Mosque on Novokuznetskaya - historical religious center of Muslims in Moscow

Russia, like America, is a multinational country. In particular, visitors are attracted to large cities where there are prospects. Moscow is no exception. They came here at all times, the first were the Greeks, then the Tatars or, more precisely, as they used to be called, Basurmans appeared. Then there were Italians who helped rebuild the city, the Venetians, Germans and Latvians. Today Moscow is being โ€œmasteredโ€ by immigrants from the North Caucasus, Ukrainians and Belarusians, Tatars and Jews come. Naturally, every nation brings a piece of its culture.

Holy places of other cultures

Mosques in Moscow have been operating since ancient times. After all, Russia has long been part of the Golden Horde. And the official religion of Basurman is Islam. In principle, this is the main reason why mosques are visible on many engravings next to Orthodox churches.

Today in the capital there are 4 large mosques:

Moscow historical

It is also called the mosque on Novokuznetskaya address location: Bolshaya Tatarskaya street, 28, building 1 and 2

The complex of mosques Inam and Yardyam (Otradnoe)

Khachaturian street, 8


Minskaya street, 2B

Moscow Cathedral

Vypolzov Lane, 7

mosque on novokuznetsk

Tatar settlement

This area of โ€‹โ€‹the capital is mentioned in the chronicles of the XIV century. Today this is the name of the Zamoskvorechye district, Pyatnitskaya and Bolshaya Tatarskaya streets. At that time it was the only foreign settlement. It was settled by the Golden Horde immigrants and visitors from the Volga Tatar settlements. Today, indigenous Moscow live here, and the Tatars are completely mixed with the Slavic peoples.

mosque at Novokuznetsk address

First Tatar Parish

The first mention of the mosque on Novokuznetskaya is in documentary descriptions from 1712. Later, the temple is mentioned in the Census of 1744. In the 70s of the same century, a plague epidemic began in the city. As a result, almost all parishioners of the mosque die, the owner of the house where the temple was located also dies. In the future, the ancestors of Sulmamit-Murza Simeney sell the land together with the house, which at that time was already dilapidated, it is demolished.

mosque on Novokuznetsk how to get

The construction of a new mosque

There is no Tatar temple in Zamoskvorechye, therefore, parishioners gather for prayers in the houses of merchants. Muslims repeatedly turn to the authorities for permission to build a mosque on Novokuznetskaya. And only after two decades, in 1823, the community receives permission and the construction of a stone building begins. At that time, construction began on land that belonged to the merchant Khoshalov Nazarbay, who, in fact, bought it for these purposes. Initially, the building was not much like a Muslim temple and practically did not differ from other neighboring buildings, since this was a condition when obtaining permission.

In 1858, the building was renovated (in a house of worship). And already in 1882, reconstruction was carried out, the area of โ€‹โ€‹the building was increasing, minarets were being built. At that time, the building could already accommodate 1.5 thousand parishioners.

In 1915, a madrasah appeared near the mosque on Novokuznetskaya, which today serves as an administrative building.

In 1937, the church was closed and transferred to the needs of DOSAAF, in 1967, even minarets were demolished.

In Soviet times, the Muslims of Moscow demand that they return the historic building, for a long time they have not succeeded. But in 1990, the city authorities decide to transfer the building to the community, but the administration of the printing shop, which is located in the building, does not give it away. As a result, Muslims manage to return the mosque to Novokuznetskaya only in 1991. The following year, the embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will allocate funds for reconstruction, and after another 1 year the doors of the mosque open for parishioners.

mosques in Moscow

Present time

Today, religious activity is carried out under the guidance of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation. The main functions of the activity include:

  • conducting the ritual of prayer;
  • sermons on Fridays;
  • Learning Arabic
  • learning the basics of Islam;
  • funeral service;
  • carrying out the rite of the name;
  • marriage (with the exception of couples where the man is Muslim and the woman is not);
  • religious advisory activities;
  • charity.

How to get to the mosque on Novokuznetsk? A mosque is located 420 meters from the metro station of the same name. Also nearby is the Tretyakovskaya station - 470 meters.

Despite the limited number of mosques in Moscow, they play an important role in the culture of Muslims. This is not only a temple for prayers, but also a place where believers can communicate and get closer, learn and unite.


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