at, what to see and what to be struck by. Arriving in Pushkin, you must visit the most beautiful of the parks - Alexandrovsky.

With its grandeur and magnificence you will be amazed by the Alexander Palace - this is a masterpiece of architectural creation. Amazed at the power and beauty of the building, looking out the windows, with your inner ear you will hear music, it will seem that you see ladies dancing at the ball, gentlemen discussing the last hunt. Glancing around, in a slight daze, you await the appearance of the emperor himself.

Pavlovsk (Leningrad Oblast), whose sights are known all over the world, is always glad to guests. All the most interesting and noteworthy objects, one way or another, are concentrated near the imperial palace.

Pavlovsk Attractions Photos

Gateway to the city

The railway station, the gateway to the city, is the first to meet tourists. The building was built in the fifties and is made in the style of β€œStalin's Empire”, but this did not prevent the building from organically integrating into the architectural ensemble of the imperial city.

Leaving the station and being on Sadovaya Street, guests of the city stumble upon Stein's cottage. This is a beautiful building, made in the Art Nouveau style, bright purple. Now there is a private music school in the mansion, a lime grove spreads around the cottage, which during flowering brings a pleasant and unique fragrance.

Further the street is decorated with Cast-iron gates or, as they are also called, Nikolaev. The gates are located on the road leading from Pavlovsk to Tsarskoye Selo.

Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

The Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, created in honor of Emperor Paul the First, will surprise guests with its beauty. When looking at the cathedral, thoughts arise about his beautiful outfit, about the festive decoration. Inside the church, peace and quiet, every parishioner feels grace and peace - it seems that Nikolai the Wonderworker himself is nearby and listens to the prayers of the laity.

sights of Pushkin and Pavlovsk

The royal suburb surprises with its beauty at any time of the year, but the most amazing sight falls on the autumn season, when nature itself adorns the trees. Natural decor extraordinarily complements the most beautiful historical sites.

If you are going to Pavlovsk, the sights, photos of which you must have, will forever remain in your memory.


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