Which tablet is better? Reviews Tablet for children: which is better

In 2007, the first mobile computers appeared - the iPhone, manufactured by Apple. Three years later, the main manufacturing companies (Samsung and Apple) almost simultaneously showed the world the first samples of tablets equipped with their own operating systems. Since that time, mini-computers began to gradually come into use, everywhere in demand and popularity.

tablet which is better reviews

Currently, the tablet has become one of the most sought after purchases in electronics stores. Before consumers appears a huge assortment of mini-computers of various sizes and brands. In order to decide on such an expensive purchase, you need to know what to expect from this device.

A modern tablet has outgrown a gaming gadget, intended only for entertainment. The latest mini-computers are able to perform many functions, they are not much different from their large stationary counterparts. And yet, how to choose a tablet? Which is better? Customer reviews regarding this issue are completely different.

The main advantages of such a mini-computer are its compactness and multifunctionality. You can take it with you and successfully use all the usual applications: from computer games to complex professional programs.

Which tablet is better? Reviews

Before answering the question of which tablet is better, you need to get acquainted with the main manufacturing companies involved in the manufacture of modern handheld computers.

Since the advent of the first Apad from the famous Apple company, competitors have been vigilantly striving to introduce new, more advanced and equipped tablet models to the consumer market.

tablet for children which is better

The main competing brands now are Apple and Samsung. Which tablet is better to buy a company? These companies regularly delight consumers with new technologies and fresh ideas in the field of computer achievements. Today it is no longer possible to understand which of the two companies was the first to invent innovative technological solutions. Firms regularly adopt scientific ideas from each other, hastily seeking to implement them in their models.

Overview of the most popular tablets

What are the most popular tablet models currently known? Some of them should be considered and comparative characteristics given.

  1. Samsung Galaxy Tablet. There are several different types of Galaxy. These are Tab models 3, 4, etc., having similar characteristics.
    samsung tablet which is better
  2. Lenovo tablet from the company of the same name. The main advantage of this model is a universal handle-stand, convenient to use.
  3. The Explay tablet is the most affordable but noteworthy option.

All of the above models are equipped with the modern and convenient Android operating system, a powerful processor, and voluminous RAM. These wonderful tablets will certainly please their users.

Characteristics of a modern tablet

The tablet has numerous advantages over similar models, these are:

  • compactness, but not miniature;
  • the possibility of tactile control;
  • access to the World Wide Web;
  • multifunctionality.

What rules should be followed when buying a tablet? Here it is necessary to analyze the properties and characteristics of all components of the system software:

  1. Operating system.
  2. Random access memory.
  3. Built-in slots for USB and flash cards.
  4. Rechargeable battery.
  5. CPU
  6. Video Cards
  7. Touch control.

Now we should analyze in more detail each component of the computer system that is responsible for the quality of the tablet.

explay tablet

operating system

When choosing a tablet, you need to know the three main operating systems on which most modern mini-computers work — Android, iOS, and Windows.

The most common and popular OS is Android. It is convenient with a large number of necessary application programs (in other words, applications) that can be purchased by downloading through the Android Market from Google. The flexibility of this system is maximally adapted for users.

No less popular around the world is iOS. It is equipped with many suitable applications. The main disadvantage of this system is that programs can be downloaded only with the condition of regular payment.

Next, consider the Windows operating system. Its strong point is the ability to simultaneously execute several programs, support for many devices, etc. But the big drawback of the OS is the large consumption of energy resources. Such a system requires a powerful processor, battery, as well as a large supply of RAM.

There are many other, not so common and popular OSs, but an overview of all these operating systems is the topic of a separate article.

RAM and graphics card

The larger the amount of RAM in your tablet, the more quickly and efficiently it will work. Moreover, the cost of such a device will be much higher.

tablet lenovo

If the tablet is purchased for frequent games or for working with a graphics editor, you should choose a powerful graphics card (its disadvantage is its high cost). For an average user, a medium-quality video card is preferable (this option will be much cheaper).

If the amount of tablet’s own memory is sufficient, it will be possible to store a large amount of information on it. Do not forget that you can compensate for the lack of native memory with external drives (more simply, a flash drive).

Be sure to pay attention to the presence of USB connectors and inputs for a flash card. The type of memory card will depend on what kind of slot it will be.

Battery Features

When buying a tablet, you need to evaluate the battery capacity. This is an important point, since the computer’s operating time depends on it.


Each tablet company optimizes its processors on its own. Therefore, you should pay attention to the main selection criteria: frequency, number of cores and tire size. A more detailed review of these categories is the topic of a separate article, here you should decide on the main characteristics.

The best gaming processors for 2014: Tegra for 3-4 cores, a 1.5 GHz processor; Qualcomm - 4 cores, 1.5 GHz processor; ARM Cortex A9 - 2 cores at 1.2 GHz and Apple A6X - 2 cores at 1.5 GHz.

If you ask yourself: “Which tablet is better?”, Reviews from almost all users will be in favor of a tablet with the latest and most powerful processor.

The software is improving every year, the speed of computers is increasing. More advanced and new processor models are constantly appearing on the high-tech market, leaving their predecessors far behind. Therefore, when choosing a tablet, you need to focus on the processor model.

galaxy tablet

Type of matrix and tablet screen sensor

In the production of tablets, two screen technologies are used - IPS and TN. The first is more modern, improved, but expensive. The second has some drawbacks (lower viewing angle and brightness), but is more accessible to the average buyer due to its cost.

Also, do not underestimate the screen resolution. The modern HD format is a guarantee of high-quality video viewing on a tablet computer.

Additional features of modern tablets

  • Wi-fi With this wireless system there is the possibility of free access to the Internet by connecting to a home or public network.
  • Bluetooth Modern handheld computers are equipped with Bluetooth 3.0 modules that can transfer files quickly.
  • 3G This option allows you to universally use the World Wide Web, making video calls anywhere and anytime.
  • Convenient and useful functions are also common: multimedia, webcam, support for mobile communications.

Which tablet to buy for a child

Currently, there are special children's tablets. Bright, shockproof - they will become the best friend for the baby. But you should think about whether it is worth early to introduce the child to high technology?

which is better tablet for games

Many parents, deciding to buy a computer friend for their child, ask a legitimate question: Which tablet is better for children ?” Against the backdrop of modern multifunctional mini-computers, it is easy to get lost in the choice.

Most often, children are even careless about expensive toys, so you can choose an inexpensive, but functional model.

What are the main characteristics a children's tablet should have?

  1. Maximum protection against drops, scratches and other mechanical damage.
  2. Cost. Inexpensive, but functional model is perfect for your baby.
  3. Support WIFI.
  4. Video support.
  5. Audio specifications.
  6. Size, convenient to use.
  7. The clarity of the picture, which depends on the screen resolution.
  8. An important quality of a children's computer is its modernity.

The new models are equipped with many features that will be useful to the child in the future. If a child can nevertheless be able to carefully and carefully use an expensive tablet PC, then it is better to purchase such a purchase with potential opportunities. As they grow older, the baby will not outgrow his favorite toy and will be able to use the tablet both at school and on vacation.

Also, when buying a children's mini-computer, you should decide on the question: "What is the best tablet for games?"

Game models of tablets should have the following characteristics:

  • productive processor;
  • RAM reserve;
  • special high-speed video chip for the game.


How to buy a tablet, which is better? User reviews about the choice of modern devices are quite diverse. It all depends on what characteristics consumers expect from their PDA. Some are satisfied with a fairly simple model, with a limited number of technical capabilities. Others need a modern tablet capable of supporting a wide variety of functions.

To be able to make the right choice, you must independently determine the maximum list of options required for a particular user. An important role in this situation is played by affordability.

After weighing all the pros and cons, you can choose and purchase a decent, modern and convenient tablet model. Have a good shopping!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G13661/

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