Alternative history. What would happen if Hitler won the war?

What would happen if Hitler won? This terrible question is often asked by historians, wanting to understand why the Soviet Union saved the whole world from defeating the Third Reich together with the Allies in 1945. The answers to this question are truly scary.

German plans

From 1939 to 1942, several plans were developed that included the surrender of the USSR in the war against Germany. First, the so-called "Barbarossa" plan appeared, then the concept of Alfred Rosenberg was made public. Hitler's appetites grew in 1942, so German tasks were increased. If Hitler had won, the Ost plan called for mass displacement and extermination, as well as the Germanization of entire groups of peoples. According to the ideologists of fascism, the peoples of the Baltic were most suitable for Germanization. More specifically, Latvians. Other nations were considered closer to Slavic genetics.

what would happen if Hitler won

What would the world be like if Hitler won: map of the USSR

So, suppose Hitler's victory over the USSR. Rosenberg's concept provided for the division of the USSR into 5 parts:

  1. Ostland This governorship was to be based in the Baltic states and Belarus.
  2. Reich Commissariat Ukraine. In fact, such an administrative-territorial unit existed, but far from within the boundaries that Rosenberg assumed. The capital of this entity was located in Rivne, and it included the Right-Bank and part of the Left-Bank of Ukraine. What would happen if Hitler won? On the territory of Ukraine, Crimea, Krasnodar Territory and the Volga region, it was supposed to create a state controlled by Germans, Ukraine.
  3. Muscovy. It was about the territory of the European part of Russia to the Ural Mountains.
  4. Governance of the Caucasus. This administrative formation would include the Transcaucasian republics of the USSR, as well as the lands of the North Caucasus.
  5. Turkestan. It was planned to include the regions of Russia that are beyond the Urals into this governorship.

We see a plan in which Ukraine became the pillar of the fascist regime after the separation of the USSR, which formally would receive the status of an independent state.

Understanding what would have happened if Hitler had won, we must once again give enormous praise to the Red Army and to all the Soviet people, who actually saved themselves and Europe from the incredible plague, from perdition.

what would happen if Hitler won

Map of Europe in case of defeat of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War

So, what would happen if Hitler won, with the borders of European states? In this regard, historians see a very depressing picture. Hitler's allies (Italy, Romania, Hungary) would most likely maintain formal independence. Perhaps the territories of these countries could increase due to the accession of nearby lands. The plans of the Fuhrer was to form a huge empire, which was constantly to increase due to the accession of new lands. What countries could be part of Germany if Hitler defeated the USSR? First of all, Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland. We have already spoken about plans for the separation of the USSR above. In addition, we do not forget that before the attack on the USSR fascist troops managed to annex the countries of Benelux, Scandinavia (except Finland, which was also Hitler's ally) and part of France. A neighbor of Germany, Austria, was annexed by Hitler before the start of World War II, so there is no need to even talk about the fate of this country in a hypothetical plan.

world if Hitler defeated

The administrative-territorial structure of Germany would have looked like this. As a unitary state, Germany would be divided into governorates. These territories were to be governed by people who were directly appointed by Hitler. It is difficult to judge the size of governorates. It is safe to say that the old borders of states would be redrawn. For the policy of the Reich, it was important to mix peoples so that there was no organized opposition to the enemy in a certain area.

History of the Ost Plan

Since the Barabarossa plan provided for the victory of the Nazis over the USSR before the winter of 1941/1942, German generals and scientists already in mid-1941 began to think about the fate of the peoples of the conquered territories in the East. Until the end of the summer of 1941, the plan was already developed by the General Directorate of Imperial Security. He was officially introduced on May 28, 1942. By the way, this document was top secret. Representatives of the USSR and allies did not even succeed in attaching the original of this plan to documents that appeared as evidence of the Nazis' guilt at the Nuremberg trials.

if Hitler defeated the USSR

The original document was found in the German archives recently, in 2009. Prior to this, politicians and historians, of course, knew about the existence of this plan, but no one could find it.

Resettlement of people: who could be resettled?

What would happen if Hitler won, in terms of maximizing the area of ​​the German nation (Aryan race)? To do this, it was necessary to resettle or physically destroy the peoples in the conquered eastern lands. What would happen if Hitler won with the peoples of Poland and the USSR? The resettlement or gradual destruction were subject to Jews, Poles, Belarusians, Russians, representatives of various national minorities. The scale of the resettlement was truly enormous.

another victory if Hitler defeated

Colonization of the lands of West Prussia

Note that Hitler hatched plans for colonization before the attack on the USSR. In 1940, a plan was developed for the agricultural colonization of West Prussia and Warteland. As of 1939, these lands were part of Poland. At the time of the occupation, the population of the territory was 4 million people. Of these, 3.4 million are the main nation (Poles). 560 thousand Jews also lived here. The document did not clearly state what would have happened if Hitler had won, with representatives of these peoples. Their fate was suggested by the usual logic of the Germans' behavior - slavery for a while, and then physical destruction. In the case of resettlement planning, the Germans necessarily indicated the place of the new deployment of this group of people.

What did Hitler still plan to do? More than 4 million Germans were supposed to move here. The main focus of the settlement was to relate to the countryside (3 million people). It was planned to occupy people in agriculture - to create 100,000 households by type of farm with an area of ​​29 hectares each.

if Hitler defeated the plan ost

Colonization of the USSR

What would happen if Hitler won the Second World War, on the territory of the USSR? In a nutshell - the huge migration and genocide of the base nation. In 1942, two colonization options were developed. The first was published in May 1942. What ideas were expressed in this document? Colonization was supposed to cover an area of ​​364,231 square meters. kilometer. According to census archival data, about 25 million people lived on these lands. The creation of 36 strong points was envisaged (according to the type of administrative district centers). In addition, the project said that 3 administrative districts with centers in Leningrad, in the regions of Kherson and Bialystok would be created. The type of colonization coincided with the plan for the colonization of West Prussia - they were planning to develop agriculture on these lands. The difference is that it was supposed to create larger farms, the area of ​​which could range from 40 to 100 hectares. But that is not all! It was planned to create large agricultural enterprises with areas of at least 250 hectares of beautiful fertile soil.

The second plan, published in September 1942, also referred to the creation of agricultural settlements. The planned settlement area was approximately 330,000 square meters. kilometers. 360 100 farms were created under this project.

what would happen if Hitler won

The size of the migration of people according to the documents of the plan "Ost"

As we understand it, there would have been a completely different victory if Hitler had won. The size of the resettlement, which he wanted to carry out together with his party members, is said differently in different sources. The fact is that in the territories selected for agricultural colonization, about 60 million people actually lived. In theory, most of them were supposed to be exported to Western Siberia. But there is another opinion, according to which the Germans wanted to remove about 31 million inhabitants from their homes for years. Up to 20 million "Aryans" wanted to move to the "liberated" territories from Germany itself.


We hope that everyone perfectly understands what would have happened if Hitler had won the war. I really want the mistakes of the past never to be repeated in the world.


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